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    How to use react reducer for improving WooCommerce front end.

    Updated 18 May 2023

    What are reducers and why do we need them?

    The Reducer pattern is a way to manage the state in React applications. By using the Reducer pattern in your WooCommerce front end, you can improve the performance of your store and create a more seamless user experience.

    When it comes to creating a great user experience for your WooCommerce store, there are few tools more powerful than using React and its Reducer pattern. React is a JavaScript library that allows developers to create interactive user interfaces.

    React also works great for headless woocommerce development

    Working of reducer pattern

    The Reducer pattern works by taking a set of actions and reducing them down to a single state. This state can be used to update the User Interface of your store.

    In a Simple way, this is just a pattern by which we bind all the actions in a set and manage all the sets with a single state in react.

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    This ensures that the User Interface is always up to date with the latest information and that the user experience is smooth and efficient.

    Finally, using the Reducer pattern in your React-based WooCommerce front end can also help to reduce the amount of code.

    Using reducer for WooCommerce Front end

    First, you’ll need to register the script. To do this, you’ll need to add the following code to the functions.php file:

    Fortunately, loading custom scripts for WooCommerce is actually quite straightforward. All you need to do is add a few lines of code to your theme’s functions.php file.

    Register Script

    wp_register_script('custom-reducer', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/custom-reducer.js', array('wp-hooks', 'wp-components'), '1.0.0', true);

    This code registers the script with WordPress and tells it where to find the file. The last parameter tells WordPress to load the script in the footer of the page, which is important for performance.

    Next, you’ll need to load the script. To do this, you’ll need to add the following code to the functions.php file:

    Enqueue Script

    if (is_woocommerce()) {

    This code tells WordPress to only load the script when a WooCommerce page is being viewed. This is important to ensure that the script is only loaded when it’s needed, which helps improve performance.

    And that’s it! Once you’ve added these lines of code to your functions.php file, your custom script will be loaded on all WooCommerce pages. You can now use the script to add custom functionality to your store.

    Here is an example of how you can use useReducer to manage a simple counter state in a React application:

    Write useReducer Pattern

    // Initial state
    const initialState = {
      count: 0
    // Reducer function
    const reducer = (state, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
        case 'increment':
        return { count: state.count + 1 };
      case 'decrement':
        return { count: state.count - 1 };
        return state;
    // UseReducer hook
    const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
    // Dispatching actions
    dispatch({ type: 'increment' });
    dispatch({ type: 'decrement' });

    The useReducer hook is a great way to manage state in React applications. It allows you to keep your state organized and makes it easier to update and maintain. Give it a try in your next project!

    You can create your custom-reducer.js with this react code:

    React Component with useReducer pattern

    import React, { useReducer } from 'react';
    const initialState = { count: 0 };
    const reducer = (state, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
        case 'increment':
          return { count: state.count + 1 };
        case 'decrement':
          return { count: state.count - 1 };
          return state;
      const MyComponent = () => {
      const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
      // Dispatching actions
      dispatch({ type: 'increment' });
      dispatch({ type: 'decrement' });
      return (
          <p>The count is {state.count}</p>
    export default MyComponent;

    This is the simplest way to manage the multiple actions in a single state to save our page with multiple and unnecessary re-rendering.

    Why is React Reducers Essential?

    React reducers are essential for building complex applications because they provide a way to manage the state in a predictable and scalable way. They allow developers to create reusable state management logic that can be used throughout an application.

    We are implementing these React Reducer Patterns on our popular plugins like WooCommerce Restaurant Point of Sales and WooCommerce POS Outlet Manager.


    For any technical assistance, please raise a ticket or reach us by mail at [email protected]

    Kindly visit the WooCommerce Plugins page to see our addons and can also explore our WooCommerce Development Services.

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