With the help of the module Laravel eCommerce SaaS bulk upload the tenant can upload products in bulk that will save time while uploading a huge quantity of products.
- The product can be uploaded by CSV / XLS files.
- Data profile creation feature for Admin/Tenant.
- Each attribute has a different column.
- Image attachment with the product within CSV/XLS.
- If there is an error in the CSV / XLS file, then products will not be uploaded and hence customers/tenant will come to know about the error.
Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “packages” and “storage” folders into the project root directory.
Goto config/app.php file and add following line under ‘providers’
Webkul\Bulkupload\Providers\BulkUploadServiceProvider::class, Webkul\BulkuploadSaas\Providers\BulkuploadSaasServiceProvider::class
Then goto composer.json file and add following line under ‘psr-4’
Goto composer.json file and add following line under ‘psr-4’
"Webkul\\Bulkupload\\": "packages/Webkul/Bulkupload", "Webkul\\BulkuploadSaas\\": "packages/Webkul/BulkuploadSaas"
Run these commands below to complete the setup
composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate php artisan storage:link php artisan route:cache php artisan vendor:publish
-> Press 0 and then press enter to publish all assets and configurations.
After the successful installation of the module laravel eCommerce bulk upload, the tenant can see the options of Bulk upload in the side menu bar.
Firstly the tenant needs to create the Profile and need to select the associated attribute family, under Dataflow profile a page will generate that will look like shown below.
After the profile has been created click on Upload files that will look like as shown in the below picture in which there are two sections.
Download Sample
Under this section, the tenant can download the sample of CSV/XLS files for both simple and configurable products and can further edit it.
After downloading the CSV/XLS sample files the tenant /seller can edit the files according to the products. The tenant/seller can upload ‘n’ numbers of the product.
after editing Save the file to the desired location.
Lets take an example to upload the Simple products and Configurable products through XLS and CSV files
After downloading the sample for the simple product the CSV/XLS file contains several fields as shown in the image below:-
The tenant needs to fill all the fields regarding the product such as:-
Category slug:- Enter the slug of the category for the products.
Name:- Enter the name for the product.
Description:-Enter the Description for the product.
Short Description:- Enter the short description regarding the product.
SKU:- Enter the SKU for the products.
Price:- Here the tenant will enter the price for the products.
The tenant can also enter the special price for the products if required.
Special price from:- Here the tenant can enter the beginning date for the special price regarding the products.
Special price to:- Here the tenant can enter the end date for the special price regarding the products.
The tenant also needs to select the inventory source products if created otherwise set it as default.
Inventories:- The tenant can set the number of products across each inventories in this field.
Weight:- Enter the weight for the simple products.
The tenant can also enter the meta title, meta keywords and meta description regarding the products in their respective fields.
Size:- The tenant can also enter the size for the products if available.
Url Key:- Enter the Url key regarding the products.
Tax category ID:- Enter the tax category ID in this field.
New:- To set as the new product set it as 1 otherwise 0.
Featured:- To set as featured products set it as 1 otherwise 0.
Visible individually:- Set it as 1 or 0 according to the requirements.
Status:- To enable the status as active set as 1 otherwise 0.
Cost:- Enter the Cost if required.
The tenant can also enter the width,height and depth regarding the simple products.
Type:- Select Simple for the simple products.
Attribute family:- Enter the attribute family that has been created or selected as default.
Images:- Enter the images name regarding the products.
Guest Checkout:- Set it as 1 to enable product for guest checkout other wise set it as 0.
Save the file to the desired location.
The process to upload the configurable products is same as the simple products but there are some additional fields also for the configurable products as described below:-
Super Attributes:- The tenant can set the attributes in this field according to the requirements and can separate them by comma(,).
Super Attribute Option:- Set the attribute options according to the attributes that have been selected by the tenant.
The tenant can also set the super attribute price according to the super attribute option.
Super Attribute Quantity:- Set the quantity for each variant of the product,
Super Attribute Weight:- Set the weight for each variant of the product.
All the remaining fields are same as the simple products as described above for the simple products.
After filling all these fields regarding the configurable products save the file to the desired location.
Note**:- For the images save all the images regarding the products in a separate zip folder to upload images in bulk for the products.
The name of the images for each product should be the same in the CSV/XLS file also.
Under this section there are several fields as described below.
Is Downloadable have files:- If the tenant has selected this option then two options will also generate i.e Is Links have samples and Is Samples Available the tenant can multi-select select between these two.
Once these options have been selected by the tenant, the tenant also need to upload the files regarding these as shown in the image below:-
- Attribute Family:- The attribute family can be selected in this field.
- Data Flow Profile:- In this field, the tenant can select the profile that has been created before.
- CSV/XLS File:- Under this field, the tenant can upload the CSV/XLS file for the uploading of the product in bulk quantity.
- Image Zip file:- In this field, the tenant can upload the images regarding the products in Zip format.
Click on the Save button.
Now the next step is to Run the profile.
Select File:- In this field, the tenant can select the profile that has been created from the dropdown.
Click on Run.
Now the bulk products have been uploaded successfully to the eCommerce store.
So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel eCommerce SaaS Bulk Upload for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.
Current Product Version - 1.1.0
Supported Framework Version - Bagisto v1.1.0 and 1.1.1
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