Prestashop-eBay Connector :
Synchronize your prestashop products to ebay.
Step:1 Click on tab configuration.
Download ebay shipping and ebay categories. It will take some time please be patience.
Set your Return policy, Listing duration and Dispatch time that will be required when you synch your prestashop products to ebay. Please be sure that you have configured this page correctly.
Save your details by clicking save button.
Step:2 After successfully downloading the ebay categories. You have to map your prestashop categories with ebay categories. Click on ‘Map categories’ tab. Simply select one prestashop(left side) and one ebay categories(right side) and then click on Save button.
Be sure that all the categories have been mapped from which your products are associated.
Step:3 Click on the tab ‘Map Features’. Some of your mapped categories have some required Specifics on ebay just like the Features on prestashop. So that you have to download all specifics of the mapped categories By simply clicking on ‘Download eBay Specifics’. It will take some time please be patience.
After successfully downloading the specifics click on ‘Map Features’ and for all categories choosing one by one, you have to map your prestashop features with the ebay Specifics.
When all required specifics will be mapped your ‘Required Specific’ field will be 1 other wise it’ll be 0.
Step:4 Click on ‘Map Shipping’ tab. On this page you can see your downloaded ebay shipping methods. Map the prestashop carrier with ebay shipping methods.
Step:5 Click on ‘Map Payment’ tab. Map your prestashop payment methods with ebay Payment methods.
Step:6 Now you are ready to synchronize your prestashop products on ebay. Click on tab ‘Map products’ an click ‘Synch to ebay’ button. This will take some time please be paitence.
Synchronized prestashop products:
Synchronized Prestashop products on ebay:
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