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WooCommerce Multi Company SaaS Plugin

Updated 26 July 2024

The WooCommerce Multi-Company SaaS plugin allows the tenants/merchants to register and create their store with their domain. 

The store owners can offer tenants different membership plans. Therefore, merchants can purchase these memberships based on their requirements. 

Moreover, this eliminates the need for the installation of additional software by the tenants/merchants. Hence, your customers can create their own online personalized shop in a few minutes.

Check a brief overview of the plugin –



  • Tenants have the option of creating a custom storage sub-domain for their online store.
  • It’s simple to sign up as a tenant and start earning money.
  • A separate tenant dashboard is available for managing sales, goods, and customers.
  • Tenant account payments can be made using the membership system.
  • Create a variety of membership programs for renters based on their business requirements For tenants, a personalized online business name.
  • The tenant/merchant can apply a theme of their choice to personalize the layout of their shop.
  • The tenant can add products and provide shipping on their storefront.


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  • The Super Admin is the only one authorized to add or delete the plugins.
  •  If the plugin is “Network Activate” by the Super admin side, then by default, it is shown on the tenant dashboard.
  • If the plugin is “Network Deactivate” by the Super admin side, then the tenant has the option to Activate or Deactivate the plugin for their store.
  • The installation and deletion of the theme is restricted to the Super Admin only. Tenants are allowed to select from the themes enabled by the Super Admin, if the theme is disabled by the Super Admin then it will not be visible to Tenants
  • Each tenant has access exclusively to their individual pages, posts, products, and orders.
  • Each tenant can configure their store’s functionality independently.

MultiSite Setup Installation

To use the WooCommerce Multi-Company SaaS Plugin the admin needs to install and activate the WordPress MultiSite Setup

Read the blog to check how you can install and set up a WordPress Sub-Domain based multisite to build a network of websites. 

If you require expert assistance or want to develop custom unique functionality, Hire WooCommerce Developers for your project.

WooCommerce SaaS Plugin Installation 

The user (Primary/Super Admin) can easily install the plugin after purchasing it. The user will get a zip file to upload in the add new plugins menu option in the WordPress admin panel.

Meanwhile, the user will navigate through the “Plugins >Add New” and click the “Add New” menu option as per the snapshot below.


After this, you will see an option on the top of your page that says “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file.


By clicking on the “Upload Plugin” option, the user will now click on “Choose File” and click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below.


After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot.

screenshot_from_2023_08_23_11_48_03Activate WooCommerce SaaS Plugin

Now when the plugin is installed correctly, the user (Super/primary Admin) will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Hit “Activate Plugin” to activate the plugin.


That is all for the installation part of the WooCommerce Multi-Company SaaS Plugin.

Admin Configuration – WooCommerce Multi-Company SaaS 

To configure the module firstly, go to the Merchant SaaS > Merchants. 

Here, the admin can check all the tenants/merchants who have registered to create their own store.

The store owners can delete these registered customers in bulk as well.


Manage Merchants in WooCommrce SaaS

Firstly, go to the Merchant SaaS > Membership. 

The admin may check information about the registered merchants on their platform for this simply click the Manage button below a customer name.

General Section – Admin End

Here, the admin can check the Merchant name, Email, Visit Site link, language code, Registered Date and Site Status.


Membership Information Section

Here, the admin may check details of the membership of a tenant like their purchased Membership Plan, Membership Amount, Subscription period, Status, Start – End Date.


Merchant Transaction Details

The Merchant transaction below includes only the current membership active plan transactions only.


Membership Plans for Merchants

All the created membership plans are visible in this section. The admin can enable, disable or delete any of the membership plans based on their need.


Add Membership Plans For Merchants

Further, the admin may add as many as membership plans they want by clicking the button Add Membership.

After which, the below page will open, here the admin needs to give input for the below fields.


Membership Status: The admin can enable or disable a membership plan from here.

Membership Name: The admin needs to enter a name for the membership.

The Membership Code: To help identify the membership plan the admin can add any code for a membership.

Membership Time Period: The admin can select the membership time period from here.

Please Note: Currently, only two time period options are available that is monthly and yearly.

Fee Amount: Further, the admin needs to give a fee amount required for the membership purchase.

Membership Color: The admin may choose any color that will be visible on the front end for the respective membership plan. 

Membership Image: The admin can customize the membership plan front end view by adding an image from here.

Lastly, the admin needs to click the button Save Changes. Moreover, the admin needs to follow the same steps to Edit a membership plan as well.

Allowed Payment Method Setup – Configuration

The admin needs to add the payment methods using which the merchant/tenants can purchase their membership plans.

Firstly, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and enable the respective payment method.


PayPal Payment 

The admin will have to configure PayPal on their account. Click on the developer option in the right top corner. 

Then, click on the Webhooks under the PayPal Developer Dashboard, and copy and paste the server URL with the postfix URL accordingly, refer to the below image for a better understanding.

