Magento Marketplace – Magento Marketplace Module will convert your magento store in to Marketplace with separate .seller product collection and separate seller with feedback support and rating .
Please find the naming convention of the module
seller = partner
buyer = customer = users
Does this module support separate seller profile ?
Yes it does .
Does this module allow seller to list their product ?
Yes it does .
Module source code is open ? and can be customized further ?
Yes the module’s code is totally open this means user can customized the module as per his need .
License ,terms and condition for the module ?
You can use this module in multiple domain but you can not sell it directly or modified version of it . If you found in such activities then there will be direct copyright violation .
Can admin assign partner ?
Yes he can assign customer to partner from magento admin , under customer partner-> total customer -> under action Drop Down .
This module work in multisite ?
Yes it does .
Is there any commission or product per sale fee option available ?
yes it is there under system -> configuration -> customer partner tab .
How the commission will work ?
commission can be set under system > configuration lets say if you have added 20% commission for per product sale then on the order of 100$ commission grid will display 80% for seller and 20% for admin . when you will click on pay link it will display the amount or you can say clear the amount till date or have been paid till date . It will not transfer any payment to seller “THIS WILL BE FOR DISPLAY ONLY ”
How the Payment method will work ?
Admin or site owner will get all the money and he’ll do money transfer to seller by their payment method listed .
How can seller confirm their orders ?
We have created an addon module for seller order confirmation which will work with magento marketplace module only please have a look here
Is there any way by which seller can contact to admin ?
Yes there is a button under my dashboard where seller can ask admin for any query
Marketplace can be stablished in a separate domain ? e.g (
no that feature does not exist in the module right now
How seller can request for payment to site admin ?
Seller can update their payment information in magento customer partner – profile tab and under dashboard he can notify admin , for payment release .
How can we split the payment in admin and seller ?
we have created another module by which payment will spilt in to admin and seller , for this purpose we are using paypal adaptive method .
How the seller or partner will monitor the sales ?
Seller or partner will get an email on every product sale . and he can monitor the money in seller’s dashboard .
How seller can add custom attribute ?
we have created an addon module for adding attributes from seller front end please have a look
How seller can add custom option ?
we have created an addon module for adding custom options from seller front end.please have a look
What is the product approval process ?
when seller will upload a new product , product will be in pending state . After the admin approval , product will go live in to the store .
What about the product attribute addition ?
By default there is no product attribute addition feature in the module , but if you know php and magento programming it can be done very easily . You can also contact us for a price quote .
Seller can add facebook and twitter urls ?
Yes he/she can under account information he/she can add twitter or facebook link for his/her shop
What about seller theme customization ?
Seller can add background color in his product collection also seller can add banner ,logo and custome html in seller’s profile .
How customer can contact to seller ?
In every seller product , customer will see a block where he can see all the information about the seller , at that block he can ask question directly to seller .
what about seller feedback , review and rating ?
Under seller profile customer can see the feedback meter , also he can add the feedback .
What about Seller feedback moderation ?
Admin can delete or approve feedback so no spam at all .
What about the order history ?
There is a new tab under my dashboard where seller can see his order history
About the commision system. How does this work exactly?
Right now all the payment goes to admin account first , and admin can assign commision to the seller.If seller request , admin can send the the payment .Admin can assign diffrent commision % for seller , like A seller have 5% and B seller have 10% and C have 20%.
How does the split payment will work ? Marketplace module have several addons , magento marketplace paypal adaptive module will help with split payment
When someone decides to sign up to become a vendor, we need to understand if the Admin is involved in the sign up process or not. Or is there a switch to turn an admin step on/off ?
There are option from admin either he want to moderate the seller or automatic approval
When a Vendor uploads details of a new item for sale. Is it published immediately, or is Admin involved, or is there a switch?
There are option from admin either he want to moderate the product or automatic approval .
You have a Paypal addptive payment extension, I presume that buyeres can still use credit cards at the payment stage if they don’t have a PayPal Account?
yes paypal offer that , you can use cc to pay from paypal
For any query or suggestion please contact us or add a ticker at
It seems you are facing issues. Kindly email us at [email protected] with all the issues you’re facing so we can assist you out faster and better.
Team Webkul