Akeneo Social Network Shop Connector: With the help of this extension, you can connect multiple Facebook shops with the Akeneo PIM software and manage thousands of products easily. It works with simple and configurable types of products.
The admin can map catalog and attribute mapping between the Facebook shop and Akeneo PIM. Then, export product details in CSV format and upload them to the Facebook shop. You can run different jobs for simple and configurable products.
- The module is compatible with Akeneo 5.
- Connect Multiple Facebook shops By providing Credential in Jobs.
- Export Product with supporting information
- Export product model to Facebook shop
- Support Simple and Configurable products.
- The admin can map Catelog between Akeneo and Facebook shop.
- The admin can map locale and attribute field with Akeneo PIM and Facebook shop.
- Export multiple images from Akeneo PIM to Facebook shop.
- The product can update from Akeneo PIM to Facebook shop.
- The admin can export default locale CSV and add into the Facebook shop.
- The admin can export multiple locale CSV and upload into the Facebook shop.
- You can export product with “export product” and “export model product” job for simple and configurable product.
Installing Module For Version 4.0.x to 5.x
1- Composer Installation
2- Manual Installation
Please follow these steps for installing the Akeneo Facebook Shop Connector module in your Akeneo PIM platform.
1 – Unzip the respective extension zip then merge the “src” folder into the akeneo project root directory.
2 – Copy the “config” folder into the akeneo project root directory for routing.
3 – Goto config/Bundles.php then add the line:
Webkul\FacebookShopConnectorBundle\FacebookShopConnectorBundle::class => ['all' => true],
in the return array.
4– Before installing the connector please install Connector dependencies. You must require the connector dependencies:
php -d memory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer --prefer-dist --no-scripts require facebook/graph-sdk;
5 – After that, run this command after ssh to your akeneo server by the terminal.
For non-docker instances:
rm -rf var/cache/ && php bin/console facebookshop:setup:install
And For docker instances:
For Akeneo 5
alias docker_php='docker-compose run -u www-data --rm php php'; alias docker_yarn='docker-compose run -u node --rm node yarn'; docker_php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod; docker_php bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean --env=prod; docker_php bin/console d:s:u --force; docker_yarn run webpack; docker_yarn run update-extensions; docker_yarn run less;
For Akeneo 4
alias docker_php='docker-compose run -u www-data --rm php php'; alias docker_yarn='docker-compose run -u node --rm node yarn'; docker_php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod; docker_php bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean --env=prod; docker_php bin/console d:s:u --force; docker_yarn run webpack; docker_yarn run less;
6. If you are using PHP-fpm. Then you need to restart the PHP-fpm services and apache web server.
For Akeneo 5
sudo service php-fpm7.4 restart
For Akeneo 4
sudo service php-fpm7.3 restart
Installing Module For Version 3.x
Please follow these steps for installing the Akeneo Facebook Shop Connector module in your Akeneo PIM platform.
1 – Unzip the respective extension zip then merge the “src” folder into the akeneo project root directory.
2 – Goto app/AppKernel.php then add a line
new Webkul\FacebookShopConnectorBundle\FacebookShopConnectorBundle(),
3 – Goto app/config/routing.yml then add these lines at top of file Sylius: resource:
wk_facebookshop_connector: resource: "@FacebookShopConnectorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /
4– Before installing the connector please install Connector dependencies. You must require the connector dependencies:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">php -d memory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer --prefer-dist --no-scripts require facebook/graph-sdk;
5 – Run this command after ssh to your akeneo server by the terminal.
php bin/console ca:cl --env=prod && php bin/console facebookshop:setup:install
6– If you are using php-fpm. Then you need to restart the php-fpm services and apache web server.
sudo service php-fpm7.2 restart
Common Issues After Installation
It might happen that even after proper installation, upon opening your Akeneo admin dashboard, you see a loading screen. In that case, do check for the following solution:
- Webpack Installation: If you get the below error
- It means that web pack is not installed in your system. Run the following command
npm install --save-prod webpack npm install
- Module routing.yml is not configured properly. Re-check the routing.yml file as mentioned in the 3rd step of Module Installation
- After that, clear your browser cache.
How to get Facebook Shop Credentials?
1: Sign in to your Facebook account.
2: Now, create your Facebook page.
3: Now, go to the settings of the created page and click on Templates and tabs.
4: Add a new tab to your page using Add a Tab button.
