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WordPress WooCommerce Daily Deals

Updated 8 November 2024

Daily deals are a very popular feature of e-commerce sites.  The Daily deals are like running discounts in a short time is one of the best ways to attract more customers to your site.

WordPress WooCommerce Daily Deals plugin helps the admin to create day-to-day deals for single or multiple products on their websites easily and quickly.

The admin can configure the deal start and end date, deal price, and deal name.

The customers can see the daily deals products with sale tag, deal price, and countdown timer. Admin can also add custom messages that will encourage customers to buy the discount product.

We provide a production version of the plugin. If you want a development version then you can get it at an additional cost. Please contact [email protected] for it.

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Watch the below video tutorial to understand the plugin workflow:


  • Support multiple deals.
  • Allow admin to create and manage deals.
  • Able to generate random deals for multiple products.
  • Can set the deal name and price.
  • Can set the deal start and end date.
  • Easily place orders for deal items with discounted prices.
  • Cron is set for this plugin.
  • Can enable or disable the daily deal status.
  • Select one or more products for a deal.
  • Allow showing countdown timer, deal price, and sale tag to the customers.
  • The admin can configure the daily deals custom message.
  • Supports all types of products.
  • WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature compatibility.


The user will get a zip file which he has to upload in the “Add New” menu option in the WordPress admin panel. For this login to WordPress Admin Panel and Under the Dashboard hover your mouse over the “Plugins” menu option which brings out a Sub-Menu and then select the “Add New” option.

add plugin

 After this, you will see an option on the top of your page that is “Upload Plugin”, click the option to upload the zip file. 

upload plugin

 Click on the “Upload Plugin” option. After that, you will see a button “Choose File” click on the button to browse for the zip file as per the snapshot below. 

choose file

 After browsing the file, click the “Install Now” button to install the plugin as per the snapshot. 

install plugin

 Now when the plugin is installed correctly, you will see the success message and an option to activate the plugin. Click on “Activate Plugin” to activate the installed plugin. 

activate plugin

Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code.

Module Translation

To learn how to translate the module, you can click here.

WordPress WooCommerce Daily Deals – Configuration

After the installation, the admin navigates to Webkul WC Addons and then clicks on the Setting.

daily deals

Daily Deal Settings

The “Daily Deal Settings” option allows the admin to configure the daily deals’ custom message settings. The admin will be redirected to the Daily Deal Settings page on clicking “Daily Deal Settings” option.

daily deals

Here the admin can:

  • Daily Deal Notify Text: display the daily deal custom message on the product page.
  • Daily Deal Notify Text Color: set the color of the daily deal custom text.
  • Sales Badge Text: set the text of the sales badge
  • Timer Text: set the name for the timer

After clicking WooCommerce Daily deal the admin can see the list of all the deals. Here the admin can Add New Deals and Update/Edit the daily deals.

daily deal list

Add Daily Deal

The “Add daily Deal” option allows the admin to create daily deals. The admin will be redirected to the daily deal page by clicking the “Add Daily Deal” option.

daily deals

Here the admin can: 

1. Daily Deal Name: set the name of the deal. 

2. Deal Start Date: select the date for the daily deal to be active. 

3. Deal End Date: set the date for the daily deal to get inactive. 

4. Deal Status: enable/disable the daily deal. 

5. Deal Price: set the price value that will be allocated to the products selected for the daily deal. 

6. Select Products for Deal: select one or more products for the deal from the drop-down list. 

7. Deal Discount Type: Discount type can be either in fixed amount or in percentage. 

8. Deal Price: Enter the deal price. 

9. Time Zone: set the time zone.

Note: The Deal Price Value Should Be Less Than The Actual Price Of The Product.

Update/Edit Daily Deals

The Store Admin Can Update The Existing Deal In The WooCommerce Admin Panel By Clicking On Edit Option.

Note: Admin Can Trash And Restore The Deals.

daily deals

Storefront – Workflow

Once the admin creates the daily deal, the customer can see it on the product catalog page as per the image.

product list

The daily deal products will have the “SALE!” tag so that the customers can easily differentiate the daily deal products.

Customers can also see the Deal Price along with the actual price. This will then help the customers to compare the prices.

The customers will click on the interested product to view the complete details for the daily deals. They will be redirected to the product page as per the below image.

product page

Here, the customers can see the “SALE!” tag, and Deal Price along with the actual price and the countdown timer. This countdown timer will display Days: Hours: Minutes: Seconds.

Note: A Cron Is Set For This Plugin. This Will Automatically Enable And Disable The Daily Deals According To Their Start And End Dates.

Product Page

The customer can see the daily deals custom message on the product page configured by the admin as per the below image.

product page

After that, the message will be displayed for all the daily deals products. That’s all for the WordPress WooCommerceDaily Deals plugin.


If you have a question/query, please raise a ticket at We will do our best to answer as quickly as it is possible. Don’t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you’ve faced with. We are always happy to help you.

Current Product Version - 1.2.0

Supported Framework Version - WordPress: 6.5.4 Woo-commerce: 8.9

Blog Version - WordPress: 6.5.4 Woo-commerce: 8.9
  • Version woocommerce is 3.0.x , wordpress is 4.0.x
  • Version WordPress: 6.5.4 Woo-commerce: 8.9
  • Version WooCommerce: 6.7.1; WordPress: 6.0.1
  • Version WooCommerce - 7.1.0
. . .

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