Opencart Pricelist module helps to create custom price rules according to various entities like product collection, product category, manufacturer, customers, module layout, etc.
The admin can make use of the various entities and can alter their sequence according to which the price rules will apply.
The price list created, by simply adding price rules from the created price rule. The admin can very easily set the duration of a price list.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow :
Usability Of The Module
The extension is very beneficial for the ones who want to keep their various customer available with different and attractive pricing.
Thus, the opencart pricelist module helps to set up the Price Rule to allow variable pricing. These rules when attached to multiple entities on the store.
Features of Opencart Pricelist
- The admin can easily add or edit the price rules.
- There are various entities for creating a price rule like products, categories, and manufacturers.
- The admin can change the entities sequence for changing the price rule flow while applied.
- The priority of each price rule can be set according to the requirement.
- Price calculation rule to add or decrease the price of products by percentage or fixed amount.
- Minimum Quantity can used for creating a price rule.
- One or multiple price rules can be easily added to the price list.
- The admin can easily set the date range in which the price list will be active.
Installation Of Opencart pricelist
Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has – admin, catalog, ocmod and system folders. You need to transfer the admin, catalog and the system folders into the Opencart root directory on the server as shown below.
After this, you will navigate to -> Extension Installer and upload the file oc_pricelist.ocmod.xml which you will find inside the ocmod folder.
Now navigate to ->Extensions->Modifications and click refresh on the top right-hand side as shown below.
After the above step, the admin needs to navigate to System->Users->User Groups->Administrator(Click the edit button). Now, select all for “Access Permission” and “Modify Permission” and then tap the save button.
Now go to Extensions-> Modules->Opencart Price List and click the install button to install theopencart pricelist module as shown below.
Admin Configuration
After the successful installation, navigate through Extensions-> Modules(Choose from extension type)->Opencart Price List.
Click on the admin configuration edit button next to the module to open a page with settings. Now the admin will configure the opencart pricelist module settings –
The admin will “Enable” or “Disable” the module by Module Status.
- Select the time zone of the store from Store TimeZone.
Please Note: The store time zone added for accurately applying price list rule for the required duration according to the store region time zone.
- Price Rules Entities Sequence: The admin can see the various entities from Price Rules Entities Sequence for which the price rule made. The sequence of entities changed by simple drag and drop in accordance with the required price rule flow.
- Lastly, the admin will tap the save button to save the configuration.
Manage Price List rules
The admin can add/view/edit/delete price rules to manage price list rule by navigating through Price List -> Price List Rules.
The admin can add new price rule from “Add New” button by navigating through Price List -> Price List Rule ->Add New.
Add New button opens a new page for setting a new price rule. Now the admin will add a new price rule.
The admin has to fill and set three sections for adding new price rule.
The first one is the Price Setting Rule. It has various fields of settings shown in the above image which includes:
Rule Name:
- Here the admin will give a name to the new price rule.
- Applicable On– Allows the admin to select the entity on which the rule is applicable.
Depending on the above selection of entity- Product, Category, Manufacturer, Quantity, Product’s Cart Total, and Product Module the below fields gets altered.
- Product Collection- This section contains details with regard to multiple collections of products on which the rule when applied.
- Here the admin will add the list of category on which the rule will be applied.
- Manufacturer- The admin here enters the name of the manufacturer for which the rule is applicable.
- Minimum Order Quantity- The admin can set a minimum order quantity for buyers to get the price rule implemented on the user purchase. This step can be skipped if the value is set to “0”.
Please Note:
In the case of “Minimum Order Quantity”, the price rule is applied in the customer’s cart. When the quantity in the cart will reach the minimum order quantity for the respective product, then the price rule will be applied to the amount accordingly.
- Cart Total- The Price Rule can be added to the purchase amount total by specifying here the cart total amount.
- Product Module- In this section admin specifies various sections on the homepage where price rule will be applicable.
- Rule Priority: The admin can set the priority of the price rule, which used when any particular price list includes multiple price rules.
- Status: The admin can enable or disable the price rule.
- Price Calculation Rules: This is the most important part of Price setting Rule section. Here the admin will set the action of the price rules or calculation of the price rule.
