Prestashop Product Reservation enables customers to book products for the allowed time period. Reserved products will be on hold until the reservation period ends.
Customers can order their reserved products anytime in between the reservation period.
- Prestashop Product Reservation module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x and multi-store feature.
- The quantity of product is also updated upon reservation of that product.
Product Reservation Features
- Enable reservation of a product.
- Set time period of reservation.
- Show reservation button on product page & cart page.
- Update cart if the product was reserved from cart.
- View a list of products reserved by customers in a separate “Reserved Products” tab.
- Option to reserve a product on behalf of the customer.
How to install the module
- Go to Back office>Module Manager>Upload a Module
- Now, Drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system.
- In this way, the module installation is successful.

Configure Product Reservation Module
Set maximum time limit for product reservation. Enable customer to reserve product from product page & cart page.

In order to automatically update the expired reserved product, admin has to insert the line mentioned in the above screenshot in cron tasks manager.
Customer can view the max number of available products for reservation.

A new tab to view list of reserved products is added in customer’s dashboard .

Customer can view the list of reserved products. They can also select the number of products to order from the list.
Customer is free to order the product from the list until the reservation period ends.

An icon to reserve the product is available on the cart page too.

Admin can also enable/disable reservation of products individually. To do so, go to Catalog->Products->Modules

Under Modules Section, enable/disable reservation of the product.
Some options available under the tab are:
- Custom Reserve Time Enabled: Enable this option to set the time limit for product reservation.
- Custom Reserve Quantity Enabled: Enable this option to set the maximum quantity of product available for reservation.

Reserved Products
After the installation of the module a new tab “Reserved Products” is added to the back office. From this tab admin can view a list of products reserved by customers.

On clicking the “View” button, admin can see
- Customer’s name who reserved the product.
- Quantity that he reserved.
- Duration for which the product is reserved.

Admin can also reserve the product by clicking on “Reserve for Customer” button.
When admin clicks on button, a form appears where admin has to select the customer, product, and product quantity to be reserved.

Note: Admin can reserve any product for the customer even if the product is not available for the reservation.
This was all about Prestashop Product Reservation & process to integrate reservation functionality to the store.
For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]
Also, please explore our Prestashop development services and a vast range of quality Prestashop addons.
Current Product Version - 4.1.2
Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x
Thank you for contacting us.
By default, admin didn’t receive any mail if the customer reserve any product but if you want we can customize this feature.
To discuss this in detail you can raise a ticket at our support ticket system or you can mail us at [email protected].
Good day!
Thanks & regards.