Apex provides several built-in classes to work with HTTP services and create HTTP requests like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
You can use these HTTP classes to integrate to REST-based services. They also allow you to integrate to SOAP-based web services as an alternate option to generating Apex code from a WSDL.
These classes expose the general HTTP request/response functionality:
- Http Class. Use this class to initiate an HTTP request and response.
- HttpRequest Class: Use this class to programmatically create HTTP requests like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
- HttpResponse Class: Use this class to handle the HTTP response returned by HTTP.
The HttpRequest and HttpResponse classes support the following elements:
- HttpRequest:
- HTTP request types such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT, HEAD, and OPTIONS.
- Request headers if needed.
- Read and connection timeouts.
- Redirects if needed.
- Content of the message body.
- HttpResponse:
- The HTTP status code.
- Response headers if needed.
- Content of the response body.
The following example shows an HTTP GET request made to the external server specified by the value of url for this You have to make a HTTP Callout to the URL
Http http =new Http(); HttpRequest req =new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint('https://graph.facebook.com/webkul?access_token=CAAGIV8ndRDcBALpKhd5t5smOzFMv25HLpgqMqfZBhwZCJMbqPFW4aOZCXphud9tc7w9EEw0vBvRooZB7idLHLK3LkzS0pQP63pysUUZA7We5EV8IqZAsj7WwEhXf97C34aDKyaKW8lyvihyxl2duEpMjuHGs7LlsyPEZAwSJjykSpomgALOdvZBV'); req.setmethod('GET'); HttpResponse res = http.send(req); String str = res.getbody(); System.debug(str);
"id": "285021323071",
"about": "https://store.webkul.com . WebKul Store is the largest collection of open source plugins , we build best marketplace and openERP connectors in the world .",
"awards": "Best E-commerce Marketplace \n\nBest E-commerce OpenERP connector",
"can_post": true,
"category": "Software",
"checkins": 0,
"company_overview": "https://store.webkul.com/ WebKul Software Private limited is an ISO certified design and development company working on e-commerce and ERP from almost five years .We have served more than 1000+ e-commerce store world-wide and our modules are functioning more than 20000+ store world wide .We have a very dedicated team on Opencart , Magento and Prestashop . So we understand e-commerce very deeply . We have developed some very complex solutions like from drop-shipping solutions to multi vendor marketplace With their connection to our ERP programme .",
"cover": {
"cover_id": "10153641288963072",
"offset_x": 0,
"offset_y": 0,
"source": "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/15772_10153641288963072_644429492176708130_n.png?oh=df373f59bca9f7a26c353051d2940d18&oe=565685DB",
"id": "10153641288963072"
"has_added_app": false,
"is_community_page": false,
"is_published": true,
"likes": 7100,
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/webkul",
"location": {
"city": "Noida",
"country": "India",
"street": "A-67 2nd Floor Sector 63 ",
"zip": "201301"
"name": "WebKul",
"parking": {
"lot": 0,
"street": 0,
"valet": 0
"phone": "(+1)408-215-2638 ",
"talking_about_count": 79,
"username": "webkul",
"website": "https://store.webkul.com/",
"were_here_count": 0
Make sure you add ‘https://graph.facebook.com’ to Remote Site Settings to whitelist the URL.
Refer the below url for tips on parsing in Apex :- http://json2apex.herokuapp.com/
For Parsing in Apex Use the below class
public class JSON2Apex { public String id; public String about; public String awards; public Boolean can_post; public String category; public Integer checkins; public String company_overview; public Cover cover; public Boolean has_added_app; public Boolean is_community_page; public Boolean is_published; public Integer likes; public String link; public Location location; public String name; public Parking parking; public String phone; public Integer talking_about_count; public String username; public String website; public Integer were_here_count; public class Parking { public Integer lot; public Integer street; public Integer valet; } public class Location { public String city; public String country; public String street; public String zip; } public class Cover { public String cover_id; public Integer offset_x; public Integer offset_y; public String source; public String id; } public static JSON2Apex parse(String json) { return (JSON2Apex) System.JSON.deserialize(json, JSON2Apex.class); } }
You can use this class, and deserialize the JSON by
JSON2Apex myClass = JSON2Apex.parse(str);
Now the Full code like this
Http http =new Http(); HttpRequest req =new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint('https://graph.facebook.com/webkul?access_token=CAAGIV8ndRDcBALpKhd5t5smOzFMv25HLpgqMqfZBhwZCJMbqPFW4aOZCXphud9tc7w9EEw0vBvRooZB7idLHLK3LkzS0pQP63pysUUZA7We5EV8IqZAsj7WwEhXf97C34aDKyaKW8lyvihyxl2duEpMjuHGs7LlsyPEZAwSJjykSpomgALOdvZBV'); req.setmethod('GET'); HttpResponse res = http.send(req); String str = res.getbody(); System.debug(str); JSON2Apex myClass = JSON2Apex.parse(str); System.debug(myClass);
Now, the Output after deserialize the JSON given below
Best E-commerce OpenERP connector, can_post=true, category=Software, checkins=0, company_overview=https://store.webkul.com/ WebKul Software Private limited is an ISO certified design and development company working on e-commerce and ERP from almost five years .We have served more than 1000+ e-commerce store world-wide and our modules are functioning more than 20000+ store world wide .We have a very dedicated team on Opencart , Magento and Prestashop . So we understand e-commerce very deeply . We have developed some very complex solutions like from drop-shipping solutions to multi vendor marketplace With their connection to our ERP programme ., cover=Cover:[cover_id=10153641288963072, id=10153641288963072, offset_x=0, offset_y=0, source=https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/15772_10153641288963072_644429492176708130_n.png?oh=df373f59bca9f7a26c353051d2940d18&oe=565685DB], has_added_app=false, id=285021323071, is_community_page=false, is_published=true, likes=7100, link=https://www.facebook.com/webkul, location=Location:[city=Noida, country=India, street=A-67 2nd Floor Sector 63 , zip=201301], name=WebKul, parking=Parking:[lot=0, street=0, valet=0], phone=(+1)408-215-2638 , talking_about_count=73, username=webkul, website=https://store.webkul.com/, were_here_count=0]
Note** You can make Facebook Graph url like this :- https://graph.facebook.com/YOUR_PAGE_ID?access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN
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