In this blog we are going to learn about how to expose an Apex method as a REST resource using @HttpGet annotation.
rest annotation
–> REST annotation enables you to expose an Apex class or an Apex method as a REST resource. In salesforce, there are six REST annotations, that is :
1). @RestResource(urlMapping=’/your url’)
2). @HttpGet
3). @HttpPost
4). @HttpPut
5). @HttpPatch
6). @HttpDelete
–> Classes with REST annotation should be defined as global.
–> Methods with REST annotation should be defined as global static.
–> @HttpGet is used at method level. This method is called when a HTTP GET request is sent. To expose your apex class as REST resource you should use @RestResource(urlMapping=’/your url’) annotation at class level as shown below.
@RestResource(urlMapping='/your_url') global class restExample { @HttpGet global static void exampleMethod() { // Write your code here } }
–> Here url mapping is relative to
–> If your class is in namespace say ‘abc’, then API url must be as follows:
–> URL are case-sensitive.
Let’s create an account by sending a parameter through API url.
Step 1: Create an apex class say ‘restExample’.
@RestResource(urlMapping='/example') global class restExample { /** * Webkul Software. * * @category Webkul * @author Webkul * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Webkul Software Private Limited ( * @license */ // Method to get the Account name from parameter @HttpGet global static void getAccountName() { RestRequest req = RestContext.request; RestResponse res = RestContext.response; res.addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); String accountName = req.params.get('account_name'); // Call the method to create Account if(accountName != null){ restExample.createAcc(accountName); } else { restExample.createAcc(); } } // Create Account when param is set public static void createAcc(String accName) { try{ Account acc = new Account(Name = accName, Description = 'Account is created by REST API'); insert acc; } catch (Exception ex) { system.debug(ex.getMessage()); } } // Create Account when param is not set public static void createAcc() { try{ Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Name is not set', Description = 'Account is created by REST API'); insert acc; } catch (Exception ex) { system.debug(ex.getMessage()); } } }
Step:2: Now, to expose above rest class create a site as shown below. Goto>> SetUp>> Develop>> Sites
# Register your domain:

# Create New Site

# Copy the Default Web Address

# Now goto Public Access Setting :

# Provide Access to object which you want to expose in class.

# Expose Apex class :

That’s all for setting up of site.
Step 3: Now paste Default Web Address(which you have copied from site setting) by appending:
1). Without sending any parameter : ‘/services/apexrest/example’ .
2). With parameter : ‘/services/apexrest/example?account_name=Webkul’
Now, goto account page and verify your results.
That’s all for @HttpGet Annotation In Salesforce, still if you have any further query feel free to add a ticket, we will be happy to help you
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