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CS-Cart Delivery Feedback System

Updated 27 September 2024

CS-Cart Delivery Feedback System:

Successfully utilizing customer feedback is a must for any business looking to provide users with the products they need.

So, gather customer feedback in a smart way by adding a simple feedback form with the desired fields & potential questions to improve the user experience.

CS-Cart Delivery Feedback System is the perfect add-on which provides an organized customer delivery feedback system. Install it today in your CS-Cart store & gather candid customer feedback.

Check a brief overview of the plugin –

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Features & Benefits

  • Well integrated with both CS-Cart and CS-Cart Multi-vendor.
  • Functionality to add/remove custom questions fields for customer feedback form.
  • Option to add the star rating for any potential questions.
  • Functionality to manage email template for customers to get delivery feedback.
  • Works well with both old/new email templates.
  • A separate tab in the order detail page at front end is provided for the customer to submit the feedback.
  • Option to hide/keep/modify the submitted feedback response at front end as per the add-on’s settings at admin end.
  • Functionality to set the order status on which the email notification will be sent to the customer.After downloading CS-Cart Delivery Feedback System add-on you’ll get one zip files, one install.txt file and a relevant User Guide manual doc. Read it carefully for proper configuration.Go to Manage Add-ons, click on “+” as shown below in the snapshot.

How To Upload And Install


Click on “Local” to browse the zip file and then click on “Upload & Install” as shown below in snapshot.

CS-Cart Delivery Feedback System

Addon Configuration

After successful add-on installation, we need to configure and manage the settings of the add-on.

3 manage

In General Settings, there is an option to :

  1. Set order status on which you want to send the mail notification to a customer for submitting feedback.
  2. Set the customer action on the submitted feedback. As the customer will submit the feedback from the front end so, you can either allow to view & edit the submitted feedback or to hide the submitted feedback from the front end.
  3. Check the box to send the mail on behalf of the customer to notify order department & notify store owner after the customer has submitted the feedback.
  4. Select “Yes” to send a separate delivery feedback email to the customer. If you select “No”, you can add the provided link in the email notification body of the desired order status. By clicking that link customer will get redirected to the feedback form available at frontend.

4 General

Further, there is a section Delivery Feedback Template where you can set the desired template using the placeholders provided in the notes.

5 template

Next tab is for adding custom fields and potential questions for the feedback form. You can add the question, select the response type (including star rating) and make it a mandatory field by checking the box.

6 form fields

The email template for the customer as per the new email templating feature can be viewed & updated here.

new maiil template 1

Front End View

On the order details page, the customer will be able to view a tab for Delivery Feedback form at the particular order status as per the add-on configuration.

You can send the feedback form link to the customer in the email notification. So this way customer can submit the feedback.

Store owner & order department will be notified via email on successful feedback submission as per the addon settings.

frontend feedback tab

After submission of this form, this feedback response will be hidden if the “Customer Action field at backend is set as “Hide Feedback“.

If you set “View Feedback” in this field then the customer will be able to view the submitted response as shown below.

submitted response.

If you set “Allow Edit Feedback” in this field then the customer will be able to view the submitted response as shown below.

editable response

Back End View

Admin/vendor can see the submitted response at backend.  Go to order details page. Click on Add-ons to check the customer feedback to that particular order.’
submitted response backend


That’s all for the CS-Cart Delivery Feedback System, still, have any issue, feel free to write here  and let us know your views to make the module better.
Please explore our cs-cart Development Services and Quality cs-cart add-ons

Current Product Version - 1.0

Supported Framework Version - 4.18

. . .

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