5: After the above step, you need to create your business account. Click here to create a business account
6: After the above step, you need to create an app. Click here to create an app
7: For App Id and App Secret go to your Settings > Basics.
Set Up Credentials in Akeneo
After successful installation of the module, you will see the FaceBook Shop Akeneo connector on the left bar as shown below:
Tapping on FaceBook Shop Akeneo connector button will show three settings:
- Documentation
- Credential Setup
- Attribute Mapping
1. Documentation
This section will guide you on how you can get the Facebook Shop credential that will require in the second credential settings.
2. Credential Setup
Goto Setup Credentials tab. Click on the Create Credentials button as shown below:
Tapping on create credential button will ask you to enter below required Facebook Shop details:
- Name
- Business Id
- App Id
- App Secret
- Access Token
Catalog Mapping:
After setting up the Akeneo credentials in Akeneo, Therefore you need to map the catalog mapping between the Facebook shop and Akeneo as per the below image.
The admin needs to select Akeneo channel, Facebook shop default locale and currency in respective of Products for Akeneo shop.
Locale Mapping:
In the Locale Mapping section, you can select Akeneo locale from the dropdown for your Facebook shop. Even you can add locale mapping for your Facebook shop.
3. Attribute Mapping
After setting up the Akeneo credentials in Akeneo. You need to map the product fields between the Facebook shop and Akeneo as per the below image.
The admin needs to select the Akeneo attribute field from the dropdown to map the respective Facebook shop field. Even, the admin can even map the default value as well.
The admin will use two jobs for exporting the product from Akeneo to the Facebook shop. One for simple products and the other for configurable types of products.
The process will remain the same for both product types. So here we will explain the export process for Simple products.
Facebook Shop Export Job
In order to export the products, first of all, you need to create the Export Profile. Therefore, navigate to Exports -> Create Export Profile as per the below image.
Tapping on create an export profile button will redirect you to the Export Profile page. Therefore, you will enter a unique code, the label then select a job profile.
For simple product, select Product export job under Webkul Facebook Shop connector.
For Configurable product, select Product Model export job under Webkul Facebook Shop connector.
Then click to Save button.
Filter The Data:
You can export the filtered data. Therefore, navigate to the Content section as per the below image.
You can filter the data as per-
- Channel – This selects the relevant channel of products to export.
- Locales – Depending on your choice multiple locals can be selected.
- Currency – Select the default currency which you want to export.
- Attributes – select the product attributes which you want to export. You can either select all attributes else click the edit button to select the attributes.
Note: In order to export multiple locale, first has to upload default locale CSV and then upload multiple locale CSV into facebook shop.
Thus first select default locale only to export default locale CSV then later select multiple locale to export multiple locale CSV for export job. After that click the Save button.
Export Now:
After creating the export profile, click on the Export Now button as per the below image
Execution Process:
After the execution of the export process, you can check the process summary and errors if present.
Download Generated Files
A CSV file will get download, when the admin click on download generated files button.
Upload CSV – Facebook Shop Backend
Upload default locale CSV
1: Login into Facebook shop account.
2: Select the Facebook shop in which you want to upload the product data.
3: Now, click on Add Items button as shown below:
4: Upload CSV file by choosing Use bulk upload option then click on next button.
5: In this section, you have to choose upload option as File upload then click on next button.
6: You can use drop and drag option to upload the file then proceed to next button.
7: Now, review name your data resource and default currency then click on upload button.
The product data has been successfully imported into the Facebook shop. You can check the Overview, Imported Items, and settings as shown below:
Upload Multiple Locale CSV
In order to update multiple locale value, the admin has to upload multiple locale CSV into facebook shop by following below steps:
1. The admin has to click on Add localised Product Information from Add items drop down as shown below:
2. In next step, the admin will select Add Language information option then click on next button.
3. Choose file upload option as file upload then click on next.
4. In this section, you will upload the CSV file as shown below:
5. In complete setting section, give the name your data resource and then click on upload button.
6. Now, You can check the Overview and settings as shown below:
The product data has been successfully updated in multiple locale into the Facebook shop.
So, that was much about the User Guide of Akeneo Facebook Shop for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.
Please explore our Akeneo Development Services and Quality Akeneo Extensions.
Current Product Version - 2.0.0
Supported Framework Version - 3.x.x, 4.x.x & 5.x.x
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