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Opencart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Updated 9 May 2024

Opencart Multi-Vendor Wallet System is one of the most important modules in Opencart, it acts as an online payment method.

By using this module, the customer can pay for their order by using wallet amount cash and money will be deducted from the same.

Using this Opencart Multi Vendor Wallet System, if the customer places an order of two different sellers by using the wallet money,

Then the payment for that order will get split among the sellers as per their product price automatically.

This module allows the admin to set the minimum/maximum limit for the recharge and the refund amount to the wallet.

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The admin can set the wallet money credit amount for the new customer registration.


  1. This is an add-on for the Marketplace Module, so the marketplace module must be installed before installing the Opencart Multi-Vendor Wallet System.
  2. At the time of adding balance to the wallet system, no other product should be there on the cart.

Watch the below video tutorial to understand the module workflow:


  • OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System automatically splits the payment between different sellers according to the product rate.
  • The seller will receive the amount in their wallet account automatically for every purchase of their product.
  • The customer can add money to the wallet.
  • The customer can transfer money to another customer only after adding that customer as a payee.
  • An email notification is available for notifying the customer for every recharge and transaction.
  • The Bank Detail option is available for the customer to add the bank details.
  • The total wallet amount is visible on My Wallet option for the customer.
  • The customer can view the credit and debit details of the wallet by using My wallet option.
  • The customer can select an another payment method in addition to using funds from their wallet if balance is not enough to cover order.
  • The email customization option is available at the admin panel.
  • The admin can also set a low balance notification to notify the customer for low wallet amount.
  • The refund status automatically changes once the refund is done in the wallet account.
  • The admin can set the minimum/maximum recharge limit for the wallet amount.
  • The admin can manually debit and credit the amount to the wallet of the customer.
  • The admin can use credit and debit history for viewing the credit and debit details for the wallet money of customer.
  • The amount which is refunded by the admin will get credit to the wallet account of the respective customer.
  • The codes are open source, so you can customize as per the need.


The installation of the OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System module is very easy.

In the zip file, you should find 4 folders admin, catalog, image, and, ocmod folders. You need to move admincatalog and image folders into the Opencart root directory.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Once you have uploaded the file then login to admin.

Then From the catalog section go to Extensions> Extension installer and upload the file. The file can be found on the ocmod folder under the module directory.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Note – You can also install the Opencart Multi Vendor Wallet System module by uploading the ZIP or XML file from the ocmod folder.

Please upload the ZIP file for version 3.X and upload the XML file for version 2.X.

Now admin will go to Extensions > Modifications and then click on the refresh button like the image below.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

After that, In Admin panel you can navigate through –

System -> Users -> Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ and choose select all for both Access and Modify Permission and save it.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Now admin can navigate to Extensions-> Order Totals to install and edit the wallet system.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Wallet System Configuration

Status: Set it as enable to use this module.

General Settings:

After clicking on module admin can enable the module and configure it according to the requirements. Under the ‘General Settings’ tab, admin can see below options.

  • Wallet image: Using this the admin can Add the image which will display in the cart.
  • Minimum Amount To Recharge Wallet: The admin can Define the minimum amount which can be added to the wallet.
  • Maximum Amount To Recharge Wallet: The admin can define the maximum amount which can be added to the wallet.
  • Minimum Amount To Refund: Set the limit for the minimum amount which can be refunded to the wallet.
  • Maximum Amount To Refund: Enter the limit for the maximum amount which can be refunded to the wallet.
  • Wallet Money Credit For New Customer: Enter the wallet amount for each customer group which will be credited to the customer’s account wallet on registration with the respected customer group.
  • Notify On Low Wallet Balance: If it is set to yes then in that case if the wallet balance reaches the lower limit set by admin for notification then the customer will get the notification for low wallet balance. And if it is set to no then, in that case, the customer will not get any notification for the low wallet balance.
  • Minimum Low Balance To Notify A minimum balance on which customers will be notified to recharge again the wallet.
  • Allowed Payment Methods: Select payment method which will be allowed to use while recharging the wallet.

Leave all unselected for allowing to all payment methods.


Admin End-Order Total Settings

After general settings, there is an order total setting in this the admin can see the following options.

