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PrestaShop Monetico Payment Gateway {User Guide}

Updated 27 January 2025

PrestaShop Monetico Payment Gateway: Integrate your PrestaShop store with secure and reliable Monetico payment gateway to offer seamless payment experience to your customers.

The module allows customers to use credit cards and let store owners accept payments in multiple currencies.

Easily process refunds for the orders placed via Monetico from the PrestaShop Admin panel.

Improve your customers’ shopping experience by streamlining the checkout process with one the leading payment processor in France.


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  • PrestaShop Monetico Payment Gateway module is compatible with PHP 7.2 and above.
  • The module is compatible with multi-store feature of PrestaShop.

Features of PrestaShop Monetico Payment Gateway

  • Integrates Monetico Payment Gateway with PrestaShop store to capture secure online payments.
  • Accept credit card payments in your online store in just a few clicks.
  • A dedicated tab to view a list of transactions done via Monetico.
  • Refund the full or partial order amount to the customer.
  • Accept payments from major credit card brands including Carte Bleue / Visa, EuroCard / MasterCard, and American Express.
  • Use the module in sandbox or live mode.
  • Supports 3D security verification.
  • Supports multiple currencies including Euros, Dollars, Pounds Sterling, Yen, and Swiss francs.
  • Monetico payment pages are available in 9 languages, including English and French.

How to Install PrestaShop Monetico Payment Gateway

  • Firstly, go to the module manager in the back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
  • After that, drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system.
  • In this way, the module installation will be successful.

PrestaShop Monetico Payment Gateway Configuration

After the successful installation of the module, the admin needs to configure it.


Under General Settings, the admin can:

  • Select the mode (test or live) in which he wants to use the module.
  • Specify ETP code, security key, and company code as per mode selected.

Front End Flow

Once you have configured the module settings, a new payment method ‘Monetico’ gets available for store customers to make the payment.

monetico payment gateway

After selecting the Monetico payment method, when customers click on the ‘place order’ button, they get redirected to the Monetico payment page.

On the payment page, a customer needs to enter the card details and validate the payment.

monetico payment

After entering the card details, when a customer clicks on the ‘validate’ button, he gets redirected to the bank server for authentication.

If noting happens, click on the validate button shown in the below screenshot.

monetico payment

After successful authentication, customer will be redirected to the order confirmation page. Customer can view payment method used on order confirmation and order details page .

order confirmation
order details

Monetico Transactions

Post installation, a new tab “Monetico Transactions” gets available in the back office where you can view a list of transactions done via Monetico.

Monetico transactions
Monetico Transactions

Under Monetico Transactions, you can check the refund status and remaining amount.

monetico transactions

Click on the ‘View’ button to see the transaction details and process refund.

transaction details

Refund Process

PrestaShop Montico Payment Gateway allows you to refund the order amount. You can refund full or partial amount to the customer.

Full Refund


Partial Refund


Once refunded, you can view refund details. You can view total amount, amount refunded, remaining amount, etc.

refund details

After processing the refund, the status will update in the transactions tab.

monetico transactions

You can also process refund from the order details page.

order details

Click on the ‘Refund’ button to initiate the refund process. On clicking the button, you will be redirected to Monetico Transactions page where you can refund the order amount.


Once you have refunded the order amount, you will be redirected to the order details page where you can check the refund status.

monetico transaction details

This was all about Prestashop Monetico Payment Gateway. I hope this document will help you in checking the functionality of the module in a better way.

Also, do let us know about your views in the comments.


For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]

Also, please explore our Prestashop development services and a vast range of quality Prestashop addons.

Current Product Version - 1.0.0

Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x

. . .

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