With the help of WooCommerce Shopify Integration, use the WooCommerce Shopify Connector to sync products, categories, and orders between the platforms seamlessly.
With the help of the WooCommerce Shopify Connector module, merchants can import/export simple and variable types of products.
The admin can connect multiple Shopify accounts to exchange and synchronize the data between Shopify and WooCoomerce.
Note: WooCommerce Shopify connector is compatible with multisite.
This plugin is compatible with WooCommerce’s new high-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
If you require expert assistance or want to develop custom unique functionality, Hire WooCommerce Developers for your project.
We provide a production version of the plugin. If you want a development version then you can get it at an additional cost. Please contact [email protected] for it.
Check a brief overview of the plugin settings and the configuration –
How to get the admin API Access Token –
Features of WooCommerce Shopify Connector
- Map Shopify collections with WooCommerce categories.
- Easily import Shopify products to the WooCommerce store.
- The admin can set a default category for the imported products in the WooCommerce store.
- Easily import Simple as well as Variable product types.
- It will also import the product information like base image, additional images, name, price, SKU, description, quantity, weight, and super attributes along with the product.
- Imported Shopify product works the same as WooCommerce product.
- The admin with ease can manually update the imported products with just a single click.
- The admin can export WooCommerce store products to the Shopify store.
- Export Simple as well as Variable product types.
- Easily import Shopify orders to the WooCommerce store.
- Set the default order status for the imported orders in the WooCommerce store.
- Add multiple Shopify Accounts.
- The admin can view and manage the Shopify Accounts.
- Export Orders to the Shopify store with just one click.
- This module allows the admin to run real-time for auto-sync of the orders.
- The Admin can auto-sync category, product price, quantity, and SKU as well.
- Set price rules for the imported/exported products and will have real-time updates as well.
- Admin can easily sync the products from both sides wooCommerce and Shopify in Real-time.
- The Admin can import/export the products from both sides wooCommerce and Shopify in Real-time.
- Two Way Auto Product inventory reduction on new Orders(WooCommerce <-> Shopify)
- Sync Unlimited orders, Without Monthly Fees.
- The admin can import customers, pages, blogs and coupons from Shopify to WooCommerce.
- They can also import and manage shipping and tax from Shopify to WooCommerce.
- If the admin adds a tracking number at the Shopify end then that will be shown in the WooCommerce order at the Admin end.
- On Shopify products, if the product is on sale then the price is entered in the Price section and the regular price is entered in the Compare at Price section. Or if the product is not on sale then the regular price in the Price section and in the Compare at Price section will not have to enter the price.
- It will only export those products from WooCommerce which has up to three variation attributes. As per Shopify’s listing policy, Products with more than three options for variation will not be a part of the list in Shopify.
Check the overview of the Shopify Connector For WooCommerce –
Real Time Synchronization Features
The connector supports below Real Time Synchronization features and it will work both ways (Shopify to Woo store and vice-versa) according to the settings chosen-
- Automatic Creation: When any product is created in the Shopify store, its update will reflect in the Woo store. The details that will get updated will include the Category, Description, Title, SKU, Price, Stock, Image, and Attributes of the item.
- Automatic Update: When any product is edited in the Shopify store, its update will reflect in the Woo store. The details that will get updated will include the Category, Description, Title, SKU, Price, Stock, Image, and Attributes of the item.
- Automatic Deletion: When an item is deleted from the Shopify store, then the updates will get reflected in the Woo store.
Automatic Inventory Management
WooCommerce Shopify Integration features Automatic Inventory Management, streamlining inventory control and reducing manual work.
- When a product is sold or updated on Shopify, the stock levels in WooCommerce are automatically adjusted accordingly.
- Similarly, if a product goes out of stock on Shopify, it will be marked as out of stock in WooCommerce as well.
This automatic inventory management works both ways, depending on the settings configured in the Real-Time Sync options, ensuring that changes in WooCommerce are also reflected on Shopify.
Installation of WooCommerce Shopify Connector
The user will get a zip file that he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel.
For this, login to WordPress Admin Panel, and Under the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu and then select the “Add New” option.

After this, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.

By clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, below that you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.

After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.

Now when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Henceforth now, click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin.

Thus, in this, the admin can install the module.
Configuration on WooCommerce Shopify connector
The admin can easily configure the module from the WooCommerce admin panel.

