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Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards {User-Guide}

Updated 24 July 2024

Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards: Allow your customers to earn loyalty points on any purchase they make on your physical stores. Customers can redeem these reward points as a discount for the next purchase.

  • Setup loyalty and redemption rules.
  • Reward customers with points when they shop on your POS.
  • Create gift cards that can be cashed out later.
  • Cashier can redeem loyalty points to create a voucher for customers.
  • View assigned, redeemed, available, and inactive points on the POS panel.
  • Track and manage reward points from a single place.
  • Analyze the performance of loyalty program with accurate statistics.

Features of Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards

  • Enable the automatic approval of reward points.
  • Set POS reward points to value conversion ratio.
  • Specify minimum reward points needed by a customer for voucher creation.
  • Configure order status for assigning reward points.
  • Give reward points to customers for order placements.
  • Assign reward points to customers when they purchase products.
  • Cashier can view reward points assigned to a customer on the POS panel.
  • A cashier can manually redeem the reward points to create a voucher for the customer.
  • A separate tab to view reward points assigned, redeemed, and available.
  • Option to manually assign the reward points to customers.
  • Enable, disable or edit the reward points.
  • Accurate statistics to track the performance of your loyalty program.
  • Enable the partial use of the voucher.
  • Configure the minimum cart amount required to apply the voucher.
  • Restrict the categories on which the voucher will be applicable.
  • View a list of all the vouchers created for customers by the cashier.
  • Set the validity of reward points and vouchers.
  • Easily create, edit, and delete gift cards.
  • Enable the partial use of gift card vouchers.
  • View a list of gift cards along with gift card voucher codes.

NOTE: Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards module is compatible with multishop and Prestashop version 8.x.x.

How to Install Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards

For installing this module, you need to install the Prestashop Point of Sale System module first.


Once you have installed the POS module, you can now start the installation of the Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards.

  • Firstly, go to the module manager in the back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
  • After that, drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system
  • In this way, the module installation will be successful.
upload module
upload module file
configure module

Post-installation, some new tabs get available under Manager POS. From these tabs you can configure loyalty points settings and manage reward points, vouchers, and gift cards.

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Loyalty Point Rules

The loyalty point rules is divided into the following two sections:

  • Loyalty Rules
  • Catalog Rules

Loyalty Rules


Under loyalty rules, you can::

  • Enable the automatic approval of reward points.
  • Set the reward points to value conversion ratio.
  • Specify the minimum reward points required by a customer redeem his reward points.
  • Configure the maximum reward points that a customer can redeem while generating the voucher.
  • Enable the display of quick redeem reward points block on the checkout page of POS panel.
  • Select the order statuses for assigning or cancelling the reward points.
  • Set the priority according to the reward points are assigned to a customer if he fits into multiple customer type categories.

Reassign reward points after voucher deletion

Suppose a customer has created a voucher by redeeming the reward points. If you delete the voucher from the Cart Rules tab and this option is enabled, then the customers can create voucher equivalent to the value of deleted voucher.

Customer types wise points assign priority

Sometimes, a customer fits into multiple customer type categories. This option lets you define how you want to assign the reward points. Suppose there is a customer John Doe and he belongs a customer group.

Say, 20 reward points are assigned to John Doe and 40 to a customerr group. As per the priority you have set, John Doe will receive 20 reward points.

Catalog Rules

Under Catalog Rules, you can configure the reward points to assign to the customers for:

  • Placing an order.
  • Purchasing a product.
  • Purchasing the product of any category.
  • Buying the manufacturers’ product.

Sometimes a customer can fit into multiple reward types. Points assign behaviour lets you define how to assign the reward points in this situation. You can choose to assign all minimum, or maximum reward points.

Also, you can set the priority according to which reward points will be assigned to the customer.

Order Reward


Under Order Reward, you can:

  • Set the reward points that you want to assign to customers for placing an order.
  • Choose to give reward points on discounted order or product.
  • Configure the validity of reward points.
  • Decide whether to include shipping to the order total to calculate the reward points.
  • Select order reward points type as fixed or percentage.

Product Reward


Under this tab, you have to:

  • Specify the reward points you want to assign to the customers for purchasing a product.
  • Set the validity of reward points.
  • Select reward points type as fixed or percentage.

Category and Manufacturer Reward

You can configure category and manufacturer rewards in the same way you configured product rewards


Points Assign Behaviour


Sometimes a customer can fit into multiple reward types. Points assign behaviour lets you define how to assign the reward points in this situation. You can choose to assign all, minimum, or maximum reward points.

Also, you can set the priority according to which reward points will be assigned to the customer.

Let us understand this with the help of an example. Suppose you have set 100 reward points for an order, 80 for a product, 50 for a category, and 60 for a manufacturer. Let’s say, a customer places an order for a product that belongs to the men’s category and XYZ manufacturer.

If you have selected minimum reward points in the field, then a customer will receive 50 reward points on purchase. And if selected maximum reward points, then he will get 100 reward points.

And, suppose if you have set the reward types priority as shown in the above screenshot, then order reward point i.e. 100 will be assigned to a customer.

