Purchase Order for Shopware 6 extension allows the admin to create and manage purchase orders.
By using this module, the admin can create buy orders, manage quotes, and track incoming shipments after adding multiple suppliers to a product.
Check a brief overview of the plugin –
- The admin can enable the option to generate the purchase order automatically whenever the customer places the order.
- The Email Template and Quotation for both the admin and the supplier of the purchase order.
- The admin can configure the shipping and payment methods.
- Now the admin can add a new supplier and manage the entire records of the existing ones.
- The administrator can set a low stock quantity for the purchase order to generate automatically.
- When the quantity of a product drops under low stock quantity, the purchase order is automatically generated.
- With the assistance of this module, the admin may simply manage inventories.
Installation Steps – By Running Commands & Manually
Customers will get a zip folder, then they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system.
After extracting the WebkulPurchaseOrder folder, the customer needs to transfer the WebkulPo folder to custom > plugins on the server, as shown in the snapshot below.
After the successful transfer of the module folder, you have to run the below-mentioned commands in the Shopware root directory.
1 – Go to your Shopware installation root directory then run this command –
php bin/console plugin:install WebkulPurchaseOrder
2 – After that to activate the plugin run this command –
php bin/console plugin:activate WebkulPurchaseOrder
After the installation, run this command to clear the cache:
php bin/console cache:clear
Manual installation from the plugin manager:
For the manual installation of the plugin follow the steps as mentioned below:
Step 1: In the Shopware Backend go to plugin manager by navigating through Extensions -> My extensions-> Apps after you can find all the installed plugins in it.
Step 2: My plugins page appears where all of the existing plugins are visible. Now, click on the Upload plugin button to add a new plugin to the list.
3) After uploading the plugin zip, the user can see the plugin in the list.
4) Now the user can click on the install icon to install the Shopware Purchase Order plugin.
5) After the installation of the plugin, the user can click to activate the plugin.
While in the process the admin can see the success message ‘Plugin has been activated‘.
After the installation process and plugin configuration, if the plugin icon option is not visible then run this command to clear the cache:
php bin/console cache:clear
Admin Configuration – Purchase Order Management
The admin can configure settings from their end, after successful installation of the extension.
Step 1 The admin needs to navigate Settings-> Extensions.
Step 2 Here, the admin will click on the Purchase Order Configuration option.
Under Purchase Order Configuration, the admin will find the below sections.
General Settings
- Default Quotation Quantity– Here, the admin can set Quotation Quantity.
- Generate PO on Order Placed– The admin can Enabled the automatic PO generate option after Order is placed.
- Low stock quantity for purchase order generation– The admin can set low stock quantity.
- Default Purchase Order Quantity – The admin can set the default Purchase Order Quantity of which the PO will be generated for the low stock Products.
Shipping Settings
- Shipping Method Name– The admin can select shipping methods.
- Default Shipping Cost– Here, the admin can set shipping costs.
- Default Tax Cost- the admin can set tax cost which they want to charge.
- Shipping Method Name– The admin can select shipping methods.
- Default Shipping Cost– Here, the admin can set shipping costs.
- Default Tax Cost- the admin can set tax cost which they want to charge.
Payment Settings
Under the payment settings sections, the admin can select Payment options from the dropdown.
Mail Settings
Here, the admin can set the format of mail which they want to use to send quotation email to admin, quotation email to supplier and Purchase order email to admin, Purchase order email to Supplier.
After all the changes are done, the admin will need to click on the Save button to apply the changes.
Purchase Order Supplier
In, Purchase Order Supplier the admin can add a new supplier and can manage the existing suppliers.
To add a new Supplier, the admin needs to click on Add Supplier button as seen in the screenshot given below.
After clicking on the Add Supplier, the admin will get the following section filled to add a supplier.
Status- The admin can mark the status of the supplier as Active.
Company Details- The admin can add supplier’s company details ie. Company name, Email Address, and as well as website.
Owner details– Under the owner detail section, the admin can write the related details to the supplier.
Address Details– The admin can add personal address details related to the supplier such as street, city, Zipcode, and country.
Assign Store Product- The admin can assign products to the new supplier.
After completing all the required fields, the admin will click on the Save button to create a new supplier.
Secondly, the admin also has edit and other options for the created supplier.
Product List- Here, the admin can manage the assigned products to the supplier and can add by clicking on Assign Store Product.
Quotation List- Here, the admin can manage pending quotations from the supplier’s end and can add new ones by clicking on Add Quotation button.
Purchase List- The admin can manage the purchase list of the suppliers and can edit and as well as delete them.
Furthermore, the admin can edit or delete the existing supplier.
Purchase Order Quotation
The admin navigates to Settings->Extensions for Purchase Order Quotation.
After clicking on Purchase Order Quotation, the admin can manage the existing quotation and can create a new quotation by clicking on Add quotation.
The required form will open up after clicking on Add Quotation button.
The admin can add supplier details and shipping details.
After that the confirmation mail will be send.
Now, the admin can edit the quotation from pending state to Po by clicking on edit.
The admin will be redirected to the edit page.
Now, the admin can select Convert To Po, under Status section and click on save.
Furthermore, the confirmation mail will automatically send to the admin and the supplier.
- Note- The purchase order mail will be deliver to the supplier and the admin when the stock goes low as per the set quantity.
- When the customer order a Low Stock Product, the Purchase Order quantity is generated as 1 and assigned to the supplier to whom the product belongs.
Payment Details- The admin can select a payment option from the dropdown as per the choice.
Add Product to Quotation– Here, the admin can add the product to the quotation by clicking on Add Product button.
A popup will appear after clicking on the Add Product button.
Now, the admin needs to click on “+” to add a product and click on Add button at last after adding all the required products.
After filling all the fields, the admin will click on the Save button, to add the product to the quotation, a notification will appear regarding the successful creation of the quotation.
Purchase Order
The admin will navigate to Settings-> Extensions for purchase Order.
Under the Purchase Order section, the admin can edit or delete the orders from the purchase order list.
After clicking on Edit, the admin can view and edit details also the order status.
When the order status is confirm then press the Save button, to apply changes.
A Received tab will be available.
Now click on “…” and select Ready to Receive, a popup will appear.
Now enter the quantity and press Receive Now button, a notification will appear.
Note- If the order status is marked as completed then all the remaining Order quantities will be marked Received Quantity and if the status is marked as cancel then all the remaining quantity will not be recieved.
Front End- Purchase Order for Shopware 6
After the customers log in to their account, they need to select the Purchase Order section from the menu bar.
However, the customer can select the product for Purchase Order as per the choice and click on Add to Shopping Cart Button.
Afterwards, a side popup will appear after clicking the Add to shopping cart button.
In addition, the customer clicks on Proceed to checkout button.
The customer can now verify all the details and can also select a payment option and click on submit order button.
Furthermore, the customer receives the confirmation mail.
If the customer orders a product that is in low stock quantity, then automatically a Purchase Order will be created at the admin end which is assigned to the supplier associated with that product.
That’s all for Purchase Order for Shopware 6 extension, still have any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better http://webkul.uvdesk.com/. Also, please explore our shopware development services and Quality shopware extensions
Current Product Version - 1.0.1
Supported Framework Version - Shopware
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