  • Wallet Total Title: In this, the admin can mention the title which will be used as a wallet total title.
  • Short Order: Mention the order for the Wallet Total Title.
OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Admin End-Payment Settings

In Payment settings admin have the following options.

  • Wallet Payment Title: Title for wallet use as a payment method.
  • Geo Zone: Select the Geo Zone where the payment is possible
  • Short Order: Mention the order for the payment method.
OpenCart  Wallet System

Admin End-Order Status Setting

Here, the admin can set the Wallet Recharge Default order status, Place Order status Using Wallet and Refund Order Status.

 Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Admin End-Transaction Setting

In transaction settings, admin has the following options.

  • Adding Payee Approval Required: Select if payee must be approved by admin when payer add a payee for transferring wallet amount
  • Validation Code Duration: Enter time duration in seconds for a code sent to mail to validate payee transfer.
  • Apply Transfer Limit: If set yes then admin can apply the limit for transfer amount else there will be no limit on the transfer amount.
  • Monthly Transfer Transaction: Maximum number of transactions in a month for transfer allowed.
  • Monthly Transfer Amount: The total maximum amount in transactions allowed in a month to transfer.
  • Minimum Transfer Amount: Set the minimum amount to be transferred.
  • Maximum Transfer Amount: Using this the admin can set the maximum amount which can be transferred.
 Wallet System

Admin End-Mail Setting

  • Wallet Recharge Mail To Customer: Select a mail template which will be sent to customer while recharging account wallet.
  • Wallet Recharge Mail to Admin: Select a mail template that will be sent to admin while recharging the account wallet.
  • Wallet Used In Checkout Mail To Customer: Select a mail template which will be sent to customer after checkout using wallet account.
  • Wallet Used In Checkout Mail To Admin: Select a mail template that will be sent to admin after checkout using a wallet account.
  • Credit Mail To Customer: Select a mail template that will be sent to the customer. If the customer gets credit.
  • Credit Mail To Admin: Select the mail template which will be sent to admin when credit is sent to the customer account wallet.
  • Debit Mail To Customer: Select a mail template that will be sent to the customer if the amount is debited by admin.
  • Debit Mail To Admin: Select a mail template that will be sent to admin if the customer wallet amount is debited by admin.
  • Transfer Mail To Payer: Select a mail template that will be sent to the payer after transferring the wallet amount.
  • Transfer Mail To Payee: Select a mail template that will be sent to the payee after transferring the wallet amount.
  • Transfer Mail To Admin: Select a mail template that will be sent to admin after transferring the wallet amount by customer.
  • OTP Mail To Validate payee: Select a mail template that will be sent to the customer to validate the payee.
  • OTP Mail To Validate Transfer: Select a mail template that will be sent to the customer to validate the transfer.
  • Low Balance Notify Mail To Customer: Select a mail template that will be sent to the customer when wallet balance will be low.

Admin End-Terms And Conditions

Using this option the admin can set all the terms and conditions as per the need.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Front End

The customer will be able to use the wallet only after getting registered.

Also, the customer can select any customer group for registration and the wallet credit amount set for that group by the admin from the backend, will get credit in the wallet account of that particular customer.

Once the customer gets registered then they will be able to see the two new options as My Wallet and Transfer Balance in My Account option.


My Wallet

The seller/customer can view the total wallet balance on My Wallet itself and also by using My Wallet the customer can add money to the wallet.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Using My Wallet option customers can also add Bank Details to the wallet.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Once the customer clicks on the Bank Detail option a pop up will open and after filling all the details just click on the Add Bank Detail option to add those details.


Terms & Conditions: When the customer clicks on the Terms & Conditions then a pop-up will appear on which all the terms and conditions mentioned by the admin will be visible.


Credit History: In my wallet option the seller/customer can view the credit history also by just one click.


Along with Credit History, the Debit History option is also visible in My Wallet and by clicking on that one can see his or her Debit History.


Add Money To Wallet

The customer can easily add money to the Wallet with the help of the following steps:

Enter the amount which is to be added to the wallet then click on Add Money To Wallet option the money will be added to the cart as a product.

Add money to wallet

then proceed to the checkout option. After clicking on the checkout option fill the billing detail and then click on continue.


After completing the billing details just select the payment method and press continue button.


and lastly, confirm the order by clicking the confirm order option and the money will get added to your wallet.

