1. To Enable Different Language For Your Magento Store
goto System->Manage Stores.
2. Click on the “Create Store View”, Here you find four required fields as follows :
Store ———-> Select Your Store
Name ———> Fill Any Relevant Name (English)
Code ———-> Fill Any Relevant Code (english)
Status ———> Select Enable
And Press Save.
3. Then Goto System->Configuration
4. Select your Store View From the left top drop down shown below
5. Click on the general tab on the left hand side.
6. Select Your Country in the Locale Options after unchecking the checkbox on the right hand side of the Locale Option.
7. Save Your Configuration And Visit Your store frontend, There you find a dropdown on the right – top of header.
8. Put Language package in side app/locale/.
9.This Package contains many csv files.
10. Change your store view and Enjoy.
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