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    Akeneo ChatGPT AI Connector

    Updated 23 April 2024

    The Akeneo ChatGPT AI Connector allows you to create content for online store products using ChatGPT AI.

    Using the ChatGPT bulk action functionality, you may also take action on multiple products at the same time.

    If you want to generate images for your product using OpenAI, you can check module Akeneo AI Image Generator

    Basic Requirements

    • This module works with Akeneo 3.0.x, 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 6.0.x, and 7.0.x. Download Akeneo from here
    • Node and Yarn packages need to be install.
    • If you want to use this extension in Akeneo EE Serenity mode, please contact us.
    • For the Akeneo installation, your Akeneo server should meet these system requirements.

    Video Tutorials

    Check a brief overview of the plugin in the video mention below –



    • Create/auto-write content for the online store’s product pages.
    • ChatGPT open AI provides product material for the Product Edit Page.
    • With the prompt, you can search for content.
    • Base on the local selection, you can generate content.
    • Using ChatGPT Open AI’s bulk action, users can add content for multiple products at the same time.
    • Content generation is supported for text and text area attributes.


    Two different types of module installation processes are available for the module.

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    1. Composer Installation
    2. Manual Installation

    Installation using Composer

    Read This Blog

    Before beginning the composer installation

    1: Get the ACCESS KEYS [Create a support ticket]
    2: In Akeneo composer.json, add our repository as well as the installation script.

    For Akeneo 6.x  and 7.x

      "scripts": {
            "post-update-cmd": [
               "vendor/webkul/chatgpt/src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
            "post-install-cmd": [
               "vendor/webkul/chatgpt/src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
            "post-create-project-cmd": [
              "vendor/webkul/chatgpt/src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
      "repositories": [{
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""

    For Akeneo <=5. x 

      "scripts": {
            "post-update-cmd": [
               "vendor/webkul/chatgpt/src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
            "post-install-cmd": [
               "vendor/webkul/chatgpt/src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
            "post-create-project-cmd": [
              "vendor/webkul/chatgpt/src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
      "repositories": [{
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""

    3: Use composer to install the extension.

            composer require webkul/chatgpt

    4: Complete the authentication form.
    5: Send a Message of Success
    6: Delete your browser’s cache.

    Manual Installation for Version 4.x, 5.x,6.x and 7.x

    • After unzipping the appropriate extension zip, merge the “src” folder into the akeneo project.
    • From the PIM directory, run the following command over the NO-DOCKER Instance.
    ./src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true
    • After that run the command below over the PIM directory’s DOCKER instance.
    ./src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false

    Uninstall Module: For Akeneo 4.x,5.x,6.x and 7.x

    • From the PIM directory, run the command below over the NO-DOCKER Instance.
    ./src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true
    • Run the command below over the PIM directory’s DOCKER instance.
    ./src/Webkul/ChatGPTBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false

    If you are using php-fpm. Then you need to restart the php-fpm services and apache web server.

    For Akeneo 5

    sudo service php-fpm7.4 restart

    For Akeneo 4

    sudo service php-fpm7.3 restart

    Installing Module for Version 3.x

    Please follow these steps for installing the Akeneo ChatGPT AI Connector module in your Akeneo PIM platform.

    1. Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge the “src” folder into Akeneo project root directory.

    2. Goto app/AppKernel.php and add a line

    new Webkul\ChatGPTBundle\ChatGPTBundle()

    3. Goto app/config/routing.yml and add these lines at top of the file

        resource: "@ChatGPTBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
        prefix:   /

    4. Run this command after ssh to your Akeneo server by terminal and navigating to Akeneo installation directory (ex. cd /opt/bitnami/apps/akeneo/htdocs). After SSH, you have to run the command to your Akeneo server by the terminal.

    rm -rf var/cache/ && php bin/console wk-chatgpt:setup:install

    Docker Installation Command: Akeneo 3

    alias docker_php='docker-compose run -u www-data --rm php php';
        alias docker_yarn='docker-compose run -u node --rm node yarn';
        docker_php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod;
        docker_php bin/console pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean --env=prod;
        docker_php bin/console d:s:u --force;
        docker_yarn run webpack;
        docker_yarn run less;

    Step 5 – If you are using php-fpm. Then you need to restart the php-fpm services.

    sudo service php-fpm7.2 restart

    Common Issues After Installation

    It might happen that even after proper installation, upon opening your Akeneo admin dashboard, you see a loading screen. In that case, do check for the following solution:

    • Webpack Installation: If you get the below error

    Webpack error

    It means that webpack is not installed in your system. Run the following command

    npm install --save-prod webpack
    npm install
    • Module routing.yml is not configured properly. Re-check the routing.yml file as mentioned in the 3rd step of Module Installation
    • Clear your browser cache.

