Using the Magento 2 Akeneo Connector with the Middleware simplifies the abstraction of functionality between two systems and lets you connect your Akeneo with any third-party eCommerce.
In this user manual learn about how the Middleware works with the Magento 2 Akeneo Connector.
Furthermore, you can use this connector to connect your multi-store Magento 2 store to connect with the Akeneo PIM platform.
Features of Magento 2 Akeneo Connector with Middleware
- Create multiple jobs and schedule them for execution.
- Map product attributes between Magento and Akeneo.
- Export all the categories from Akeneo to Magento.
- The export specific product(s) using an SKU identifier.
- Create attributes, attribute sets, and attribute options using Akeneo.
- Export multiple images of a product.
- Set sorting order for the product images.
- Export Akeneo attributes as Magento 2 custom attributes.
- Select currency during store view mapping.
- Map standard attributes of Magento 2 using their code.
- Set URL prefix for product models to avoid same name issue.
- Set fallback name field when the mapped field is not present.
- Send product information according to locales such as – en, es, de.
- Works with a multi-store Magento 2 setup.
Basic Details for the Connector Configuration
For the Middleware Akeneo PIM Connector configuration, the below details are mandatory.
1) Admin Akeneo Details(With the Connection Permission)
- Admin URL
- User Name
- Password
2) Provide the following details after creating the Akeneo API Connection.
- Admin URL
- Client ID
- Secret Key
- User Name
- Password
Setup for Magento 2 Akeneo Connector With Middleware
After that to establish the connection between Magento 2 and Akeneo using the middleware system the user needs to configure and add the Akeneo API Connection Detail.
Akeneo API Connection Detail
The user needs to navigate to the Magento 2 Akeneo Connector > Akeneo API Connection Detail.
Here the user needs to add all the details mentioned below.
- Akeneo URL
- Client ID
- Secret
- Username
- Password
After adding the details click the button Validate Credentials.
Clicking the validate credentials imports all the Akeneo Product Data to the middleware.
Setup Credentials
Next, you need to set up the Magento API credentials in Akeneo. For this go to Magento 2 Connector > Setup Credentials then click the Add Credentials button.
As a result, a pop-up will appear as shown in the below snapshot.
Please check the steps of how to create credentials at the Magento end.
In Hostname, type your website’s URL, then the Magento API Integration Tokens as created.
- Hostname
- Access Token
Post the credentials are saved in the Akeneo configuration you can do the multi-store mapping as shown in the below sections.
Manage Magento 2 Multiple Store View Mapping With Akeneo
If you do have multiple stores in your Magento 2 then this requires you to Map them with the correct locale in Akeneo.
Choose a Magento 2 store view based on your language and country code.
In addition, you can change the currency for each store view. You can set the store as the default store in the store view mapping.
As a result, the product will export to your default channel, respected locale, and currencies which will be selected for the store view. As a result, the product will export to your default channel, respected locale, and currencies.
Setup Attribute Mapping
You must match the product fields between Magento and Akeneo in the Setup Attribute Mapping tab.
Then you must choose the Akeneo attribute that corresponds to the Magento product information.
For variant products, we can also add the attribute. You can export a variant product by mapping the variant product field in Akeneo.
By default, the following product attribute information can be mapped to Akeneo and Magento 2:
- Name
- Weight
- Price
- Description
- Short Description
- Quantity
- SEO – Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description
- URL Key
Common Product Field Mapping in Akeneo: You can export attributes to Magento 2 for both simple and variant products using Akeneo’s common product field mapping.
Variant Product Field Mapping in Akeneo: Choose Variant field mapping and map the attribute if you want to export the different attributes for the common and variant products.
So, in Magento 2, you’ll find different attributes for both common and variant products.
Further, if the status mapping information remains the same on both ends. So if a product is disabled in Akeneo. As a result, it will be disabled in Magento 2 as well.
