How to Creat csv file for MP – Market place shipping module accept only csv format file for save seller price for different locations.
We provide a default or demo file for csv format and after download and edit that, seller can add data to this file and upload that file to shipping module.
But here is a thing after edit that file in your default csv opener ,that can change file’s format ‘comma’ to ‘without comma’ (at time of saving) but those file look similar to you so when you upload file then module shows error or don’t upload your csv data .
these are same but when you edit those in any editor ,you will see difference (like notepad)
So here you can see one file is with comma and another not so add comma to file and your data will save without error.
Or you can just create a file in any editor and enter data like that and at time of saving ,change extension to .csv
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