Point of sale (POS) is the place where a retail transaction is completed. At the point of sale, the merchant calculates the amount owed by the customer, indicates that amount, may prepare an invoice for the customer, and indicates the options for the customer to make payment. BigCommerce Point of sale (POS) application uses the scope of POS that allows managing sales on an online store along with the physical store simultaneously. Therefore the assigned sales agent can create the order from his physical store using the POS and the order will be generated & synced with the BigCommerce store. Admin can create multiple sales agent for the physical store to manage POS.
This application will work in both online and offline mode. Any agent can create customers and orders even in the absence of the internet. In offline mode, all the orders, and transaction are saved locally. So when the internet is available for use, then the data can easily synchronize.
Features of BigCommerce Point of Sale (POS)
- This application allows register maintenance for a single session. So it allows the feature to fill the initial amount in a register and the final balance at the moment a register is closed.
- An option to synchronize the POS data is provided.
- Option to refresh the POS data as per the selected field.
- Works well in both “online” and “offline” mode.
- Full screen can be achieved for a better view and handle POS.
- Product(s) can be added to cart based on different options and SKUs.
- Product stock is checked for a simple type(non-optionable) of product, so that out of stock product cannot be purchased.
- Quick product search option via product name/SKU and selected category.
- Functionality to add new customers from the POS panel.
- Additional discount can be implemented for any customer on the cart page.
- Discount can be applied based on “percentage” or “fixed amount”.
- A cart belongs to customers can be put on hold along with additional ‘note’ and resumed.
- Option to search hold carts by customer name/email is provided.
- Product(s) quantity can be increased or decreased within the cart.
- Payments option through both card and cash is provided.
- “Sales” tab to view the list of orders and print receipt of a particular order.
- Option to search orders by customer name/email and order date is provided.
- Functionality to search for a registered customer by name, phone number or email.
- Well organized dashboard view that covers the latest customers, agents, and subscription plan.
- Functionality to create multiple agents to access the POS system from the backend.
Video Tutorial
Installation of BigCommerce Point of Sale (POS)
Firstly get this application from BigCommerce app store. Go to the control panel of your BigCommerce store and click “Apps”. Now install the application.

Further, confirm the installation. You will see “BigCommerce Point of sale (POS)” under “My App” section of the side menu bar. Now configure the settings of the application.

POS Backend
Settings->Setup Instructions:
To display the “POS terminal” link on the storefront, an admin needs to set up a given script at BigCommerce store. Under “Setup instructions” tab, admin can find login URL for the agent. Also, instructions for adding POS terminal at the storefront.

This section covers the view of the number of latest agents and customers to your store. It also includes the details of the current subscription plan.

Admin can view the details of the agents associated with POS. Here an admin can also create a new agent by clicking on the plus icon.
Admin can view the details of the agents associated with POS. Here an admin can also create a new agent by clicking on the plus icon.

In this section, admin can find the products listed at POS. An admin can view and print the “Barcode” of products.

My Subscription:
Subscription: This section covers the view of the current subscription plan. Admin can also upgrade his current plan.

After clicking on “Upgrade Plan”, admin can select the plan as per his choice.

There are 3 subscription plans available for this application. Given below is the details of various subscription plan.
- Basic plan: 2 agent / 30 days and the cost of the plan is $10.
- Executive: 5 agent / 30 days and the cost of the plan is $30.
- Pro: unlimited / 30 days and the cost of the plan is $45.
There is also a Trial plan which allows 1 agent/ 10 days and this is free of cost trial plan.
Transaction: Given below is the view of the transaction list of the BigCommerce store.

POS Frontend
POS Terminal:
To get the POS front end, click on the “POS Terminal” at BigCommerce backend. Here is the Login panel view of POS. The allowed POS agent can log in to the POS system.

A progress bar appears which works on to loading. Please check the screenshot below.

This application allows register maintenance for a single session. It allows the feature to fill the initial amount in a register and the final balance at the moment a register is closed.

After entering the amount in the register, a user can view that all the BigCommerce products get sync to the POS device.

- Synchronize the POS data.
- Full-screen mode button.
- Online/offline status of the internet.
- Agent’s profile.
- Refresh store data.
How to add the product:
There is the product search option where you can enter the search keywords (product’s name or SKU) and search results will be displayed based on the keyword. Products can also be search based on the category i.e. by selecting a category. After that, you can just click on the product to add it to the cart or you can use a barcode scanner to add the product to the cart.

This application works well with the product’s option. When clicked on the product, a new popup will get opened. It allows you to select the product’s options which you want to add to cart.

After clicking on “Add to cart”, it allows you to add the customer to the product. It also gives the option to put the cart on hold and delete the cart.

Let us see how to add a customer:
Firstly, click on the “Add customer” tab provided on the cart page. When you click on the tab, a new popup will get opened. Here you will find the list of the available customers and an option to select the customer from the given list.

After clicking on “Create customer”, you need to enter the customer details as given in screenshot.

In this way, a customer can be added.
How to change the quantity of the product:
A user can also change the number of products at the cart page. Click on the number of the quantity given next to the product name. After clicking on that, a user can increment or decrement the quantity.

How to add a discount to a product:
There is a functionality to add a discount to a product at cart page. Click on the “Add” button to add a product’s discount.

After clicking on the “Add” button, a new popup will get opened. Now select the type of discount and enter the value of the discount to be applied.

Checkout View:
To proceed towards the checkout. If you have not selected the customer, it will redirect to add customer otherwise it will take you to the payment page.
After proceeding with checkout, you will get 2 options for payment. Either cash or Card. In cash payment, you can enter the collected amount and the system will display the change amount as shown below. For card payment, simply need to enter the card details.

View of Hold cart:
Click on “Hold” tab at the cart page to view the list of the cart on hold. Click on the checkout button to resumed cart back to active.

View of Orders:
Under the “Sales” tab, a user can view the details of the orders occur at the POS device.

The print invoice will be shown as given below screenshot:

View of Register:
This section covers the view of the Register which includes the “Opening balance”, “Current register difference” and “Total closed register amount”.

That’s all for BigCommerce Point of sale(POS), Still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the application better webkul.uvdesk.com
Current Product Version - 1.0
Supported Framework Version - BigCommerce
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