Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive: The European Commission issued the Price Indication Directive as DIRECTIVE 98/6/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on 16 February 1998 on consumer protection in the indication of prices of items offered to consumers.
The primary goal of this directive is to protect the rights of European Economic Area (EEA) consumers by providing them with accurate and transparent information. It is required to indicate the selling prices as well as the unit pricing of the product.
Following that, the council issued another directive, DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/2161 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on November 27, 2019. It focuses on the various penalties and adds more amendments to Article 6A.
Check an overview of the plugin functionality –
What does Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive do?
Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive Extension ensures that sellers display the lowest offered price for a specific product within the previous 30 days or more.
Any previously reduced price announced as a promotion during the 30-day or more period is included in the lowest price. Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive works through the Cron.
EU Price Indication Directive protects you from fake price reductions, Inflating the reference price before providing a discount and the Customers are being misled about the amount of a discount.
- Admin can able to enable/disable the EU Price Module
- Admin can able to change the maximum duration.
- Admin can change the text of the tooltip for the front end.
- Admin can view the price list according to the group.
- Customers will see the minimum price for the respective duration set by the admin.
- The quantity displayed to a specific group of customers in the Customer group price section will be one.
- GraphQL has been implemented for the extension.
Note: The module does not work for cart price rules. Currently, it is working only with the special price and catalog price rules.
Install Extension from Webkul Store
The installation is quite simple just like the standard Magento 2 extensions.
#1 Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#2 Upload Folder
Once the module zip is extracted, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Adobe Commerce Cloud root directory on the server as shown below:

#3 Run Commands
After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento queue:consumers:start synchronous.min.price &
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
How To Use – Rest API
api resource : rest/V1/euprice/:customerGroupId/:productId

method: GET response: [ { "status": int, "message": string, "data":{ "formatted_price": string, "non_formatted_price":float } } ]
get the Previously lowest Price of the product.
Graphql Implementation
Graphql is a traditional way to expose data in a more declarative format, it is essentially a query language for the API, with a single API endpoint serving all of your data request needs; however, you must pre-explain all of the data that the server can present in a GraphQL schema.
Furthermore, Graphql allows the client to simplify what data structure they want from the server and aids in the resolution of data over-fetching or under-fetching.
Graphql was introduced in Magento 2.3.0 and has a hierarchical, introspective nature that provides error explanations before executing a query.
How to Use – Graphql
To add Graphql implementation in Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive For Magento 2 have to follow the below steps.
Step 1 – A client may get your GraphQL query response by installing the Chrome extension ChromeiQL.
Note – In order to get more information about GraphQl implementation in Magento2 refer to this link or you may read the previous blog on How to use GraphQL in php.
Step 2 – To manage all predefined or custom GraphQL queries in Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive API For Magento 2 you have to set an endpoint.
API Resource: magentohost*1/graphql
Step 3 -Once you have set the endpoint you will get all Preset API lists under docs->> document explorer->>query section (from the right side of the ChromeiQL extension)
Step 4 – To access the specific data you need to type queries on the left side of the screen.
After entering the query you have to hit the “play” button then you will see it returns an accurate query of the Magento 2 EU price indication directive landing page, you could look at the given screenshot for further reference.

Now you will get back exactly structured API data and descriptive error message which you wish to display, nothing more and nothing less in form of type and field.
api resource : graphql query { euprice( productId: int customerGroupId: int ) { formatted_price: string, non_formatted_price: float } } response: json
Admin Configuration
The admin will navigate to Stores> Configuration> EU Price Indication Directive Settings to make some general configurations.
Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive Settings
Enable EU Price Indication Directive– To enable or disable the module status.
The maximum duration to Apply- Admin can add the maximum duration for the product.
Text For What’s this- Admin can add the text in this section that he wants to display over the product.
Customer Groups: Select the particular customer groups to apply the EU price indication directive.

Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive Scheduled Setting
Frequency: Admin can able to set the frequency of the cron to daily, weekly or yearly.
Start Time: The admin can set the start time for the EU Price directive scheduled.
Product Creation for Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive
Go to Catalog > Products and select Simple Product from the Add Product dropdown menu as mentioned below.
Note:- Only Simple, Configurable, Downloadable, and Virtual products are accepted by this module.

- Enable or disable a simple product.
- Select the Attribute Set that you want for this product.
- Configure the Product Name and SKU.
- Determine the product’s price.

After adding new product information check advanced pricing to set the special price for the particular product as mentioned below.
How to Create Configurable Products?
Go to Catalog > Products and select Configurable Product from the Add Product dropdown menu mentioned below page will appear.

