This blog helps you to upgrade Akeneo from a patch or minor version to a more recent one.
Community Edition:
Run the composer update command:
php -d memory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer --prefer-dist update
After successfully completing the above command check the updated version
php /usr/local/bin/composer licenses
Stop the daemon to avoid generating outdated cache.
Then clean the cache, re-install assets, and warm up the cache:
service php7.3-fpm restart rm -rf var/cache/* ./web/bundles/* ./web/css/* ./web/js/* bin/console --env=prod pim:installer:assets bin/console --env=prod cache:warmup yarn run less yarn run webpack
Hard-reload the browser / clear the browser cache for testing the upgraded Akeneo version.
If you get a 500 error after upgrading, and clear cache isn’t working, try to clear the apc cache with a php script or restart Apache/Web server. also check the permission of var directory
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