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Webkul ONDC Connector for Shopify

Updated 21 November 2024

ONDC Connector for Shopify connects sellers and buyers on a unified network, creating a level playing field for businesses of all sizes.

If you want to connect your Shopify store to the ONDC network, you can check out the ONDC Connector App by Webkul.

With the help of this app, you can provide your sellers the flexibility to make their products visible on the ONDC network, expanding their reach and boosting their sales opportunities.

How to configure ONDC Connector for shopify?

So the very first, you need to install the application from the Shopify app store.

After successfully installation, you need to open the application from the Shopify store >> App > ONDC Connector app.

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While configuring the application if you select the admin as a merchant type then it will be working as the existing functionality or you can say that it will be working with multiple stores only.


But if you selected the seller as the merchant type then you can simply sync your products to the store where the Multivendor Marketplace app for Shopify by Webkul is installed.

NOTE: The process of selecting the merchant type is irreversible.

How to add merchants in ONDC Connector for shopify?

To add the merchant you need to click on the add merchant button.


Select store type as ONDC Merchant Store and then validate it.

yes or no

Are you currently an existing seller of this merchant?

Here you need to select yes if you are already a seller on the store that has a multi-vendor marketplace app by Webkul.

Enter your Multivendor Login Credentials

Email :[Enter your Multivendor email address]
>>>Here you need to enter your registered seller email.

Password :[Enter your Password]
>>>Here you need to enter the login password.


But if you are not a seller in that store then select NO.

Please provide the necessary information to create a new seller

Please enter the Seller’s name (your name)
>>>Here you need to enter your name which will be visible in the Multivendor Marketplace App.


How to complete the ONDC Onboarding process

To complete the ONDC process, click on the button “Click here”, then login to the dashboard and fill in the process details given in the images below.

Refer to the screenshots below:


After login, the Onboarding process starts, fill in the required details


Select the default payment method- Internet Baking,


Fill required bank details,


Enable the hyperlocal status tab, to select the delivery distance according to your seller.


Complete time slot details.


Then select your E-commerce platform.

ONDC Connector for shopify

After completing the process the onboarding status will be changed as completed. Then the admin will be performing the actions of import products.

ONDC Connector for shopify

How to Import Products?

If you want to sync your product to the merchant store then you need to click on the import product button as mentioned in the image.

ONDC Connector for shopify

Then you need to select the merchant store name from the drop-down option.

And proceed further by clicking on the pick your store products button.

ONDC Connector for shopify
ONDC Connector for shopify

Now you need to select the product and click on the add button, and then you will get a message (Products importing in the background).

Then, to check the imported products go to the MVM Dashboard, and the products will be visible in the product listing.

ONDC Connector for shopify
ONDC Connector for shopify

Need Help ?

For any kind of technical assistance, just need to raise a ticket at, and for any doubt contact us at [email protected].

. . .

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