To manage and configure the module, the admin can click on the Webkul WC Addons. Here, the WooCommerce Shopify Connector will display and click on the settings to do the configuration.
Activate Plugin
Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code.
Plugin Update
Check how to get updates of webkul modules directly on the plugin page.
Shopify Account Settings
The admin can manage Shopify account settings here. They can add a new Shopify account or manage an existing one. Also, the admin can add multiple Shopify stores from here.

The admin can click on the Add Account button to add a new Shopify account then enter the Store Name, Token, and Domain Name.

Price Rule
The admin can manage the Price Rule from the admin panel easily. The admin not only can create but also edit the existing price rules.
Note: If the price rule is applied to imported products then it will work in a reverse manner for the exported product.
Add Price Rule
To create a new price rule, the admin can click on the Add New Price Rule and fill in the required details.

Here the admin can –
- Product Price From – Here, the admin can set the minimum price, for which the rule will be apply.
- Product Price To – The admin can set the maximum price for the rule.
- Operation Type – Set the operation type of the rule i.e Percentage or Fixed.
- Operation – The operation of the price rule can be manage from the operation. The admin can decide if the price of the product will be increase or decrease according to the rule applied.
- Price – The admin can set the price for the applied rule.
- Shopify Store– Select the Shopify store on which the price rule will be apply.
- Price Rule Status- The price rule can be enable or disable from here.
Export product Rule
With the help of this the admin can define on which Shopify store the products are to be export.

How to Get API Credential From Your Shopify Account
To get the API credential the admin needs to generate the Shopify API credential first using the Shopify account.
The admin can visit the Shopify store for which the admin wants to connect and sync the WooCommerce store then click on the App menu and click on develop an app for your store.

Then the admin navigates to settings. Then click on Apps and Sales channels.

After the selection develop an app for your store and then click on Develop apps.

Please fill in the required credentials i.e.App name and click on create app.

Afterward, create a successful app and then go to the configuration and click on the configure for Admin API Integration.

Also, it should have Read and Write API permission for the following:
- Customer Details and Customer Group
- Inventory
- Order, transaction, and fulfillment
- Product Information
- Product, variant, and collection
Note: While making the Webhook Subscription, please make sure to select the below highlighted Event Version – 2024-04

After successfully, fill in all the required permissions and then click on the Save button.

Afterward, go to the API credentials and click on the Install App button.
By clicking on the Reveal token once and getting the token key successfully.

Note- This token key is available only once, please copy and save your admin API token in a secure place.
How To Integrate Shopify Credential With Your WooCommerce Store
The admin can copy the generated Token key and then paste these credentials to the WooCommerce store.
Manage WooCommerce Shopify Connector-
From the WooCommerce Shopify Connector, the admin can manage Account Details, General Configuration, Map categories, Import Products, Import orders, and Export Products.
Account Details:
The admin can enter the Shopify store name, Token, and domain name here.


Now, To generate webhooks click on the Generate Webhooks button. then the webhooks are generated automatically.

General Configuration:

While configuring the module in the GENERAL SETTINGS the admin can select.
- Default Category – The admin can select the default category where the products get imported.
- Products to Import – The admin can decide which products to import, either all products or only mapped category products
- Product Description With HTML – The admin can import the product description with HTML.
- Price Rule Applicable For – The admin can create the price rule for the imported products or exported products.
- Import Order As – The admin can select the order status like pending payment, processing, on hold, completed, canceled, refunded, failed, and draft accordingly.
- Import Product As – From here, the admin can set the product status which will show on the admin product list like draft, pending review, and published as per the below image.
- Product to import having Shopify status – From here, the admin can set the product status of the products to be imported from Shopify as archived, All products, pending, active.
- Imported Image Size – The admin can select the image size for the imported images from Shopify, in this way the images get imported to WooCommerce in the selected size by the admin.
Thus, after the General Settings, the admin can configure the EXPORT ORDER SETTINGS.

