Pre Installation Requirements-:
1. LAMP should be installed on the system with mysql-server-5.6 (Updated version).
2. MOD_REWRITE should be enabled on the system.
3. All Files of magento2 should have 600 and directories have 700 permissions.
4. Apache user and the owner of Magento2 directory should be the same. (Magento2 should run with the apache user).
5. If you have apache root directory setup on some different location other than “/var/www” then you have to replace the /var/www with your apache root directory.
Installation Steps -:
1. LAMP installation.
2. Enable mod_rewrite by executing command in terminal
sudo a2enmod rewrite.
3. Now open the apache2.conf file
sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
and search for something like given below-:
<Directory /var/www> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory>
now replace the above as follows (do not use {})-:
<Directory /var/www > Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride {All} Require all granted </Directory>
4. Restart the apache service by
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
5. Now install composer by executing given below commands in your terminal.
apt-get update apt-get install git wget wget -O /usr/local/bin/composer chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer
6. Download the magento2 from git by executing given below commands-:
cd /var/www git clone cd /var/www/magento2 composer install
Now if your apache user and owner of magento2 file is same then you can skip point 7 and 8
7. Change the ownership of magento2 by executing given below command for example-:
you have username “magtest” then your command should be
chown magtest -R /var/www/magento2
8. Now change the user of apache server for example you have the username “magtest”.
open the envvars file by executing-:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/envvars
now find “export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data” and replace the www-data with “magtest” user
then it should look like
“export APACHE_RUN_USER=magtest”
save the file by ctrl+x
9. Restart the apache server by executing
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
10. Now install the magento2 by accessing the URL-: http://localhost/magento2
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