- The prefix column has two options, the first one is “+”, which used to add the calculated amount and the second one is “-“, As a result used to deduct the calculated amount. The amount to be added or deducted calculated by fixed price or percentage.
- Moreover the admin can use Filter for reaching out to one or multiple price rules.
- The filter can applied on the basis of Rule Name, Customer Name, Manufacturer, Customer group, and Price List Status.
- Each field has an auto-suggestion drop-down by which the admin can easily select the input of each respective field.
- After applying the filter the admin can view and edit the filtered result from the list of price rules.
- Edit section is the same as the Add New section. The price rule can edited by changing the setting fields.
Deleting Price Rule
The admin can delete any of the price rules from the given price rule list by selecting price rules from the checkbox and tapping on the Delete button.
All price rules selected at once and can deleted together by selecting the mass selection checkbox from the checkbox column in the price rule list.
Manage Price List
The admin can add/View/delete price list by navigating through Price List -> Price List Rules.
The admin can add new price list from “Add New” by navigating through Price List -> Price Lists ->Add New.
The Add New button opens a new page for setting the new price list. Now the admin will add a new price list.
The Add Price List section image above includes:
Price List Status :
The admin can enable or disable price list.
- Price List Name: Here the admin gives a name to the new price list.
- Duration: The admin can set the duration of date and time for which the price rule will be applicable.
- Customer Location and Zone- The admin can enter the location of the customer and Zone for which the price rule is applicable. If these fields are empty then the customer
- Price List Rules: Here the admin will select and add the price rules which will be applicable in the duration which is set for the price list. if there are multiple price rules then the price rule applied on the basis of their priority.
Price ListView and Edit
- The admin can use Filter for reaching out to one or multiple price lists.
- The filter applied on the basis of Price List Name, Start Date and End Date, Customer Group and Price List Status.
- Each field has an auto-suggestion drop-down by which the admin can easily select the input of each respective field.
- After applying the filter the admin can view and edit the filtered result from the list of the price lists.
- Edit section is the same as the Add New section. The price rule edited by changing the setting fields.
Deleting Price List
The admin can delete any of the price lists from the given price rule list by selecting price list rules from the checkbox and tapping on the Delete button.
The admin can also select all price lists at once and delete them together by selecting the mass selection checkbox from the checkbox column in the price list.
How To Assign Price Rule To Entities?
Firstly the admin can add price rule to the entities in bulk to the product, category, and manufacturers.
The Admin can apply the price rule on the product by navigating through Catalog -> Products
Here the admin can select multiple products in this section as below.
The admin can click on the Price Rule Assignment button to open the drop-down of Price Rule.
Price Rule Assignment
The price rule applied to the categories by navigating through the Catalog -> Categories.
Thus, the admin can select multiple categories in this section as below.
The admin can click on the Price Rule Assignment button to open the drop-down of Price Rule.
The price rule applied to the manufactures by navigating through the Catalog ->Manufactures.
Thus, the admin can select multiple manufacturers in bulk from this section as below.
The admin can click on the Price Rule Assignment button to open the drop-down of Price Rule.
How To Apply Price Rule?
Please Note: Only the registered and logged in user can see the altered price applied by price rule list.
- The front view of products with no price rule applicable on below products-
Price Rule
- Now adding price rule with “Product Collection” including the above-shown products MacBook Air by navigating through Price List -> Price List Rules -> Edit Icon -> Price Rule Setting -> Product Collection.
- After adding the products, Price List Calculation will be set by navigating through Price List -> Price List Rules -> Edit Icon -> Price Rule Setting ->Price calculation Rules -> Calculated Price.
- After Rule has been created, the Price list will be created by navigating through Price List -> Price Lists -> Edit Icon.
- For instance, the price rule can be made for a cretain group of customer. So, the Price list with ‘Customer price’ name is created. Wherein we select the desired ‘customer group’ and the rule for that particular product.
- Thus, in the product collection page, the price can be finally seen in which the price rule was applicable-
That’s all for the Opencart Pricelist extension. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding the extension then you can get back us at
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
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