By carefully observing the need of customers, we have introduced some maintenance modules for the customers using our Magento-OpenERP Bridge(MOB).
Our first maintenance module for openerp bridges of category “Magento-OpenERP Stock Comparison”. Using this module along with our base Magento-OpenERP Bridge, allow us to keep track of product`s stock between Magento and OpenERP at real time and by one single click. It also help us to filter those products having some stock-mismatch.
Magento-OpenERP Stock Comparison module depends upon our Magento-OpenERP Bridge (MOB) Base module. You need to install it before you can use this maintenance module.
- Real time stock comparison between OpenERP and Magento, in one single click.
- Default Filter , or highlight those products having stock-mismatch.
This module need to install only at Openerp side, you just need to copy “MOB_Stock_Compare” directory to your OpenERP addons and install it on your Openerp only.
After installing this module, you will see a new menu named as ‘Compare Stock‘ under ‘Magento OpenERP Bridge’. On clicking this menu,
1. Current stock of all mapped products will be fetched in real time.
2. Default filter “Stock Mis-match” will show you all products having mis-matched stock between Openerp and Magento with red color highlighter.
Rule for product mis-match stock = ( product`s stock on hand at Openerp + product`s outgoing stock ) != product`s stock at Magento, else product`s stock will be correct.
Please have a look on the following screenshot –
3. You can view all product`s stock between openerp and magento also by removing this default filter, as –
For any kind of technical assistance, just raise a ticket at : and for any doubt contact us at [email protected]
Current Product Version - 1.0.0
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