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Boost Up Your Design Productivity With Proto Content

Updated 4 March 2016


Proto content is a dummy text which we are using in our design, when we do not have any final content. The benefit of using Proto Content is that a designer can easily make decision about the design and functionality of a site and an application.

If you are designer or an Artist? If you are tired by using the same name ” John Doe” or the same dummy text “Lorem Ipsum” and “Hipster lpsum”, so here is a solution for your problem.


A set of tool by Invision Labs, which give you freedom to design with real data, and it’s available for Photoshop and Sketch. CRAFT have 3 Plugins:

  • Type
  • Duplicate
  • Photo


To download CRAFT you should go to Invision Craft and submit your email ID there and you can get the download link. Once the download is completed, you may need this plugin in your tool bar. To do that go to Windows > Extensions in the Menu bar then select (Photo / Duplicate and Type ) and also the most important thing is that you have the latest Photoshop version Adobe CC 2014.1 or Sketch 3.4 and above.

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Now we will discuss about the First Plugin – TYPE


It’s time to say GOOD BYE to Lorem Ipsum. By using TYPE plugin you can use the real data in your design like – Name, date, email, Article, currency  etc, so that your design looks more realistic and accurate.

In type you can get 12 type slot, if you want to add more you have to remove the existing slot. To do that select the Edit button on the bottom right corner and delete any option which is not required in your design.

edit-buttonThan click on the empty slot and choose any default custom options. If you want to add option of your choice rather than the default options than click on the Add custom action > type the name of option and paste the text and save it, now you can get that option in your type slot.





Now make a layout like I have made below:

You can change the dummy content with real data in just one click. Select the Name layer than select the name slot in type plugin it will give you 3 name options ( Male / Female / Both) select the desire option and see the change.



Now you can change all dummy content in your design with this amazing plugin.

Now we will discuss about the Second Plugin – DUPLICATE


It’s very simple and time solving plugin. With the help of this plugin you can easily copy the content vertically and horizontally with the exact gutter spacing. In this plugin you can create duplicate by using 2 options, one is INSIDE SELECTION and the second one is SPECIFIC SELECTION.

If you are using INSIDE SELECTION than firstly you have to select the area where you want to execute your design, than add the count in input box for vertically and horizontally content and click duplicate content button.


SPECIFIC COUNT is the same as inside selection but here no need to select the area and also you can get one more feature here and it’s gutter spacing. By using the gutter spacing you can manage the gap between the two duplicate content. Like i have done in screenshot below:



So, this is the best way to fasten up your design work.

Now the last but not the least Plugin – PHOTOS


With the help of this plugin you can easily add the images in your design. You can add the images by using Folder / Dropbox and Unsplash (Public Domain Image Source) option.

To do that select all layers where you want to place the image.


And than select the location from where you want the images and click on the Place Photo button. Here I am selecting the Unsplash option.


So, this is the easiest way to add the image in your design.

Now do a hassle free designing with this tool. This tool is a BOON for the designers. It increase the quality in your work and also save lot of time. Now, from adding a name to duplicate a UI element or insert a image in your design , everything is in your fingertips. So, enjoy the designing with CRAFT, a unique tool by Invision.

. . .

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