Note: The customer can use only online payment methods like PayPal, Bank Transfer, etc. for recharging the wallet.


but before adding the money to the wallet make sure that your cart does not have other products along with your money which is to be added else it shows the error message.

Transfer Balance

Using this option the customer can view the payee list along with their details and can add or transfer money to the wallet account.


Add Payee: For adding the payee just click on the add button then the pop up will open in that just type email id of the payee and press add button.

Add new pay

After clicking on the add button the payer needs to validate the payee through the otp code send on the email of the payer.


once the payee is added then the admin needs to approve the payee only if adding payee approval required is set to yes in transaction settings so that the transfer option is available for the payer to transfer the money.

Transfer Money To Payee

For transferring the money to the payee wallet the customer just need to press the transfer button of the particular payee from the payee list then the popup will come as:


In this, the payer needs to enter the amount and press transfer money button then again the popup will raise to validate the transfer through OTP code.


and after validation, the money will be transferred to the respective payee wallet account.

Placing Order Using Wallet Account

Just add any product to the cart and proceed for the checkout process as shown.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System-Add product to cart

Then fill the Billing Details, Delivery Details along with Delivery Method and for payment method select Use Wallet Money option in order to place the order by using the wallet money.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System-checkout

then press continue option and confirm the order and the order will get placed.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System-confirm order

Seller End

In this case, the customer has purchased the order of two different sellers (Shane Smith and Jenifer Doe).

After placing the order, the payment for the different seller products in that order will automatically split up among those sellers.


Credit history of another seller for the same order.


Also, the seller can view the mode of payment of any order placed for his products.


Admin End

The admin can also view the credit history for both the sellers.

wallet -system 3

Use of Alternate Payment Method

In case, if the wallet amount is less than the order amount then the customer can select another payment method along with the wallet money for completing the payment of that order.


Admin Management

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System: In the admin dashboard the admin will be able to see the Marketplace Wallet option in the dashboard as shown below:

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Under Marketplace Wallet option there are few more options available to admin as:

  • Credit History:- Using this option the admin can view the entire wallet credit history of the seller/customer.
  • Note: If any customer orders the product of different sellers then this module automatically splits the payment of different sellers according to their product rate.
OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

And the money will be automatically deposited in their respective Wallet account.

Debit History:- This option allows the admin to view the Wallet Account debit history of the seller/customer as shown below.


And also the admin can transfer the amount to the bank of the particular customer by clicking on the add wallet debit option the new popup will open and after completing all the details.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

The admin just needs to click on the submit button and the money will get transferred as shown below.


Bank Details:- It allows the admin to view the bank details of those sellers/ customers whose bank details are added to the wallet.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Also, the admin can edit the bank details of any customer using the action option as shown below.

OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System

Transfer History:- By using this, the admin can see the wallet money transfer history of all seller/customer as shown below.


Payee List:- It allows the Admin to view the payee list and also the admin can accept or delete the Add payee request from here only.


Under the action, the Approve or disapprove options are visible and for deleting the payee admin just needs to select the particular payee and click on the delete button.

Mail Template:- This allows the admin to view all the default wallet mail templates and also by using this option the admin can add or delete the mail templates as shown below.


After clicking on the add button for the email template,

The two options will be available to admin as General and info in the general options the admin need to fill all the details as:


and click on the save button the new template will be saved and in the info part, there are the keywords which admin can use while making a new mail template.


Refund Money To Wallet

If the customer faces any issue regarding the product and if the customer has used the Wallet Money to place the order then the money will get a refund to the Wallet Account.

But For that, the customer needs to request for the refund first from the admin.

wallet -6

Admin End Refund

Admin can view the return request of the customer in the order history of that particular customer steps are Sales> Order,

Then select the customer and under the action, admin can view the order history of that customer and can return the refund from there only.


After clicking on the refund button the amount will get refund to the wallet of that customer.

Then, the admin can view the refund details in Order History under the Wallet Payment option as.


Once the payment is refunded then the order status will get changed automatically


And the customer can view the refunded money details under Credit History in My Wallet option.

Refund-status - Opencar Multi-Vendor Wallet System

That’s all for the OpenCart Multi-Vendor Wallet System.

If have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at HelpDesk System.

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

. . .

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