Magento Pinterest product share is an awesome module of magento by which on hover of the product or category on product, anyone can share the image of the product in pinterest with image, url and description.
Installation of the module is super easy you need to move the app and skin folder into magento root directory.
After moving both the folder flush the cache from magento admin module. Under system > cache management.
After those primary step you just need to configure the module.
How to use Guide for Magento Pinterest Product Share
Its pretty easy to use after the installation of the module you will see pinterest icon on your product and category page when you will hover on it. Please have a look at the screenshots attached here with.
For any query please add a ticket at
Current Product Version - 1.0
Supported Framework Version - 1.6.x.x , 1.7.x.x , 1.8.x.x , 1.9.x.x
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