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Guide for WordPress ACF Pro Akeneo

Updated 8 July 2024

WordPress ACF Pro Akeneo extension allows users to add custom fields on the WordPress end and map them on Akeneo PIM. It will help in creating CMS content over WordPress and exporting it on Akeneo.

Users can create multiple custom field attribute types based on WordPress and WooCommerce end default types. ACF PRO includes extra fields & features to develop better websites like Repeatable Fields, clone fields, Media Galleries, and flexible content Custom Options.

Note- You can also use our WordPress ACF Akeneo extension without pro fields.

Basic Requirements

  • This module works with Akeneo 7.0.x. Download Akeneo from here
  • This module is compatible with the Akeneo community and Enterprise(Flexibility) edition.
  • If you want to use this extension on Akeneo EE Serenity mode, please contact us.
  • For the Akeneo installation, your Akeneo server should meet these system requirements.

Required Modules

Required WordPress Plugins

  • Advanced Custom Fields PRO Version: 6.2.3.
  • WooCommerce version: 8.3.1
  • WordPress version: 6.4.2
  • WooCommerce WPML API: 2.0.0


  • Support Repeater, Flexible Content, Gallery, and Clone fields for WordPress & WPML.
  • Support Repeater, Flexible Content, and Clone fields for WooCommerce.
  • Map already created Advanced Custom Field in Akeneo.
  • Export Product attributes ACF value from Akeneo to WooCommerce / WordPress CMS.
  • The following ACF field type Attributes are supported by WooCommerce [Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL Password, Wysiwyg Editor, oEmbed, Select (akeneo simple-select), Checkbox (akeneo multi-select), Radio Button (akeneo simple-select), Button Group (akeneo simple-select), True / False, and date picker].
  • The following ACF field type Attributes are supported by WPML-Addon [Repeater, Flexible Content, Gallery, Clone, Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL Password, Wysiwyg Editor, oEmbed, Select (akeneo simple-select), Checkbox (akeneo multi-select), Radio Button (akeneo simple-select), Button Group (akeneo simple-select), True / False, and date picker].
  • The following Attributes are supported by WordPress Repeater, Flexible Content, Gallery, Clone, Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL Password, Wysiwyg Editor, oEmbed, Select (akeneo simple-select), Checkbox (akeneo multi-select), Radio Button (akeneo simple-select), Button Group (akeneo simple-select), True / False, Image, File, and date picker.


  • Nested ACF Reater, Flexible Content, and Gallery Field are not supported by Akeneo.
  • ACF Blocks and Options pages are not supported.
  • WooCommerce does not support image, File, or image Gallery Attribute Type.
  • For exporting ACF Field Values, ACF Attribute mapping is required.
  • Codes of Akeneo Repeater, flexible content attributes must be similar to the name of the ACF repeater, flexible content type field.
  • ACF Pro Fields name must not have spaces & dashes in WordPress.
  • Read the official docs for ACF Pro Features.


Two different types of module installation processes are available for the module.

  1. Composer Installation
  2. Manual Installation

Composer Installation

Read this blog: How to install Webkul Akeneo Connector via Composer? before starting the installation via composer.

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1- GET the Access Keys Raise a ticket.

2- Add our repository and installation script to your Akeneo composer.json.

Akeneo 7:

  "scripts": {
        "post-update-cmd": [
           "vendor/webkul/acf/src/Webkul/AcfProBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
        "post-install-cmd": [
           "vendor/webkul/acf/src/Webkul/AcfProBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
        "post-create-project-cmd": [
          "vendor/webkul/acf/src/Webkul/AcfProBundle/install/ COMPOSER=true NO_DOCKER=true"
  "repositories": [{
    "type": "composer",
    "url": ""

3 – Install the extension using Composer.

composer require webkul/acfprobundle

4- Fill in the authentication.

5- Success message.

6- Clear the browser cache.

Manual Installation for Version 7.x

  • Unzip the respective extension zip and then merge the “src” folder into the Akeneo project.
  • Run the below command over the NO-DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.
./src/Webkul/AcfProBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true
  • Run the below command over the DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.
./src/Webkul/AcfProBundle/install/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false

Common Issues After Installation

It might happen that even after proper installation, upon opening your Akeneo admin dashboard, you see a loading screen. In that case, do check for the following solution:

  • Webpack Installation: If you get the below error.
  • It means that Webpack is not installed in your system. Run the following command
npm install --save-prod webpack
npm install
  • Module routing.yml is not configured properly. Re-check the routing.yml file as mentioned in the 3rd step of Module Installation
  • Clear your browser cache.

