Opencart POS-Exchange: With the help of Opencart POS-Exchange, the POS agent can easily exchange customer products.
To exchange the product, the sales agent needs to enter the order id, thus the product, related to that order id will be displayed on the POS screen.
Now the sales agent can select the product that needs to be exchanged then processes further to exchange the product.
Note:- To use this module, you must have installed Opencart POS.
On the Exchange order screen-
1. While the bought product is of the same price as the exchanged product, then the customer needs to pay the tax only.
2. When the amount of the bought product is less than the exchanged product then the customer needs to pay the price difference and respective tax if any.
3. The agent can transfer the price difference as POS credit to the customer’s wallet if the bought product amount is more than the exchanged product.
Check the plugin workflow in the video below –
- An agent can exchange products of any order within POS Session.
- Exchange all products of an order or some products (by selecting products to exchange).
- See the detailed view ( ordered products, quantity, price, total amount, payment mode, customer, etc.) of previous orders directly in POS Session.
- Add the faulty or other details for the exchange order.
- Customers can exchange the products with their available options.
- The admin has a separate section to view the exchange order.
- The pos terminal agent can easily add the credit points (if applicable) to the customer account.
- No complex backend configuration.
Customers will get a zip folder which will need to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extracted folder has – admin, catalog, ocmod & wkpos folder.
The customer needs to transfer the admin, catalog, & wkpos folders into the Opencart root directory on the server as shown below.
The admin can install the Opencart POS Exchange add-on by uploading the file through Extension> Extension Installer> Upload> Continue
After the upload is completed, the admin can log in then go to Extensions> Modification, select the module then click on refresh field.
Now, go to System> Users> Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ then select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.
Now, under Extensions > Module install the Product Exchange add-on as shown in the image below. The admin can install/ uninstall or edit this module.
module translation
Admin End
The admin can manage the module from the back end easily. By navigating to Extensions> Module> POS Exchange System, the admin can Enable and Disable the module accordingly.
The admin can see and manage the exchange order from the back end too. To view the exchange order the admin can navigate to- Point of Sale (POS)> POS Exchange
Here, the admin can see the order id with the exchange product order id as shown in the image.
Front-End Point Of Sales Panel
From the POS front-end exchange, the sales agent can easily exchange the products of the customers from the POS.
Exchange order
How to exchange orders?
Using the POS exchange, the sales agent will exchange the order products for the customer. Customers can exchange the products with their available options also. To exchange the products with the available options, the sales agent can click on the exchange button as shown in the image below-
Now, enter the order id for which the customer wants to exchange the order. After entering the order id the sales agent can select the order from the POS screen –
Now, select the product from the order id which the customer wants to exchange. And now click on the exchange button-
Return/ Exchange Order
Here, the admin can view the order details for the requested product. Then fill in the required details to exchange the product.
The sales agent can select the exchange product from the “Select Exchange Product.” Then select the exchange product from the list to exchange with the selected product. After that, a pop-up will appear with the available options for that product, select the option and add it to the cart Then click on the submit button.
Now, selected exchanged product will be added to the cart. Here are the few scenarios to exchange the product which will work according-
1. If the initial purchase product is of the same price as the exchanged product then the customer needs to pay the tax only.
2. While the bought product amount is less than the exchanged product, then the customer needs to pay the price difference and respective tax if any.
3. When the bought product amount more than the exchanged product, then the agent will transfer the price difference as POS credit to the customer’s wallet.
Now, the sales agent can click on the checkout button. Then the customer can pay the remaining amount, according to the cart.
Thus, the sales agent can easily exchange the product for the customer then generate the invoice.
From the order section, the sales agent can also see the details of the exchanged products –
That’s all for the Opencart POS Exchange. Still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
i can’t do new ean or print, we have all products whit EAN already printed and setup in opencart as EAN in DATA: catalog/products/data/EAN european article number.Your POS can read this EAN field from opencart?
your pos is SYNC with description, price,discount ecc…???