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How to install OpenERP 7 on Ubuntu in one command line.

Updated 30 March 2015

In my last article, I described you how to take backup of your OpenERP database automatically and regularly too after certain time of period, using cron on linux. I have created a bash script for it ,a small one but a very usefull one .

Few days ago, I need to install a new instance of OpenERP 7 on my ubuntu pc and installing manually by executing each and every line is very hectic task. So, i decided to make a script for it also. So, that i can install OpenERP (for now only version 7 from Launchpad) from one command line only, no need to follow each and every step. I have also given an option to install other openerp instance also, on same server but with some different ports.

Working of the Module

1) Just download the script from the link provided at the end of this blog.

2) Copy the file to some path like /var/scripts

3) Give root ownership and 700 permission to this file as –

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# Give read/write/execute permission to sudoer only.
chmod 700

# Give sudoer ownership 
chown root:

4) Execute the script as –

# To run script :


# or 


That`s it. It`s  so simple

If you are going to install fresh instance of Openerp 7, you only need to answer only 4 questions and after that the script will do the remaining work. Number of questions will increase to 13 (as the script need to some extra information like port,openerp-user,etc), if you are going to install other instance of same openerp 7 on same server.


If you want to install fresh openerp 7 installation but on different ports, you can choose the second option

You can download this script, just click the button it will redirect to our Github repository, from where you can download it.

I`ll try to upgrade this script in order to install any version of Openerp and from Github(as Odoo / OpenERP moves to Github).

That`s it !!! I hope it will help someone. [stextbox id=”info”]Your opinions, comments and suggestions are important to keep the page updated and interesting. [/stextbox]

. . .

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