    How to Get API Credentials

    The user has to first create an OpenAI account and log in to the OpenAI dashboard as shown in the screenshot.


    A popup will show after the user clicks on the Personal button in the top-right corner. The user will select View API Keys from the menu.


    Following that, a page will open with a button labeled Create New Secret Key, as shown in the screenshot.


    After that when the user clicks on this button, a pop-up box with the API key will appear. The copy button allows the user to copy the key from here.


    Akeneo ChatGPT AI Connector – Workflow

    After successfully installing the Akeneo ChatGPT AI Connector, the ChatGPT icon will appear on the left side of the dashboard, as seen below:


    After that, to add a credential the user will navigate to ChatGPT >> Credentials >> Add Credential.


    Then you have to enter the name and API key from the Open AI account.


    Now the user will save all the credentials by clicking on the Save button.

    Note: If you added multiple credentials, only one of them should be enabled and the rest should be disabled.


    After that, click on Prompt

    AI content can be generated by using prompt templates, which are pre-defined and structured instructions.

    To create new prompt Click on the create prompt.


    Then enter the details, like:

    • Prompt: Enter the details of how you want to create a customized prompt here. To reference attributes, use ‘@’. Supported attributes are boolean, text, textarea, simple-select, and number.
    • Tone of voice: In this, select the tone of voice use in the content that will be generated.
    • Writing Styles: Select the style in which you want to generate the content.
    • Name: Enter the name of the prompt.

    Then click on save.


    The prompt can be edited, deleted, or enabled based on your needs. After that, one prompt can be made the default prompt based on your needs.


    After that, the user can use the ChatGPT functionality to add new products or update product details.


    If you want to edit the product, click on the product that you want to edit.

    The ChatGPT Search label will appear on each text and text area type of attribute.


    Then, click on ChatGPT search.

    After that, select the prompt template, text you want to use (default or customised), tone of voice, and writing style as you want to search for content.


    After that, the ChatGPT AI will generate meaningful and understandable sentences or paragraphs based on a search request and display them in the pop-up box.


    If you want to add this content to the product attribute, click the Keep button or if you want to new then click on regenerate.



    If you enabled the rich text editor when creating the attribute, the content search will appear in the same fonts and formats in which the content is added from where the data is fetched.

    Once you click the confirm button, Similar content with the same font and heading will be added to the text box.


    Locale-based content generation:

    Once that’s done, local content generation is possible. If the attribute can be localized, the content is generated using the user’s selected locale.

    As we have selected locale German as shown in the below image.


    At this point, the content is generated based on the user-selected locale.


    Note: In bulk action, the content will be generated on the UI locale selected attribute.

    Akeneo ChatGPT AI Connector – Bulk Action

    Similarly, while updating products in bulk action, the content will be updated automatically based on the attribute you have selected.

    Select multiple products at a time in which you want to update or add the attribute value.


    After that, click on Bulk Action, and you will be redirected to the new page where you have to select the action ChatGPT.


    Then click on the next button after that select the prompt template, text you want to use (default or customized), tone of voice, and writing style as you want to search for content.

    Then select the target attribute.


    Following that, click “Generate Preview” to view a sample of the content that will be created. Click “Next” after that.


    After that, when you click the confirm button, the bulk action process starts.


    Once the job will be completed the content will be automatically updated and you will be notified.


    After that, check that the product target attribute is automatically updated through the ChatGPT bulk action.


    After that go to the process tracker and then check the execution details.


    Akeneo ChatGPT AI Connector – ACL Permission

    Admin can grant authorized users access to specific users by assigning chatGPT plugin permissions.



    Thank you for reading this documentation. For any queries or doubts, reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

    Please explore our Akeneo Development Services and Quality Akeneo Extensions.

    Current Product Version - Akeneo 3 to 5 || 2.1.0, Akeneo 6 and 7 || 2.2.1

    Supported Framework Version - 3.x.x, 4.x.x, 5.x.x. 6.x.x & 7.x.x

    Blog Version - 3.x.x, 4.x.x, 5.x.x. 6.x.x & 7.x.x
    • Version 6.x.x
    • Version 6.x.x, 5.x.x, 4.x.x, 3.x.x
    • Version 3.x.x, 4.x.x, 5.x.x. 6.x.x & 7.x.x
    . . .

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