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Your Ultimate Guide to Efficient Product Page Design

Updated 13 September 2023

Efficient product page design has been a game-changer for various industry verticals. It promises your business a wide variety of opportunities from product improvement to increased revenue.

But communicating digitally what your product offers to consumers can be a challenging task. If at any point of time you struggled with that, you’re at the right place.

Why having an effective product page design is important?

Because product page acts as a landing page for your product. It is the place where the sale is closed. According to global eCommerce statistics in March 2020, 88.05 % of online shopping orders were abandoned, i.e. not converted into a purchase.

To overcome this, your page should deliver what the user is looking for.

Therefore, we have come up with the best practices for efficient product page design to provide flawless customer journey.

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Proper Page Navigation

Page navigation or Breadcrumbs are one of the essential elements that improve usability and navigation. They are often overlooked due design aesthetics, but they provide a large impact on reducing bounce rate and improvising user satisfaction.

Breadcrumb reveals the path and location of the user, making the purchase more streamlined.
Although breadcrumbs displays the position in site hierarchy and considered to be placed just below the header, they should not cross the font size of 12px. Increasing the font size may affect the hierarchy of the product.

There are three types of breadcrumbs:

  • Location Based- This show the user where they are in the site’s hierarchy.
  • Attribute Based- This show the user which category their page falls into.
  • History Based- This show users the specific path they took to arrive at the current page.

Walmart shows the perfect example of attribute based breadcrumb.

Product Image

Your product image is the unit that visually communicates your product with the consumer. Image holds greater significance when it comes to the usability and user experience of the website.

1. Clean and Effective Image

Having a high-quality product image displays the quality and authenticity of the product, making it more pleasing and trustworthy for the consumer. Avoid using the images presented from manufactures. Seeing the low-quality image filled with noise will highly affect the consumer’s purchase decisions.

Nike displays the product images in very clean fashion.


2. Display Product in Use

Making a purchase online has its cons of maintaining trust because the user does not get the hands-on experience on his purchase. Therefore, showing the product in real-life scenario is highly necessary to illuminate the user about the product and what he/she can expect.

Have a look at the presentation by Ikea. They also display the product usage in video format.


Product Information

Having clean product imagery is good but mentioning the most important details of the product in an effective manner is equally important. Let’s get along with the necessary practices.

1. Use “Brand-Model-Product Type” format

Product Title is the first thing user reads after coming to the product page. So, making it succinct plays a vital role. This can be achieved by following the “Brand-Model-Product Type” format.

Let’s take an example from Amazon, here the product title starts with “Fossil Men’s”(Brand) followed by “Chronograph Quartz Watch” (Model) and ends with “Leather Strap FS5251SET” (Product Type).


2. Persuasive Call-to-action

The main goal of the product page is to get the consumers to click on the CTA. Therefore, it becomes the most important element of the product page. If the CTA is not visible to the user the whole user experience falls apart which eventually affects the conversion.

Design your button in such a manner that it compels the user to click it. Hence, the name “Call To Action”.

Essential features for good CTA:

  • Place your CTA in the first fold– Your action button should be visible instantly as the user lands on the page.
  • The button should be bright and large.
  • Use active verbs in your button copy– This is the reason behind most common CTA’s Like: “Try Now for Free”, “Buy Now” etc. Every good CTA displays the action.

3. Utilize FOMO effectively

FOMO a popular slang for “Fear of Missing Out” is something we can utilize to our conversions. FOMO also resonates with Cialdini’s Scarcity Principle which suggests that people tend to get anchored towards the things which are less in number.

Ways to integrate FOMO in your designs:
• Display the inventory count- Showing the amount of product left develops the sense of scarcity which persuades the user to buy the product.
• Highlight the current offers- Highlighting the offers like “On Sale for Today”, “Limited Time Offer”, etc. develops urgency in the user minds which increases the chance of sales.

4. Reduce Clutter

Product page data structure is one of the highly concentrated layouts. Also, the user never reads all the data mentioned on the page. People usually scans the data to find they are interested in and reads the particular information.

Imagine if the user is unable to find the information he is looking for because of the high concentration of data presented altogether. Your potential customer will leave your website instantly.

How to overcome this for efficient product page page?
By applying one of the Gestalt Principles – “The Law of Common Region”.
It states elements placed within the same region are perceived as grouped.

It means if we arrange a similar set of data in a single region and separate different data regions. Then we restrict the user to scan the whole data collection and allow them to scan the data regions. Eventually, it makes it easier to find their data of interest which in turn reduces the bounce rate.


5. Be Descriptive

An effective and well-organized product description acts as a backbone for the product as it neutralizes user queries about the product. The best practice is to provide a short description with essential features on the first fold and a detailed one down below.

Product descriptions are the place where you can sell the product to the most by displaying the features in the best possible option.

  • Convey your data in a graphical format.
  • Provide emphasis on every highlighting feature.
  • Display the detailed specification sheet.

Pay attention to well-managed description provided by Dell.


Instead of going for tabs while designing the product description section. Opting for a sticky table of content can be helpful.
In tabs, there is a high chance of missing the essential information whereas in a sticky table of content user goes through whole data and has the liberty of skipping the data and jump to the desired section.

Leverage Social Proofing

Incorporating social proof in the product page is essential because it generates the extra force which develops the user trust for the product.

People tend to buy the products because they see others buying the same. Studies show that approximately 92% of consumers rely on social proof for their purchase decisions.

Best applications:

  • Show customer rating along with product title adds credibility to your website.
  • Have a dedicated section for detailed customer reviews and comments.

Product Recommendations

Product recommendations act like a sticky gum to hold the consumer to your website after he has made his decision about the purchase. Therefore, the best option is to place them below after the essential information.

Product recommendation does not hold a major part in specific sale conversion, but they have a huge impact on personalized shopping experience which may secure a purchasing spot for a different product.

There can be various types of product recommendations:

  • Up-Sell
  • Cross Sell
  • Recently Viewed Products.

Prioritize Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce has shown tremendous growth in previous years. Reason being its mobility and time-saving. Mobile commerce is supposed to be responsible for 44% of eCommerce in the coming years. Therefore, having mobile-optimized pages will make you a winner in 2020.

Best approach to master mobile commerce design:
• Mobile First Design- Mobile First Design is a strategy that says if you’re designing for a project than you should start the design process form the smallest screen. Mobile First Design approach will help you to prioritize the data, delivering the most efficient user experience.

• User Centered Design(UCD)- User Centered Design is an iterative design process where designers focus on the user’s needs and requirements and then produce a product with better accessibility. This approach makes your user more comfortable with the product which meets our goal for better conversions.

ASOS displays the perfect example of how to prioritize mobile commerce for efficient product page design.


In the era where eCommerce is increasing exponentially standing out from contemporaries can be a challenging task. Therefore, presenting your product in the most efficient way becomes the first necessity.

Following the mentioned practices results in the efficient product page design:

  • Always take breadcrumbs under consideration.
  • High quality product image produces a good first impression on the user.
  • Follow “Brand-Model-Product Type” method in your product title.
  • CTA should be bright and large.
  • Leverage FOMO and Cialdini’s Principle of persuasion.
  • Consider “Law of Common Region” for better data scanning.
  • Be descriptive about your product.
  • Social Proofing is directly proportional to conversions.
  • Prioritize mobile commerce.

And that’s it for now. Try applying these practices in your design and do mention your thoughts in the comments section below.

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