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Tier Based Pricing for WooCommerce

Updated 8 April 2021


The Woocommerce Tier based pricing module allows the admin to enable the tier based on products as per added product rules that can be created and managed by the store admin. The module helps the customers to choose from a vast range of discounted prices made available to them using the tier pricing features of this module.

Moreover, the admin can also multiple Global rules that are applicable to all the products if there is no other rule applied to them. 

In e-commerce, tier-based pricing is referred to as Tier Pricing i.e a way to encourage shoppers to buy larger quantities of a product by applying discounts based on the quantity ordered.

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These discounts may be “tiered” so that they increase as the order amount is raised. the customer will get a discount on that product based on its Product Rule and ordered quantity of product.

Check the working of the plugin in the video mentioned-below –


Features – WooCommerce Tier Based Pricing

  • The admin can enable/disable the feature.
  • The admin can apply tier-based pricing on the products of the store.
  • Add product rules to create and manage the different conditions for tier-based pricing.
  • These discounts may be “tiered” so that they increase as the order amount is raised.
  • The module helps the customers to choose from a vast range of prices made available to them using the features of this module.

Installation – WooCommerce Tier Based Pricing

Firstly, the user will get a zip file which first of all needs to be uploaded in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

Furthermore, log in to your account panel and under the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option.

After that, tap on the Sub-Menu, and then select the “Add New” option.

PayUmoney Payment Gateway-installation add new details

Next, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.

PayUmoney Payment Gateway- upload plugin

After clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File”.

Click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.

PayUmoney Payment Gateway-installation choose file

After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.


When the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. After that, click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.

activate plugin

Module Configuration 

To configure the module the admin can go to the Tier Based Pricing > Configuration.


Now, the admin needs to give inputs in the below fields as per the requirements.

WooCommerce Tier Based Pricing: To enable the tier-based pricing the admin needs to click on the checkbox. Else leave as it is to disable. 

Show Tiered price in cart as discount: To show the tiered price over the front end in the shopping cart discount table the admin can click the checkbox.

Sort by Quantity: Using this field the admin can set the product’s tiered pricing discount table Sorting based on the quantity of the product i.e from Low to High or High to Low.

Product Rules

To add the product rule for tier pricing the admin can go to the Tier Based Pricing > Product Rules.


Simply, click on the Add rule button.


The admin can search a product from the search box select a product from the visible suggestion. Further, specify the following inputs for the product rule.

Rule Name: The admin can give a rule name for the product rule.

Quantity From: Enter, the quantity from which the discount will be applied.

Quantity To: Enter, the quantity to which the discount will be applied.

User Roles: By clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting the users, only these users will get the discount offered on the product.

Discount Type: The admin needs to select the discount type i.e Fixed or Percentage as per requirements.

Discount Amount: The admin can enter a required discount amount to be offered.

Status: The admin can enable/disable the status of the particular product rule.

Global Rules

These Global Rules will be applicable to all the products if no Product rules are created and enabled for them.


Note: The admin can click Add Row to include new Global Rules and click Save Changes.

Product Page – Tier Based Pricing

The customer can check the tier-based pricing on the product page. Further, click Add to cart after selecting the quantity of the product.


Cart Page Discount

As a result, the customer can see the discounted price on the cart page as applicable on the purchase based on the product quantity.


That’s all about the WooCommerce Tiered Pricing module. For any further queries and suggestions please add a ticket at the HelpDesk System.


Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - WooCommerce Version: 5.1.0 , WordPress: 5.7.0

. . .

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