Uninstall Module: Akeneo 7

  • Run the below command over the NO-DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.
./src/Webkul/AcfProBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=true
  • Run the below command over the DOCKER Instance from the PIM directory.
./src/Webkul/AcfProBundle/uninstall/ COMPOSER=false NO_DOCKER=false
  • Run this command to remove added Repeater attributes from your database:
php bin/console d:q:s "delete from pim_catalog_attribute where attribute_type='pim_catalog_repeater'"
  • Run this command to remove added Flexible Content attributes from your database:
php bin/console d:q:s "delete from pim_catalog_attribute where attribute_type='pim_catalog_flexiblecontent'"

WooCommerce API Integration

The admin can easily generate API keys from the WordPress Admin backend. For this, the admin will navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings as per the below image.


After that navigate to Advance -> Rest API as per the below image.


The admin will be redirected to the Key Details page when the admin clicks on the Add Key button.


Here, the admin will:

  • Add the Description.
  • Select the WordPress admin User to generate the key.
  • For this REST API key, choose Read/Write Permission as the level of access.

After entering all the details, the admin will click the “Generate API Key” button. This will generate REST API keys for the selected user as per the below image.


Creating WordPress API Credentials

Before you begin, you need to install the Application Password plugin in your WordPress. After that follow the steps below:-

  1. Login to the WordPress admin panel then go to the Plugins section.
  2. Search Application Passwords after that install and activate the plugin.
  3. Then, go to Users>Your Profile and find the Application Passwords section.
  1. Enter any name for your new application password then click Add New.
  2. Once the Add New button is clicked, your new application password will appear on the screen.
add new

WordPress ACF Pro Creation

After the successful integration, users can create custom fields in WordPress. Navigate to ACF > Field groups firstly create a field group to add custom fields. Click on Add New and enter details.


Custom Field Creation

Once the field group is created admin can create advanced custom fields in that group.


Click on the add field option and create a new custom field.


Admin can create multiple advanced custom fields as per their requirements.

In the context of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro, location rules are used to determine where and when custom fields should be displayed within WordPress. ACF provides a flexible and intuitive interface for creating custom fields and assigning them to specific locations on your website.

Here are some commonly used location rules in ACF Pro:

Post Types:
You can choose to display your custom fields on specific post types, such as posts, pages, or custom post types created by plugins or themes.



Post Type: In WooCommerce, products are custom post types. You can set the location rule to display ACF Pro fields on the “product” post type.

Note: If you are using WooCommerce, then create the role for product types. For WordPress, you can use post type.

In the group setting, after activating the API and enabling Show in REST API, you can see the custom field in Akeneo, whatever you create the custom field in WordPress.


Field Group Creation

After clicking on the Add New button a new page will open.


General Settings

In the general settings tab, the admin needs to fill in field details like-

Title – Add the field group title name.

Type– Choose the field type as basic

WooCommerce – Repeater, Flexible Content, Clone, Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL Password, Wysiwyg Editor, oEmbed, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Button Group, True / False, and date picker.

WPML-Addon – Repeater, Flexible Content, Gallery, Clone, Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL Password, Wysiwyg Editor, oEmbed, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Button Group, True / False, and date picker.

WordPress – Repeater, Flexible Content, Gallery, Clone, Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL Password, Wysiwyg Editor, oEmbed, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Button Group, True / False, Image, File, and date picker.

Label– This is the name that will appear on the EDIT page

Name– Enter any field name.

Default Value– Appears when creating a new post.



In this section, the admin needs to validate the field group and set the word limit if they want to.



Instruction– Instructions for authors. Shown when submitting data.

Placeholder Text– Appears within the input.

Prepend– Appears before the input.

Append– Appears after the input.

Wrapper Attributes– Add the details in wrapper attributes like width, class, and ID.

Conditional Logic


If the admin wants to enable the conditional logic then they can enable the toggle button. After that a few options will open to create the condition.

For adding the field, the admin needs to fill in the same parameters that they already created at the time of field group creation.

Workflow For WooCommerce

After installing the module in Akeneo, you need to set up the WooCommerce API keys in Akeneo. For this, log into Akeneo then navigate to WooCommerce Connector>Add Credentials.