Export Order Settings:
- Shipping: Here the admin can select to export the orders with/without the shipping cost.
- Tax: By using the dropdown the admin can export the orders by Including/Excluding the Tax cost.
- Discount: Here the admin can select to export the order by Including/Excluding the discount on it.
Shopify Auto-Syncing Settings.
- Product Auto-Sync: By using this the admin can choose to disable Auto-Sync and can choose Woocommerce from Shopify or Shopify from Woocommerce for the products and both ways as per the below image. By this admin can sync products(price, SKU, and quantity) from Woocommerce to Shopify and Shopify to Woocommerce.
- Auto Export Orders: Select the Order Status (Disable, Pending Payment, Processing, On Hold, and Completed) to automatically export an order in real-time when a new order
comes on WooCommerce. - Auto Import Order: The admin can enable auto import of orders by selecting enable else select disable to disable the auto import of products.
- Auto Import Products: The admin can enable the auto import of products by selecting the enable option else select the disable option to disable the auto import of products.
To manage the product sync like product update, product delete, import order, and import product the admin will have to configure the webhooks on their Shopify account.
Map Categories –
The admin can click on the import category button to list the collections from the Shopify store.

The admin can see the process on the screen while listing the collections as shown in the image below-

After listing the Shopify Collection in the dropdown, the admin can select the WooCommerce store category, select the Shopify category, and then click on the Map Category button.

The select category gets map with the Shopify category.
The admin can view the Store Category, Store Category Name, Shopify Category ID, Shopify Category Name, Published Date at Shopify, and Published Scope At Shopify.
The admin can also delete and search for the collections from here.
Import Products –
The admin can click on the import products and then create the products of those imported products from Shopify to the WooCommerce store.

The process bar can be see from the screen while importing the products from Shopify as shown in the image below-

The admin can view all their Shopify products from the Shopify store.

After importing Shopify products, click on Create imported products to create the products on the WooCommerce Store.
The admin can easily update the product with just a click on the update option available for each product.

Export Products –
The admin can easily export the WooCommerce products to the Shopify store.

Also, the admin can export the products in bulk.
Note: The Export/Import feature will work for every product type except for group products.

Import Orders –
Here, the admin can import the orders from Shopify.

Shopify Orders:

Then create the same Shopify imported orders from the WooCommerce store.

here, the admin can also view the store ID, order status, the order created date, and Shopify order ID.
The admin can also delete the order by selecting a single or multiple order.
After placing an order on Shopify, the admin adds the tracking order and view the real-time tracking details of the order.
Such as tracking Company name, Tracking Number, and Tracking URL under WooCommerce > Orders.

Export Order
This module allows the admin to Export Orders to the Shopify store by clicking on the Export button of the particular order.

Also, the admin can export the order for those products that are import to the WooCommerce store from the Shopify store.
This export feature for the orders will work only for those orders whose products are import from the Shopify web store to the WooCommerce web store.
Import Customers
The admin can import the customers from Shopify to WooCommerce.

When the admin clicks on the import customer option a process bar will open and the customer will start importing from Shopify.

They can also create customers after importing them.

Now, They can see all the created customers.

Import Pages

When click on the import page button the Shopify page will start importing.

The admin can also create imported pages on the WooCommerce store.

Now, Admin can view all the created Pages.

Import Coupons
The admin can also import coupons from Shopify.

When they click on the import coupons option a process bar will show with importing coupons.

The admin can also create the coupons.

Import Blog
The admin can also import the blogs from Shopify to WooCommerce.

When click on the import & create blogs option the following window will open with created and imported blogs.

The admin can also view those blogs in their WooCommerce admin panel by clicking on the button.

Shipping & Tax
The admin can also manage shipping and tax in the WC Shopify connector.
Import Tax – The admin can import the tax by clicking on the import tax button.

The process bar will show the created taxes.

When click on the update tax details button the created tax details will get update.

Lastly, the admin can view these taxes in the WooCommerce settings by directly clicking on the View Tax in WooCommerce button.

Import Shipping – The admin can also import the shipping from Shopify.

When the admin clicks on the import shipping option, a progress bar window will open with import and Create shipping details.

The admin will update the created shipping details by tapping the update shipping details button.

The admin can view the shipping options in the WooCommerce shipping section by clicking on the View shipping button.

Thus, that’s all for the WooCommerce Shopify Connector.
For any technical assistance kindly raise a ticket or reach us by email at [email protected]. Thanks for Your Time! Have a Good Day!
Also, discover various solutions to add more features and enhance your online store by visiting the WooCommerce plugins.
Current Product Version - 3.1.0
Supported Framework Version - WordPress: 6.6.2 WooCommerce: 9.3.3
Will the inventory of the product be synced on both platforms?
So that if I have 10 in stock, both Woocommerce and Shopify will have 10, and the stock number will reduce equally no matter where the orders come from?