Map More Standard Attributes
After that, you can enter the Magento 2 attribute code ID and then click Add Field if your products have a lot of information.
Other Mappings
Attributes to be used as Images – The selected Akeneo image attributes will be visible as Magento product gallery images.
Please note – The images will export in the sorting order they are selected here.
To be used as Export Custom Attributes – When you are going to export the product from Akeneo to Magento2.
The selected Akeneo attributes will be visible as custom attributes in Magento. They will appear on the storefront under the ‘More Information’ tab.
Attributes to be used as Import Custom Attributes – When you are going to import the product in Akeneo. The selected attributes will be visible as custom attributes in Akeneo.
Video Attribute Mapping
In this, you can map video URL and preview images along with all product information that can also export video URL and preview images from Akeneo to Magento 2.
Association Mapping
In association mapping, the product may be associated with none or several other products or product groups.
If you want to do an association mapping you can map the product association fields in Magento to Akeneo.
Moreover, you can do it for the related products, Cross-Sell Products, and Up-sell Products.
Other Settings
In the Other Settings tab, you can configure the following settings:
Attribute Group Export – Here you can select how product attributes should export from Akeneo to Magento. There are two options:-
- Export all attributes in a Single predefined Attribute Group (fast)
- Export all Attribute groups (slower)
URL Key Prefix for Product Models (optional) – In cases, where the URL keys of a product or category are conflicting with each other (Due to no URL key mapping of categories). You can add a prefix for the URL key of products.
Export Unit with Value of Metric Attributes – You can export the product with metric attributes excluding weight. You can also export the product unit with it.
Export metric type attributes as select type – If you are exporting metric type product module then you need to enable this option.
Fallback Name field when the mapped field is not present – If the product mapped field is not present then the fallback name will be used as the name.
Select Attribute Option Code / Label for Admin Column – In this selection, you want to export attribute code or label.
Perform Magento 2 Export Job
To export the product data we first need to create a job profile and execute it.
For this go to Exports then click the button Create Export Profile.
Right after, the below pop-up will appear as shown below.
Job Profiles
Further, here you will find five different types of export job profiles for every use case:
Magento 2 Export Job – Exports everything (categories, attributes, attribute options, attribute group families, and products) based on filters in a job.
A product must have a category to be included in the export job.
Magento 2 All Export Job(CSV)-Exports everything (categories, attributes, attribute options, attribute group families, and products) in the CSV format.
Product Only Export to Magento 2 – It exports products to Magento 2. It also adds categories, attributes, family, and variations to a product.
You should have exported other data like category, attribute, and family prior to this export.
The attribute used as the main picture in the family is used as the thumbnail, a small image for products.
A user can map attributes like the URL key in the Attribute mapping tab. Sometimes url_key of product conflicts with the URL key of a category, in that mapping url_key is very useful.
After that, enter a unique Code and Label then select a job from the drop-down option. Further, please note you may create different types of export jobs here.
Edit Properties in Created Job
Further, after saving the Job you can set up properties in a job as shown in the below image.
- Export only changed or New data: By enabling this only new entities are exported and the previous ones aren’t updated.
- If Product SKU Changed At Akeneo Side: Delete Magento 2 Product if Akeneo product SKU Changed to prevent the duplicate product.
- Magento 2 Export Selected Category: Here Magento 2 export the selected category.
- Layered in Navigation: This functionality can be used to create layered navigation.
Export Now
Lastly, click on the Export Now button. The execution of the export process will begin, and then the page will refresh continually to update the information.
Execution Process
Next, wait for the execution process to complete after that check for errors. After the completion of the export job, the products will appear in the Magento 2 catalog.
View Imported Products in Magento 2
Right after, the completion of the execution process, the products are imported from Akeneo.
So, that was much about the Magento 2 Akeneo Connector with Middleware System. However, if you still have any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected].
- Further, you can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk system
- Moreover, please explore our Akeneo Development Services and Quality Akeneo Extensions.
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