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How to Add New User Groups & Roles In Akeneo

Updated 3 December 2020

User roles aim at defining authorities on both PIM actions/views and access to the API endpoints.
In user groups, you will be able to give access to your PIM users to only specific parts of your important catalog of products and assets.

In this blog you will learn “How to Add New User Groups & Roles In Akeneo”.

How to create a user group in Akeneo?

To add user groups in Akeneo you have to navigate to System>>Users groups.


After that click on the user groups option. Then it will redirect to the new page where you can view the list of user groups displayed.


To add a user click on the create group button.

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After that fill out the general details like name.


To add the user to the user group navigate to Users. Then check the box to add the users to the group or uncheck the box to withdraw the users from the group.


Then after selecting the user click on Save button.

After that to edit, delete and view information of a particular user group, click on that user groups in the list.


How to create roles in Akeneo?

To add roles in Akeneo you have to navigate to System>>Roles.


After that click on the roles option. Then it will redirect to the new page where you can view the list of roles displayed.


To add a role click on the create role button.


After that fill out the general details like role.


After that navigate to permissions check/uncheck the permissions you want to set permissions for the role.


Then navigate to Web API permissions in this you need to check/uncheck the web API permissions for the roles.

Web API permissions – The Permissions API provides a constant programmatic way to ask the status of API permissions assigned to the current context. 


After that click on user tab Then check the box to add the users to the roles. Then click on Save button.

To edit, delete, and view information about a particular role, click on that role in the list.



This was all about How to Add New User Groups & Roles In Akeneo. Thanks for taking the time in reading this blog. And also, please doesn’t forget to share your feedback and suggestions under the comment box given below.

Moreover, If you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to add a ticket at our HelpDesk system.

. . .

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