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Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant Marketplace Table Rate Shipping

Updated 16 August 2021

Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module allows the seller to set custom superset rates and shipping rates from their dashboard. The seller can upload the shipping information using the CSV files. That will include product weight, zip codes range, price, alphanumeric zip codes, Shipping type.

Please Note – To use this extension, you must install Laravel e-Commerce Multi Company SaaS Module first.

Complete Features List.

  • The sellers can add shipping rates using CSV import for table rates.
  • The tenant can assign shipping rates to any seller by entering the seller id.
  • The tenant or seller both can download the sample CSV file.
  • The sellers can set custom superset rates and shipping rates from their dashboard.
  • The tenant can also upload a shipping CSV file for the sellers.
  • Option to export a shipping CSV file from the back-end.
  • The tenant can create Superset Methods.
  • Shipping will be calculated based on zip code and weight.
  • The shipping cost will be calculated as per the seller or vendor shipping rates.
  • The seller can confirm the order and can set the tracking ID for the order.
  • The seller can create an Invoice.
  • Shipping rates will populate based on CSV during checkout.
  • Table Rate Shipping module supports alpha-numeric zip codes.

How to install the module?

Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge “packages” folders into project root directory.

SaaS Marketplace Table rate

Goto config/app.php file and add following line under ‘providers’


Goto config\concord.php and packages\Webkul\Core\src\Config\concord.php files and add following line under ‘modules’ array

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Run these commands below to complete the setup

composer dump-autoload
php artisan migrate
php artisan route:cache
php artisan vendor:publish

-> Press 0 and then press enter to publish all assets and configurations.

Now execute the project on your specified domain.

Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant Marketplace Table Rate Shipping – Tenant/Admin Management

After the successful installation of the module, The tenant will see the Marketplace Table Rate Shipping under Configure>>Sales>>Shipping Methods.


From the drop-down tenant can easily “Active” or “Inactive” the module.

Now, the tenant can manage the Table Rate shipping for marketplace sellers by navigating to Marketplace>>Tabler Rate Shipping as shown in the below image.


How To Use

Add Superset

Under the table rate shipping, firstly the tenant will add the superset methods.


After clicking on the Add Superset button the following page will appear.


Here, the tenant will set the general setting

  • Code: Here the tenant will set the code of superset.
  • Name: Enter the name of the superset.
  • Status: Select to active superset.

Lastly, the tenant will save the superset by hitting the save superset button.

As shown in the below image the tenant will find all the Supersets list here, by selecting the superset, the tenant can easily update or delete it from the drop-down.

Superset Rate

After successfully added the Superset Methods now the tenant will Add the Superset Rates under the Superset Rates section.


After clicking the Add Superset Rate Button, the following page will appear.


Here the tenant needs to fill in the superset rate details are as follows:

  • Price From – Set the minimum price of the cart to use this shipping set.
  • Price To – Set the maximum price of the cart for this shipping set.
  • Shipping Type – Select Fixed option to enter the shipping price, else select Free option to allow free shipping.
  • Superset Methods – From the drop-down select the superset methods.
  • Seller Name – Either select the seller name or the tenant.
  • Price – Set the shipping method price for this set.
Shipping Rate

The tenant can upload the Table rate Shipping CSV for their own and the tenant can also upload the Table rate Shipping CSV for the marketplace sellers. First, they need to download the sample CSV file by clicking on the Import Button.


After clicking on the Import the below pop-up will be shown.


Under the below CSV the tenant can easily set the shipping rate. Every filed is mandatory to fill. Above grid of shipping rates will be visible as a table matrix of the CSV. 


IS Zip Range (Numeric Zip Code) – Select “Yes” if want to enter the numeric zip code else select “No” to enter the alphanumeric zip code.

Zip Code (Alphanumeric Zip Code) – Enter the alphanumeric zip code if  “Numeric Zip Code” option is set to “No”. Else enter the numeric zip code if  “Numeric Zip Code” option is set to “Yes”.

Note: Country Code must be as per the official ISO-2 (alpha-2) two-letter country codes.

If the seller_id is set = 0, the tenant can use this CSV file for uploading their own Table Rate Shipping. Else, if they want to upload the Table Rate Shipping CSV for any of the marketplace sellers then they will input the seller’s Id in the seller_id column in the downloaded CSV file.

Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant Marketplace Table Rate Shipping – Seller Management

The seller can easily find the option of Shipping Rate and Superset Rates under their Marketplace Section as shown in the below image.


Shipping Rates

By hitting over the Shipping Rates the new page will appear as shown in the below image.

Here the seller can easily download or upload the CSV or can add the shipping rate for their products.


CSV Format

The CSV format for Laravel eCommerce Table Rate Shipping is provided in the below image. All the fields in the CSV file are mandatory to fill.


Note: Country Code must be as per the official ISO-2 (alpha-2) two-letter country codes.

IS Zip Range (Numeric Zip Code) – Select “Yes” if want to enter the numeric zip code else select “No” to enter the alphanumeric zip code.

Zip Code(Alphanumeric Zip Code) – Enter the alphanumeric zip code if  “Numeric Zip Code” option is set to “No”. Else enter the numeric zip code if  “Numeric Zip Code” option is set to “Yes”.

After uploading the CSV file, the seller can see the uploaded values in the same format as it is in the CSV file. The seller can edit or delete any existing record from the grid.

Add Shipping Rate

The seller can also add the shipping rate by clicking on the add shipping rate button, the next page will appear as shown in the below image.


