Odoo gives the developer several options for working with data .
In this article, we will be looking at the XML data options in odoo.
We will study how to create , update and delete the records using xml data.
Create DEMO DATA File
First of all you need to create a xml file(let’s say demo.xml) Like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <odoo> <data noupdate="1"> </data> </odoo>
Here noupdate is set to true for ensuring that on module update this xml will not executed again and again.
It’s time to include your xml file in data or demo key of __mainifest__.py.
Create Records
For creating the record of model , create a <record/> tag and place the fields Like:
<record model="model_name" id="record_id"> <field name="field_name">field_data</field> </record>
<record model="product.product" id="product_webkul"> <field name="name">Webkul Product</field> </record>
Now your xml file will look like:
<odoo> <data noupdate="1"> <record model="product.product" id="product_webkul"> <field name="name">Webkul Product</field> </record> </data> </odoo>
Modify Records
Some time you may required to update the previously created record by other module.
For this create the record with id (module_name.record_id) in your module like:
<record model="model_name" id="module_name.record_id"> <field name="field_name">new_field_data</field> </record>
<record model="product.product" id="product.service_order_01"> <field name="name">Demo Product</field> </record>
NOTE: you must place the module_name in depends of __mainifest__.py
Delete Records
In case you want to delete the record , use <delete/> tag along with id or search like:
<delete model="model_name" search="[('id','=',ref('module_name.record_id'))]"/> <delete model="model_name" id="module_name.record_id"/>
<delete model="product.product" search="[('id','=', ref('product.service_order_01'))]"/> <delete model="product.product" id="product.service_delivery"/>
While using search you can specify domain on fields also like
<delete model="product.product" search="[('name','=','demo'),('sale_ok','=',False)]"/>
You must also place the module_name in depends keys of __mainifest__.py.
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You also like our post on calling methods from xml in odoo.
But, i have a doubt
Can you tell me, How translate data-demo in Odoo ?