After configuring the loyalty and catalog rules, lets have a look at the front end.

Front End Workflow

Firs of all, a cashier adds a product to the POS cart.


After adding a product to the cart, a cashier needs to select a customer to proceed to the checkout.


After selecting a customer, when a cashier clicks on proceed to checkout button, he gets to the payments page. Here, he can view quick redeem reward points block if enabled by admin from the back office.


From the reward points block, a cashier can view:

  • Total reward points assigned to a customer.
  • Reward points redeemed by a customer.
  • Pending reward points.
  • Total reward points available with a customer.
  • Value of available points in terms of money..

Also, a cashier can redeem reward points to generate a voucher for the customers.

Once the payment for an order is done, the customer will receive the reward points as per the settings configured by admin from the back office. Now, when a cashier adds a product to the cart for the same customer he can view reward points assigned to him.


If disabled by admin from the back office, then quick redeem reward points block will not appear on POS, but the customers wil receive the reward points for their purchase.


Redeem Reward Points

A cashier can enter the reward points to redeem for creating a voucher.


If a cashier enters less than specified reward points required for the creation of a voucher, then an error will display on POS panel as shown in the below screenshot.


And, if a cashier tries to redeem more than specified maximum reward points for generating a voucher, then also an error will display on the POS panel.


Manage Reward Points

Reward Points

Under Reward Points, you can:

  • View customers’ name & email id and reward points assigned to them for a specific event.
  • Reward points redeemed by a customer for specific event.
  • Manage the status of reward points.
  • View expiry date of reward points.
  • View reward points available with customer.
  • Edit the reward points.
  • View the stage of the reward points.

You can choose to change the reward points assigned to a customer and its expiry date by clicking on the edit button.


Also, you can manually assign the reward points to a customer by clicking on Assign Reward Points button. On clicking the button, a new page opens on the screen where you can:

  • Specify the event for which you want to assign the reward points.
  • Select the customers to whom you want to assign the reward points.
  • Set the expiry date of reward points.
  • Mention the reward points to be assigned to selected customers.

Reward Stats

Under Reward Stats, you can view reward points for total number of customers, specific events, and particular customers.


Total Reward Status


Under Total Reward Status, you can view:

  • Total number of customers who have received reward points.
  • Total reward points assigned to the customers.
  • Reward points available with customers.
  • Reward points redeemed by the customers.
  • Total pending, expired, and canceled reward points.

Reward Type Wise Status


Under Reward Type Wise Status, you can view:

  • Number of customers who have received a particular reward type.
  • Reward points assigned, available, redeemed, pending, expired, and canceled according to a reward type.

Customer Wise Status


Under Customer Wise Status, you can view:

  • Number of times a customer has been rewarded with loyalty points.
  • Total reward points assigned to a customer.
  • Reward points available with customers.
  • Reward points redeemed by customers.
  • Pending, expired, and canceled points of a customer.

Voucher Management

Under Voucher Management, you can configure the voucher rules and view a list of vouchers created by the customers by redeeming the reward points.

Reward Vouchers Configuration



This option lets you manage the display and application of vouchers on POS panel. When a cashier redeem the reward points to generate the voucher, the voucher will not be displayed on the POS panel and applied to the cart if you have disabled this option.


As seen in the above screenshot, the reward points are redeemed successfully but neither they are displayed on the POS panel nor applied to the cart.

If the highlight option is enabled, then the voucher created using the reward points will display on POS panel and apply to the cart.


Voucher Validity

This option enables you to select the validity of a voucher if it is created using reward points of different validities. You can select minimum validity, maximum validity, average validity, or set custom validity.

Let us understand this with the help of an example. Suppose a voucher is created usīng order, product, and category reward points. The validities for these reward types are 40, 30, 20. If you select minimum validity in this field, then the validity of voucher will be 20.

If you select maximum validity, then voucher validity will be 40. And, if you chose average validity, then an average of three validities i.e 40+30+20/3 = 30 is the voucher validity.

Manage Gift Card

Under Manage Gift Card, you can create gift cards, configure gift cards settings, and view a list of gift cards purchased by the customers.

Gift Card Rules

Under gift card rules, you can:

  • Allow the partial use of gift card voucher.
  • Set the validity of gift card voucher.
  • Specify the minimum cart amount required to apply gift card voucher.

Add gift card product


On clicking “Create New Gift Card” button, a new page opens on the screen where you need to enter the gift card name, price, and quantity.


On adding a new gift card, it will show on the POS panel as shown in the below screenshot.


A cashier can add the product to the POS cart and print it once the payment is done.


Customer can keep the gift card with him and use it on the next purchase.

Gift Cards History

Under this tab, you can view a list of gift cards purchased by the customers. You can view customers’ name who have purchased the gift card, gift card voucher code, and its expiry date.


This was all about Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards Module. I hope this document will help you in checking the functionality of the module in a better way. Also, do let us know about your views in the comments.


For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]

Also, please explore our Prestashop development services and vast range of quality Prestashop addons.

Current Product Version - 4.1.1

Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x

Blog Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x
  • Version 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x
  • Version 1.7.x.x
. . .

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