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Shopping List for Magento 2

Updated 1 April 2024

Magento 2 Shopping List extension allows the customer to add the products to the shopping list so as to purchase them later.

Usually, people make a list of items before going to the stores to buy them.

To remember every product and not miss a single one, the module provides the customer with a shopping list feature for the online stores too.

The store owners can add the feature to their online stores to gain a better customer experience.

To get a more clear idea of the module, kindly review the video below-

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  • The customer can create multiple shopping lists.
  • Multiple products can be added by the customer to the respective shopping list.
  • Customers can move the shopping list to the cart.
  • The customer can delete the entire shopping list.
  • The particular product can also be deleted by the customer.
  • The shopping list is compatible with the Webkul Quick Order module
  • Guest can manage one shopping list

Install Extension from Webkul Store

#1 Download Module

Firstly, you need to log in to Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.

#2 Upload Folder

Once the module zip is extracted, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below:


#3 Run Commands

After uploading the module folder, you need to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory:

  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • php bin/magento cache:flush

Install Extension from Magento Marketplace

If you have purchased this extension from the Magento Marketplace then please follow the below process or visit this link.

#1 Get Access Keys

You need to get access keys, navigate to My Profile in Magento Marketplace, then choose Access Keys in the My Products section.


Go to Magento 2 and then you need to copy both the Access Keys – Public Key and Private Key. These access keys will be needed in the next steps for authentication.


If access keys are not created earlier, click Create A New Access Key, enter any name and click OK.


#2 Update composer.json File

To know the component name and version number, go to your Magento Marketplace account section, My Profile>My Purchases, then find this extension to view the details. Please note – Below is an example image, every extension will have its unique component name and version.


After that, navigate to your Magento project directory and update your composer.json file in the following format.

composer require <component-name>:<version>

For example, to install version 5.0.0 of this extension you need to run the following command:

composer require webkul/Shopping-list:5.0.0

#3 Enter Access Keys

Now you will need to enter the Access Keys that you obtained as explained in the first step #1 Get Access Keys. Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors.

#4 Run Command

You need to run the following commands:

  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  • php bin/magento cache:flush

Multi-Lingual Setup

For Multilingual support, please navigate through Store > Configuration->General > Locale Options and select your desired language from the locale option.


Module Language Translation

If you need to do the module translation, please navigate the path app/code/Webkul/shopping-list/i18n and edit the file named en_US.csv as shown in the below screenshot.


Once you have opened the file for editing, replace the words after the comma(,) on the right with your translated words.


Now right column has German keywords:


After editing the CSV file, save it and then upload it to the same path app/code/Webkul/shopping-list/i18n. The module will now get translated into your desired language. It supports both the LTR and RTL languages.


Module Configuration

Once the module is installed completely, the admin will now manage the feature from the backend by navigating to Stores > Configuration > Shopping list.

The admin will set the Enable to Yes to make the module active for the store. Otherwise, the admin will set the Enable to No to disable the feature for the store.

default module cnfiguration

You can also access the initial configuration setting via Shopping List->Configuration Settings.

initial configuration setting

Customer View For Shopping List 

After the backend configuration, the shopping list will be visible in the front end for the customers. This feature is available for Guest customers and Registered customers.

Create New Shopping List 

The module allows registered customers to create their own shopping lists. For this, the customer will first click on Create New List under the shopping list. 


After that, a dialog box will appear with the name text field. The customer will enter the desired name of the shopping list and click on Create button.

Shopping list module

Note: The guest user can not create a new list. A default list is already present there named Guest Shopping List in which the guest customer can store their product.

Merge Guest Shopping List

Suppose you visit the store without logging in to it. Meanwhile, you may add some products to the Guest Shopping List and then log in to the store using your credentials. In such conditions, the Merge Guest List feature comes to operate.

Moreover, the registered customer can merge the guest list with their existing shopping lists. The customer will click on the Merge Guest List for merging their own shopping list with the guest list.

The below image is before the Guest List is merged:

Shopping list module

The below image is after the Guest List is merged:

Shopping list module

Further, when the customer views the details of any of the shopping list pages will appear as shown in the image below:


At the time a particular shopping list is visible on the shopping list page all the other shopping lists will be listed in the left side of the page. The customer can easily click on the desired list to view it.

Add Products to Shopping List – Guest Customer

The Shopping List for Magento 2 module provides the customer with a very clear way to add products to the shopping list while searching the store. No extra effort is needed by the customer.

On the category page, a button Add Product To Shopping List is displayed with each of the products. A dropdown comes up when the customer clicks on it and the customer can select the Guest Customer list to add the product to the list.

Shopping List for Magento 2 - Add-to-guest-list

The customer will also be able to add products to the shopping list from the product page.

Shopping List for Magento 2-add-from-product-page

View Details – Guest Shopping list 

The customer can also view the shopping list by clicking on the View details under the Guest shopping list.  

Shopping List for Magento 2- View-details

After that, the customer will move to the shopping list page. All the products added by the customer will be visible in the list. The details will include the Image, Name, Quantity, and Price of the product  as shown in the image below: Shopping-Lists-1

On the shopping list page, the delete button is present for every product. The customer can simply delete the respective product by clicking on it.

From there only, the customer will also be able to move the shopping list to the cart for the products added to the shopping list.

Add Products to Shopping List – Registered customer

The registered customers can easily add new products to any of the lists created by them(as discussed above).

After clicking on the Add to Shopping List button, the customer will select among the shopping list from the dropdown as shown in the image below:


The process to view the details of the shopping list will be the same as the Guest List.

Delete Shopping List And Their Products  

The module also allows the customer to delete the entire list and the specific product in that list too.

Delete Entire List

The list which is not in use anymore can be easily deleted by the customer. For this the customer will click on the Black delete button as shown in the image below:


A confirmation box will appear just after the customer clicks on the Delete button.


Delete Specific Products from Shopping List 

The customer can also delete some particular products from the list by using the delete button icon as shown in the image below:


After clicking on the icon, a confirmation box will appear shown in the image below:


Move the Shopping List to the cart

The products existing in the shopping list can be purchased directly by clicking on the move to cart and then follow the normal procedure of the checkout page. Meanwhile, there is two move-to-cart buttons available on the Shopping list page. The customer can click on any of them.

Additionally, the checkout process will be different for the guest and the Registered users. Proceeding with the user guide, the difference is shown in the below steps:

Guest Customer Checkout Process in Shopping List for Magento 2

For placing the order the guest customer will first click on any of the Move to Cart buttons present in the Guest Shopping List. 


After that, the guest customer will add their details and select the shipping method as shown in the image below: 


By clicking on the Next button the customer will move to the next page for selecting the payment method and accepting the Terms and Conditions. 

Shopping List for Magento 2 - place-order

Finally, for completing the order the customer will have to click on the Place Order button.

Registered Customer Checkout Process in Shopping List for Magento 2

For placing the order the registered customer will first click on any of the Move to Cart buttons present in the desired Shopping List which they are going to select.


After that, the customer will select the desired address and the shipping method as shown in the image below:


After selecting the address and the shipping method, the customer then needs to accept the Terms and Conditions.


In the end, by clicking on the Place Order button, the order will be completed. 

That’s all for the Shopping List for Magento 2. Still, if you face any issues feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better

Current Product Version - 4.0.2-p1

Supported Framework Version - Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x

. . .

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