Magento Product Image zoom is useful for showing the product images in zoom view.
Magento Supported Version: Magento version 1.6.x.x, Magento version 1.7.x.x, Magento version 1.8.x.x, Magento version 1.9.x.x
It’s pretty easy you just need to move all folder (app, js) into Magento root that’s it.
After moving both the folder flush the cache from Magento admin module. Under system > cache management.
After setting go front end the product page looks like.
That’s all for the Magento ImageZoom. Still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version - 1.0.0
Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x
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