Server URL of the Wehbooks – {Site URL}?action=WC_Gateway_Paypal_Subscriptions

If you want to add new REST API apps, then click on the button Create APP. 


Click on the Add Webbook, then select the following Events Tracked from the event list dropdown that are  as shown in the below screenshots. 


Further, the admin needs to enable the payment method add their PayPal account end information, and then click Save.


Moreover, the merchants can use only the payment methods that are allowed by the admin to configure this the admin can go to Merchant SaaS > Configuration.

Stripe Payment 

The admin will have to configure the Stripe on their account. Firstly, you need to enable the test mode and click on the developer option in the right top corner. 

Then, click on the Webhooks under the developer section copy and paste the server URL with the postfix URL accordingly, and refer to the below image for a better understanding.

Server URL of the Wehbooks – {Site URL}?action=WC_Gateway_Stripe_Subscription

If you want to add a new endpoint, then click on the button Add Endpoint. 

dashboard.stripe.com_test_webhookssnapshots-1Then select the following option from the event list dropdown which is invoice. paid, the customer. subscription. created, customer. subscription. updated invoice. paid, customer.subscription.created, and customer.subscription.updated as shown in the below screenshots. 


Further, the admin needs to enable the payment method add their Stripe account end information, and then click Save.


Here, as you may check the allowed payment method is listed i.e. PayPal and Stripe.  Admin can manage PayPal and Stripe subscriptions by clicking the Manage PayPal Subscription and Manage Stripe Subscription. Next, the admin can click the button Save Changes.


Merchant/Tenants Store Registration – WooCommerce SaaS

The customers can register themselves to open their own store by following the below 3-step process.

Step 1

The customers need to enter their basic details here such as Name and Phone number and click Continue.


Step 2

Further, the customer needs to add their required User Name and Email and press Continue.


Step 3

Lastly, the admin needs to add the Store Domain and store Title, select the Store Language, and click Continue.

Note: Site names can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.


The customer is sent with a username and password right after this on their registered email address.


Further, the merchant can click on the link provided in the registered email and can log in using the provided username and password as shown below.


As of now if the registered merchant checks the Active plans he or she will get the below message.


Merchant – Check & Purchase Membership Plans

The customers can also check all the available membership plans that are active and can purchase from those by clicking the Purchase button.


Further, the merchant will be redirected to the shopping cart page here click Proceed to checkout.


The merchant can use the available payment as provided by the admin here PayPal or Stripe.


Further, the customer will be redirected to the PayPal or Stripe payment gateway to complete the membership purchase.


Next, the customer needs to click the Continue button.


If the customer chooses Stripe Subscriptions payment for further checkout, then the customer will be redirected to the Stripe payment gateway to complete the membership purchase. 


The merchant will receive an order mail regarding the order received.


Right after, this the admin needs to approve the merchant order from the admin panel.


Please Note – The membership plan will be renewed on its own using PayPal recurring or Stripe Subscriptions payment method if the merchant allows it.

Once the admin approves the membership plan purchase the merchant will receive a mail regarding the order completion.


Merchant Dashboard – Active Plans

The customers may check their purchased active plan from their dashboard by clicking the Active Plans menu button.


Admin Approval For Merchant Create Store

Right after this, the admin needs to go to the Merchant SaaS > Merchants. Click on the Manage button under any newly registered customer.

Further, the below page will open the admin can click the Create Store button to approve the merchant/tenant for creating their own shop.


Once, the admin approves the membership order and clicks Create Store the merchant/tenant will receive a mail as shown below. 


As the customer/merchant will open their site link from here below is the sample image of how the storefront would appear.

Moreover, the customer will log in using the provided username & password.


Merchant Store Appearance & Theme Setup

The merchant can manage the layout and appearance of their store by changing the theme of their store.

For, this the merchant can go to the Appearance > Themes and click on activate the theme.


Right after, this New theme is activated a visit site link will appear.

Also, please note all the themes installed by the admin will be visible here to the merchant for use. Here is a sample view of the merchant/tenant store.


Add Shipping By Merchant/Tenant

Now the merchant can also add their shipping method right from their backend for this navigate toWooCommerce > Settings > Shipping, and click Add Shipping Zones.


After adding the Zone name and Zone Regions Further, click Add Shipping Methods.


At last, the merchant simply needs to choose the shipping method they wish to add. Moreover, only the shipping methods which support zones are listed.

Click Add shipping method.


That’s all for the WooCommerce Multi Company SaaS Plugin.


For any technicall assistance please raise a ticket or reach us by email at [email protected].

Thanks for Your Time!  Have a Good Day!

Current Product Version - 1.1.0

Supported Framework Version - WordPress version: 6.3 WooCommerce version: 8.0.2

Blog Version - WordPress version: 6.3 WooCommerce version: 8.0.2
  • Version WordPress version: 6.3 WooCommerce version: 8.0.2
  • Version WordPress version: 5.8 WooCommerce version: 5.6
. . .

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