Superset Methods – Select the superset method.
Please Note: – The sellers can only use the suggested shipping method name created by the tenant.

Country  – Select the country from the list.

Region Code – Enter the region code of the available region.

Weight From – Set the minimum weight value to allow this shipping method.

Weight To – Set the maximum weight value for this shipping method.

Zip From – Enter the first zip code.

Zip To – Enter the last zip code.

Price – Set the cost of this shipping method.

Numeric Zip Code – Select “Yes” if want to enter the numeric zip code else select “No” to enter the alphanumeric zip code.

Alphanumeric zip code – Enter the alphanumeric zip code if  “Numeric Zip Code” option is set to “No”. Else enter the numeric zip code if  “Numeric Zip Code” option is set to “Yes”.

Example – You can select Numeric Zip as “Yes” if the shipping that you are providing is for a zip code range but if there is any place like Canada that supports alphanumeric zip codes (H3Z 2Y7) in this situation you can select Numeric Zip as “No” and then enter the alphanumeric zip code of the place for which you want to display the shipping.

Note: If there is only one seller product in the shopping cart, then if the conditions set by the seller like the product weight, zip code, country match then all the Table Rate Shipping methods will get displayed at the time of checkout.

Superset Rate

By hitting over the Superset Rates the new page will appear as shown in the below image.


Here the seller can easily add the Superset Rate for their marketplace products.

After hitting over the Add Superset Rate the sellers can create their own shipping methods. A new window will appear, enter all the required shipping details then click Save Superset Rate button.

Please Note**

If multiple shipping options are available to the customer, priority will be given to the Superset then the common shipping name between the sellers will get displayed to the customer at the checkout time.

Price From – Set the minimum price of the cart to use this shipping set.

Price To – Set the maximum price of the cart for this shipping set.

Superset Method – Enter the shipping method name for this set.

Shipping Type – Select Fixed option to enter the shipping price, else select Free option to disable shipping price.

Price – Set the shipping method price for this set.

For Instance

Let Suppose that we have two sellers –

Seller(S1) with a product(P1) and the seller(S2) with a product(P2). Now, if the sellers (S1) and (S2) have set up their superset name as “ Standard Delivery” and their product’s (P1) and (P2) price lies between the shipping price range, and when a customer puts these products (P1) and (P2) to the cart and goes to the checkout the customer will see the “Standard Delivery” method displayed then the shipping cost that is reflected would be the sum of the shipping price of sellers products(P1+P2).

Seller S1’s Superset Rates:


Seller S2’s Superset Rates:


Note: Superset method name should be the same either adding as a seller superset or seller shipping rate to show on the shopping cart page.

For Instance

Let Suppose a below situation:

Like Seller(S1) with a product(P1) and the seller(S2) with a product(P2). Now, if seller (S1) set up their table rate shipping name as “Fixed Rate” and cost (C1) and (S2) set up their table rate shipping name as “Fixed Rate” and cost (C2) and superset shipping name as “Fixed Rate” and cost (C3), then at shopping cart page customer will see the “Fixed Rate” shipping method and price will be (C1+C3) because Superset has the highest priority so when the superset is applicable to the cart then shipping rates will not apply.

Prioritize Workflow Of Table Rate Shipping Method Name Will Work As Structure Below –

Seller superset rates>> Seller shipping rates>>Admin/Tenant superset rates>> Admin/Tenant shipping rates

Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant Marketplace Table Rate Shipping– Customer Order

As shown in the below image the customer will add the two products to the cart from the different seller’s.


After clicking the “Proceed To Checkout” button the customer will bring to the below page where they will see the customer will mention all required information as shown in the below image then the customer will click on the continue button to proceed further.


Here, the customer will select the table rate shipping method then they will click on the “Continue” button to proceed further.

Important Note**

Table rate shipping method can only visible to the customers when both the seller’s table rate shipping methods name are the same.


Next page will be for selecting the payment method for the order. After selecting the payment method the customer will click on the “Continue” button to proceed further.


As shown in the below image here customer will complete the order by clicking the Place Order button.


Note: Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module, the shipping rate will be calculated according to the seller’s product weight and customer’s delivery address.


Now the order is successfully placed by the customer, as shown in the above image.

Once the order has been successfully placed, the customer can easily check the details of their orders under their account with the total shipping charges as shown below.


Laravel eCommerce Multi-Tenant Marketplace Table Rate Shipping– Seller Order Management

If the tenant sets the “Seller Can Create Invoice” option “Yes” and also “Seller Can Create Shipment” option as “Yes” then the seller can manage the orders from front-end.

Once the order is placed by the customer then the seller can easily check that order in their “Order List. as pending status as shown in the below image.


After clicking on the Eye Icon the seller can easily check the order information along with the shipping address, shipping method and payment method as shown in the below image.

After that, the seller will click on the Invoice Button to generate the invoice.


Here the seller creates the invoice for the customer’s order and will assign the quantity then they will click on the Create button to generate the invoice.


Once the invoice is generated successfully, now the seller will generate the shipment for the order. Here the seller will provide the Carrier Title and Tracking Number then the seller will click on the Create Button for completing the order.



So, that was much about the User Guide of Laravel Multitenant Marketplace Tablerate Shipping for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

Please explore our Laravel Development Services and Quality Bagisto Extensions.

Current Product Version - v1.1.1

Supported Framework Version - Bagisto v1.1.0, v1.1.1

. . .

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