PrestaShop Marketplace Product FAQ module is an add-on for the marketplace module.
With the help of this module seller can add some frequently asked question (FAQ) with the product in any language and can give some extra information to buyer.
This will enhance the sales also, as now the buyer will have lesser queries.
Note: PrestaShop Marketplace Product FAQ module is compatible with PrestaShop version 8.x.x.
- Seller can add FAQ with the products.
- FAQ’s are listed on the product detail page.
- Admin can set the appearance of FAQ on the product detail page.
- Seller can edit or delete the FAQ.
- Seller can write the FAQ in multi-language.
- Support all major Browsers.
- Accordion UI.
Note: PrestaShop Marketplace Product FAQ module is Multi-Shop Compatible with PrestaShop Advanced Multi-Vendor Marketplace version 5.4.0/3.4.0 and above.
In order to install the module, you need to install the PrestaShop Advanced Multi-Vendor Marketplace module first.
After installing the marketplace module, you can now proceed to install the PrestaShop Marketplace Product FAQ module.
- Firstly, go to the module manager in the back office and click on ‘upload a module’.
- After that, drag and drop the module file or select the file from the system.
- In this way, the module installation will be successful.

After installation of the module, an admin needs to configure the module.
Admin can set various settings for the FAQ from module configuration.

Heading CSS
Under the “Heading CSS” tab, the admin can configure the display settings of the question/heading.

Border and background CSS
From here the admin can set the display settings of the FAQ box.

Text CSS
From the “Text CSS” tab, the admin can set the display settings of the answers.

Add FAQs on product
To add new FAQ with product, seller needs to visit their product list page.

Product List appeared for seller shop. Seller need to click on any of product and the product description page will open-

Clicking on any of the product from the product list, will take you to product description page. Sellers can add FAQ on their products from here.

By clicking on add new button a form will pop up for creating new FAQ. Sellers can add FAQ in multi language as well.

On FAQ list you will get different options like edit, delete, active, inactive FAQ.

After filling in all the information, you get the FAQ on the product page.

If seller has written the FAQ in other language and that language is selected by buyer, then buyer can view the FAQ in the selected language.

This was all about PrestaShop Marketplace Product FAQ module. I hope this document will help you in checking the functionality of the module in a better way.
Also, do let us know about your views in the comments.
For any kind of technical assistance or query, please raise a ticket or send us a mail at [email protected]
Also, please explore our PrestaShop development services and vast range of quality PrestaShop addons.
Current Product Version - 5.1.2
Supported Framework Version - 8.x.x, 1.7.x.x
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