The visual Image Part finder module in Opencart allows the admin to add a feature to the customer by searching for sub-parts from the single product and buying them.
The admin is also having different options to manage the module from the backend.
- The admin can enable or disable the module from the backend.
- The admin can edit or change the existing image/diagram.
- Multiple products can be assigned within a single diagram.
- Product details are visible to the customer when they click on the spot number assigned to that product.
- The customer is able to add the particular product directly to the cart for checkout.
- The admin can set different colors to the spot or the numbers.
The installation of Visual Image Part Finder Extension for Opencart is very simple. First, extract the downloaded zip file. After that, open the correct Opencart Version Folder. According to Opencart Version installed in your system.
Then, upload the admin, catalog, image folder in the Opencart root directory.
Module Configuration
After installing the Visual Image Part Finder extension, we need to configure the settings.
The admin can configure this module from the left menu bar, under “Webkul Visual Image > Configuration.
Here, the admin can configure-
- Store- The admin can set the module as per the store.
- Status- Enable/disable module can be done by the admin.
- Width– The admin can set the width for the path finder image.
- Height– The admin can set the height for the path finder image.
- Spot Color– Here, the admin can set spot color.
- Spot Background Color- Here, the admin can set the color for the spot background.
- Set background Color when Product on Spot- The admin can set the background color to show the product is available.
Also, we can configure the extension from Extensions->Extensions.
In Extensions, we have to choose Modules under Choose the extension type.
In Modules, the admin will find all extensions installed.
Here, the admin can edit the extension.
Path Finder
Under the Webkul Visual Image section, we have Path Finder.
Here, the admin can manage Path Finders List and also add new.
Add New
Under Path finder, we have an add option(+), on the right side.
Here, the admin can create a new path finder.
- Status- The admin can set status as Enabled/ Disabled.
- Choose Image- The admin can choose path finder image.
- Name- Here, the admin can write name which will be displayed.
- Category-The admin can assign the category to the path finder.
If the admin assigns the same category twice, then a popup message will appear, asking to submit as Yes/No.
If the admin chooses No, then the added category will be removed.
Create Hotspot
Under the Action section in Path finder list, the admin can create and edit the hotspot.
The Hotspot Mange Page will appear.
Here we can delete the spot and can add the spot.
For adding a new spot, single-click anywhere near to the product.
Here, the admin can add the product to the spot by double-clicking on the spot.
The admin can drag and drop the spot as per the choice.
After clicking on the spot, a popup window will appear to assign the product and quantity to the selected spot
Then click on Save.
After the product is assigned to the spot, the admin can scroll down to view the assigned product.
In the Product Part List, the admin can check and remove the assigned product part to the spot.
When all the changes are done, the admin will click on save.
Image Part Finder for Opencart – Customer End
At the customer’s end, the product will be visible as per the category assigned to it. Also, the customer can do zoom in/Zoom out of the image.
![path-finder-product-Image Part Finder for OpenCart](
Here, the customer can see multiple products as a whole.
![path-finder-Add-to-the-cart-Image Part Finder for OpenCart](
The customer can click on the spot for any part they are looking for.
A popup will appear for the spot product, from where the customer can add the product directly to the cart by clicking on Add To Cart.
If any product is not available to the spot then it will show a popup with a message, “Product not available in the spot”.
Also, the customer can do checkout for different parts from the Product part list, just below the product.
The customer can add the product to the cart or can add the product to the wishlist.
The customer can compare the product with others.
That’s all for Visual Image Part Finder for Opencart still facing any issues, feel free to connect with us and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x,3.x.x.x
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