Then you have to enter the following details:

  • Shop URL
  • Consumer Key
  • Consumer Secret

Then click the “Save” button. Credentials will be saved in the Akeneo PIM.


Once the WooCommerce connector is added, the user can check the ACF field section and map the attribute value on exported custom fields.


Users can add these created custom fields in product and post creation.

How to create an ACF pro custom option check below:

Repeater Field

To export the Repeater field, You need to follow the below steps:

  • First of all, Create a Repeater attribute. Make sure the akeneo Repeater attribute code is similar to the ACF repeater field name.
  • Create a sub-field in the Repeater attribute with the given sub-field code.
  • Then Assign the Repeater Attribute to the family.
  • Map Repeater attribute in ACF Field mapping.
  • Go to the product fill in values in the Repeater attribute, and then click the save button.

Flexible Content Field

To export the Flexible Content field, You need to follow the following steps:-

  • First of all, Create a Flexible Content attribute. Make sure the akeneo Flexible Content attribute code is similar to the ACF Flexible Content field name.
  • Create a sub-field in each layout of the Flexible Content attribute with the given sub-field code.
  • Then Assign the Flexible Content to the family.
  • Map Flexible Content attribute in ACF Field mapping.
  • Go to the product fill in values in the Flexible Content attribute and then click the save button.

Gallery Field

To export the Gallery field, You need to follow the below steps:-

  • First of all, Create a Gallery from the Image Gallery Connector.
  • After that, Create the Image Gallery attribute.
  • Then Assign the Image Gallery to the family.
  • Map the Image Gallery attribute in ACF Field mapping.
  • Go to the product add the created Image Gallery in Gallery Attribute and then click on the save button.

Clone Field

To export the Clone field, You need to follow the following steps:-

  • Map the all fields of the ACF Clone field

Run Export Job

The user can run the export job from Akeneo PIM for WooCommerce and WordPress separately. Navigate to Export > Create Export Profile. Then, enter any code, and label and select a job:-

For WooCommerce


Once you click on the save button, the profile creates, and you need to enter details. Click on content and you can select your channel, locale, and attributes.


If you want to select any specific attribute then the user can drag and drop in the attribute list.


Once you have saved your export profile information, click the Export Now button and wait for the execution process to get over.


Export Custom Fields Data

Product Data Export on WooCommerce

Users can export custom field attributes from Akeneo to WooCommerce. After the attribute export job user can add any custom field data to a product.


Example: Gallery attribute group mapped in the product after successful export it will display on WooCommerce end.

Export product –

product upload

Once the data is exported it will show the completed message in the export tab.


Product on WooCommerce end-


Workflow For WordPress

Once you have installed WordPress CMS Akeneo Connector in Akeneo, log in to the Akeneo admin panel. Then, go to WordPress CMS Connector>Credentials after that enter the following:

Credentials WordPress

Site URL – Enter your WordPress website URL here.

Username – Enter your WordPress username here.

Application Password – Enter the API password that you have just created in the previous section. 

The user can export specific custom fields on the WordPress end. Three types of export jobs will be available to you:

  • Export All Job – It will export all the products including the categories.
  • Product Only Export – It will only export products to WordPress.
  • Categories Only Export – It will only export categories to WordPress.

Once WordPress connects with Akeneo, users can check all created custom fields in the ACF field tab.


To map these custom fields with attributes, the user needs to navigate into each field and map the value on it.


After you have created the export profile, go to Content. From here, you can select your channel, locale, and attributes.


If you don’t want to export all the products, you can use various built-in filters of Akeneo:

  • Family – Export products belonging to a family.
  • Status – Export products that are either enabled or disabled.
  • Completeness – Export products according to their information completion.
  • Time Condition – Export products based on their date-modified condition.
  • Category – Export products belonging to specific categories.
  • Identifier – Export product using SKU values separated by commas.

Now click on the save button and export the job, it will reflect in the process tracker.


Export Custom Fields Data

Post Data Export on WordPress

Similarly, users can export custom field attribute data from Akeneo to WordPress. After the attribute export job user can add any custom field data to a post.


Example: Media custom field mapped in the post after successful export it will display on WordPress end.


Once the data is exported it will show the completed message in the export tab.

Exported Post on WordPress End-



That’s all about the WordPress ACF Akeneo extension, for any queries or doubts reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - 7.x.x

. . .

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