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WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

Updated 31 May 2023

 WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification Plugin allows the admin and sellers to send push notification messages to subscribed users.

Web push notifications are messages that come from a website. You get them on your desktop or device even when the concerned web page is not open in your browser.

They are a new marketing channel to re-engage your visitors without knowing their email or other contact details.

Note: Compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browser and SSL certification is required for the website.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification Plugin is an add-on to the WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Plugin.

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To use this plugin you must have installed the first WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace Plugin.


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Check the plugin overview –  



  • Admin, as well as the sellers, can add notifications.
  • There is no monthly subscription required to notify customers.
  • No limitation on the number of subscribed users.
  • The admin can remove any subscribed user.
  • The seller can create new notifications.
  • The seller can delete old notifications.
  • A custom icon and redirect URL can be added with the push notification.


The user will get a zip file that he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

For this login to WordPress Admin Panel and Under the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu and then select the “Add New” option.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

Thereafter, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

On clicking the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

Click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

Now when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.

WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

Module Translation

To know how to translate the module, you can click here.

Creating Firebase Project Credentials

To use this plugin, you must have Firebase Project Credentials. In order to configure this plugin the admin will need Firebase Project Credentials. Please click here to create a new project with your Gmail account.

1. After opening the Firebase page. Please click the “CREATE NEW PROJECT” button as shown in the below screenshot.
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

2. A small pop-up window will appear with the name of Create a project. Here you have to enter your Project Name and then select your Country/Region.
WordPress Marketplace WooCommerce Web Push Notification

3. After completing the details click the “CREATE PROJECT” button.

4. After creating your new project click the Settings menu icon. And then select the “Project Settings” option. A new Settings page will open as displayed below.
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

5. After entering the Settings page, you will find your Project ID and Web API Key. Copy and save your Project ID and Web API Key as displayed below.
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

6. After that, click the “CLOUD MESSAGING” tab. From here you will find your Project Credentials. Copy and save your Server Key and Sender ID as displayed below.
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification

From here you will find all the details and credentials to configure WordPress Woocommerce Web Push Notification plugin.


Once the admin receives the credentials, the admin can configure the plugin under “Marketplace Push Notifications > Settings”. 

The admin needs to add the credentials retrieved from the Firebase website.


Once the firebase is set up the admin will have to set up the options for the notification as well. 

Notification Options

As shown in the image below. Here the admin can tickmark the checkboxes under Notification Options as follows:


Tickmark “A new product is published” to auto-notify subscribers of every new product.

Tick the checkbox for “A new blog is published” so as to auto-notify subscribers of every new blog.

Tick the box for “A new page is published” to auto-notify subscribers for every new page.

Admin-end Workflow

Once the admin configures the module, it becomes easier for the admin to create a new notification under the New Notification option as shown in the image below.Marketplace-Push-Notifications-‹-WooCommerce-Marketplace-Web-Push-Notification-—-WordPress-1

The admin can set the configurations for a New Notification as follows:

Image: Add an image associated with the Notification.

Title: Set the title of the new notification to the Title tab.

Message: The notification message which shall pop up on the customer’s end is to be added.

URL: The admin will have to add the URL. The user shall be redirected to this URL by clicking the notification.


Admin can view a list of all subscribers under “Marketplace Push Notifications > Subscribers” as in the below image.Subscribers-‹-WooCommerce-Marketplace-Web-Push-Notification-—-WordPress

Seller-End Workflow

After a successful installation and configuration of the plugin, the seller of the marketplace can create a new notification through his seller panel under “Push Notification > New Notification”. 

To create a new notification a seller just needs to enter the title of the notification, the message of the notification, the redirect URL of the notification, and the image of the notification as the below image.My-account-–-WooCommerce-Marketplace-Web-Push-Notification-1

A seller can view the complete history of created notifications under “Push Notification > Notification History”. The seller is also able to delete an old notification from the history by clicking on the Delete button.


Subscriber-end Workflow

When a new user visits first time for the website then he/she can subscribe for notifications through a pop-up message on top of their browser window.

This pop-up message will ask users to show notifications from your website, the users will have to click either Allow or Block option. A user can also change the permissions of notifications as per the below image.


A user will be notified of new notifications on the website as shown in the below image.

That’s all for the WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Web Push Notification Plugin still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the plugin better at


Current Product Version - 1.1.1

Supported Framework Version - WordPress: 6.1.1 WooCommerce: 5.2.4

Blog Version - WordPress: 6.1.1 WooCommerce: 5.2.4
  • Version WordPress: 6.1.1 WooCommerce: 5.2.4
  • Version WooCommerce 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, 3.5.x
. . .

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