Enter the details of the products like Product Name, SKU, Price, Quantity, Categories, etc as mentioned in the snapshots. Click on Create Configurations.

Here select the attributes which the admin wants to add, In case want to create a new click on Create new attribute and enter the details of the attributes.

After this click on Next, choose the value of the attributes according to the product added, click on Next as mentioned in the snapshots below:

Check the summary of the products which are about to be created and then generate the products.

Once clicking on generate product, list of the product will be added in the variations of the product, click on save the product will be saved in the list.

Configurable product will appear on the storefront as mentioned in the below snapshot:

Advanced Pricing for Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive
The Advanced Pricing settings define the conditions required for special pricing for a specific customer group or shared catalog.
Note:- When you first time added the products, the previous price did not appear on the product page.

- Set a special price that customers will see during sales or under other circumstances.
- Admin can select the From and To Date Special Price.
- Set the Cost for the product.
- The quantity displayed to a specific group of customers in the Customer group price section will be one.
- Set the advertised minimum price.
After successfully setting up the customer group pricing just go to the store front-end and view the previous price as mentioned below.
Showcase Previous Price Using Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive
The price of the cart product is $120 when not logged in as mentioned below. As shown below, you can see the previous lowest and the regular price for the product in the last 30 days or more.

Furthermore, When the product got its previously pricing the EU Price Indication Directive Table will be generated as mentioned below.

Hence, This is how the Magento 2 EU Price Indication Directive works for the CE edition.
Enterprise European Price Indication Directive
Admin Configuration
For the Enterprise European Price Indication Directive the admin will navigate to Stores> Configuration> EU Price Indication Directive Settings to make some general configurations.

Now, generate a particular product by just navigating through catalog> product > Add a new product as shown below.

Moroever, add some of the general configurations to create a new product such as.
- Disable or enable a product.
- Choose the desired Attribute Set for this product.
- Set the Product Name and SKU.
- Determine the cost of the product.

Schedule New Update
With Enterprise European Price Indication Directive the admin can set and schedules a separate update for each local time zone and specifies the Start and End Dates for the products.
The admin can specify the duration in days for which the minimum price should be displayed. In this case, we have two scenarios to set a new schedule Update for the products.
Save as a New Update

Update Name: Add a name for the update.
Description: Add the description for the update.
Start date: Select the start date for the update
End Date: Select the end date for the update
Assign To Existing Update
In this case, you can assign a particular product to the existing update as mentioned below.

Enable Product: Enable the product from this section.
Attribute Set: Select and add the attribute set from the dropdown list.
Product Name: Add the name of the product.
Price: Add the pricing for the particular product.
After scheduling an update for the product set its advanced pricing to set the special price for the particular product as mentioned below.
Advanced Pricing for the Enterprise EU Price Indication Directive
The Advanced Pricing settings specify the conditions that must be met before special pricing is made available to a particular customer group or shared catalog.

- Set a special price for customers to see during sales or other events.
- Set the cost for the product.
- You specify the quantity and price of the product that will be displayed to a specific group of customers in the Catalog tier Price section.
After adding the pricing successfully, you can check the specific product at the front end, as shown below.
Front-End Workflow for Enterprise Edition

B2B European Price Indication Directive
To use B2B Price Indication Directive the admin will navigate through Catalog > Shared catalog as shown below.

Further, click on the Add shared catalog button and add the New shared catalog details as shown below.
Add Shared Catalog

Here, the admin can make the following configuration for the new shared catalog.
Name: Add a name for the catalog.
Type: Select the type for the catalog.
Customer Tax Class: Select the customer tax class from the dropdown.
Description: Add the description for the shared catalog information.

Moroever, the store admin will click on the particular catalog to set its pricing and structure.

To configure the pricing and the structure the store admin needs to go through the following configuration.
Step 1: Select a product for the Catalog
First, the admin must choose a product for the catalog. The admin proceeds to the pricing section after selecting the specific product as mentioned below.

Step 2: Set the Custom Price
Moroever, After selecting a product, the admin must set a custom price for that product as mentioned below Screenshot.

After setting up the custom price we generate a particular catalog for the B2B European Price Indication Directive.
Front-End Workflow-Magento 2 European Price Indication Directive

That is all about the Magento 2 European Price Indication Directive. If you have any queries regarding the plugin, please contact us at Webkul Support System.
You can also check our complete Magento 2 extensions.
Current Product Version - 5.0.5
Supported Framework Version - 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x