In this blog, we will learn new standards of links creation on tpl files in Prestashop 1.7 .
In Prestashop 1.6 we used {$link} variable on tpl files and we created links on tpl files by calling different link creation methods from $link object.
But in Prestashop 1.7, a new standard has been set to create links on tpl files. Now we will use {url} for different kind of links creation on tpl files in Prestashop 1.7.
Let’s understand it with some examples to know how to replace {$link} of Prestashop 1.6 with {url} in Prestashop 1.7 –
Prestashop 1.6 : {$link->getModuleLink()} Prestashop 1.7 : {url entity='module' name='myModule' controller='myController' params = ['paramKey1' => $paramValue1, 'paramKey2' => $paramValue2]} Example : {url entity='module' name='marketplace' controller='productupdate' params=['edited' => 1, 'id' => $id]} Prestashop 1.6 : {$link->getPageLink()} Prestashop 1.7 : { url entity='myPageName' params = ['paramKey1' => $paramValue1, 'paramKey2' => $paramValue2]} Example : { url entity='my-account' params=['edited' => 1, 'id' => $id]} Prestashop 1.6 : {$link->getCategoryLink()} Prestashop 1.7 : {url entity='category' id=$id_category id_lang=$id_lang} Example : {url entity='category' id=3 id_lang=2} Prestashop 1.6 : {$link->getCmsLink()} Prestashop 1.7 : {url entity='cms' id=$id_cms id_lang=$id_lang} Example : {url entity='cms' id=3 id_lang=2} Prestashop 1.6 : {$link->getCatImageLink()} Prestashop 1.7 : {url entity='categoryImage' id=$id_category name='imageType'} Example : {url entity='categoryImage' id=3 name='home-default'}
Symfony URLs with {url}
You can also create Symfony URLs using {url} in Prestashop 1.7
//link for admin order view page <a href="{url entity='sf' route='admin_orders_view' sf-params=["orderId"=>"$id_order"] }"> Link to admin order page <a/>
You have to pass –
entity : ‘sf’ for symfony url
route : name of the symfony route (admin_orders_view) in the route parameter
sf-params : link parameters for symfony url.
So this is how you can use {url} in Prestashop 1.7 for links creation in tpl files.
Note- {url} is directly linked to the getUrlSmarty($params) in the “classes/Link.php” . So you can check this function for more information on links creations iwth {url}.
You can also take a reference on this topic by visiting the following link –
Reference –
A third party company holds duplicate data of the products from our Prestashop (1.6) site (they are a kind of comparison site). One of the services they offer is a Datasheet download of the specifications of any given product in PDF format. What I want is a link on each individual product page which, when clicked, will download the PDF in the users browser.
They’ve given me the following link to place – presumably in the product.tpl file – to enable the facility.{$partNumber}
Could you advise me how to implement that with Smarty please.