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Opencart Marketplace Pre-order

Updated 10 October 2023

Opencart Marketplace Pre-order will help sellers to add Pre-order for their products that have not been yet released. This will help customers to Pre-order “out of stock” products. Having a Pre-Order facility for products will benefit both the customers and sellers. The sellers will be able to set the pre-order status and availability date for the products with the payment mode type as full payment and percentage payment. Sellers will also be able to send notification emails to the buyers for their pre-ordered products.

Opencart Marketplace Pre Order is an add-on to Opencart Marketplace. You must have Opencart Marketplace installed for using the Opencart Marketplace Pre-order add-on module.


1. This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.

2. Opencart Marketplace Pre-order module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.

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Features – Opencart Marketplace Pre-order

  • Buyers can order Out Of Stock products.
  • Admin can set custom text to display on the pre-order products.
  • The Admin can set pre-order status and availability date.
  • Admin can set Full payment or Percentage payment for the Pre-order product.
  • The Admin can check the Pre-order & Pre-order inquiries in his panel.
  • When the Pre-order date is available customers will receive an email notification.
  • Sellers can add pre-order for their products.
  • The sellers can check Pre-order & Pre-order inquiries in their panel.
  • Sellers can set pre-order status and availability dates.
  • The sellers can set Full payment or Percentage payment for the Pre-order product.

Installation Of Opencart Marketplace Pre-order

Customers will get a zip folder and they have to extract the contents of this zip folder on their system. The extract folder has – admin, catalog, ocmod folders. You need to transfer the admin, catalog folders into the Opencart root directory on the server as shown below.


After this you will navigate to-> Extension Installer and upload the files MPPreorder.ocmod and wk_preorder.ocmod which you will find inside the ocmod folder. Now, after uploading the file click continue as shown below.

Now navigate to->Extensions->Modifications and click refresh on the top right hand side as shown below.

After that go to Extensions->Modules->Marketplace Pre-order and click the install button to install the module as shown below.

Get The – Recaptcha Site Key And Secret Key

Step 1: Go to Googles reCAPTCHA page and click on the myRECAPTCH button on the right.

Click the v3 Admin Console button.


Now, select reCAPTCHA V2 type, enter the Domain name of your website, Accept the Terms of service, and click Register button.


Next, you will find the Site key and Secret key as visible below. These keys will be require at the time of module configuration. reCAPTCHA-3

Configuration Of Opencart Marketplace Pre-order

After the installation of the module admin will configure the module by navigating through Extensions->Modules->Marketplace Pre-order and clicking the edit button next to the module. A new page opens “Marketplace Pre-order” with General and Mail tabs.

Opencart Marketplace Pre-order-1

General Settings

Under the General tab, admin will configure all the entries for the Pre-Order as start below-

  • Enable the status of the extension for use.
  • Enter the Google re-captcha Site key.
  • Also, enter the Google re-captcha Secret key.
  • Enter the text that will be your Add to Cart button label text.
  • Also, enter the text that you want to display on the product page.
  • Select what would be the prefer mode of notification – AutomaticManual or both.
  • Here, select the status – when the automatic notification will be sent to the buyer.
  • Select the stock status which will be applied when the products is being set as a pre-ordered product.
  • Enable or Disable the seller can delete pre-order.
  • Now, enable or Disable the seller can delete the pre-order product.
  • Enable or Disable seller to delete an enquiry.

Mail Setting:-

Marketplace Pre order Pro (1)

Here, the admin will –

  • Find the Mail Keywords that can be use to configure the various emails.
  • Select the mail which will be sent to notify the customer about product availability.
  • Pre-Order email: Set this as enabled if you want Pre-Order email other that opencart update email else select this as disable.
  • Admin Email: Enter the message that you want to send to the customer on Pre-Order with order mail.
  • Lastly, click the Save button at the top right-hand side.

Pre-Orders – Admin Management

Under this, the admin will find a list of all the pre-orders that have been placed by the customers. The admin can delete any of the orders from the list by selecting an order and clicking the delete button at the top right-hand side. Admin can filter the results for the pre-order list using the – Product NameCustomer NameCustomer EmailNotification Status, and Status.

Pre orders list

The admin can also view the details of any of the pre-order by clicking on the view button. Clicking the View button brings up the details of the particular pre-order which includes –


The order detail page shows the general detail related to order, order history and also can add order history for the customer if in future the customer places another order.


As per the selection made in the configuration settings for the notifications, the admin can choose the mode of notification as AutomaticManual, and Both.

In the case of automatic, the notifications are sent automatically to the customer on a particular event.

Pre-Order Enquires

The admin can check all Pre-Order enquiries of customers by navigating to Pre-Order->Pre-Order Enquiries. Admin can also filter the enquiry list using the Customer NameEmailStatusSubject, and Product Name. The admin can also delete the enquiry list as required.

enquiry list

To view an enquiry, click on the View button under the Action column for the specific customer. Here, the admin can revert back to the customer’s enquiry by entering the query and selecting the status as Close or Resolved as required.

enquiry details admin end 2 2

To reply back, the admin will enter the query and select the current status as open/resolved and lastly, click the Submit button to send in the reply to the customer.

enquiry details admin end 2 1

After sending the reply, the admin can see the complete conversation.


Seller settings for Marketplace Pre-order

The seller can navigate to his account menu and can see the pre-order menu items, where sellers can add pre-order for their pre-order products which are not yet release, manage pre-order product list, view pre-orders & pre-order enquiries.

Add Pre-order Product

Sellers can see a list of all his products and can add any product to the Pre-Order list. Seller will navigate to their Add Pre-order Products menu item to add products for pre-order.

Add Pre order Product

  • And will set Pre-order Mode to Full or Partial payment.
  • enter the pre-order quantity that can be added by customer
  • set the quantity per order
  • per order place by a customer
  • Enable or Disable the customer to place order through one IP Address only.
  • Enter start date for pre-order scheme.
  • Enter the date for pre-order
  • Select the status to enable or disable the product.

Pre-order Product list

Sellers can see the complete list of their pre-order products in the Pre-order Product List, sellers can use different filters to search their pre-order products and also can easily delete the product by first selecting the respective product and then click on the delete icon on top right of the product list page as shown below.
Pre order Product List

Like through product name, model, the price of pre-order, through the deduction type i.e. fixed or partial or by order status.


Sellers will be able to see the complete list of Customer Pre-orders.
Screenshot (1)Here the orders can be filtered out by name, customer name, customer email, through notification status i.e notified or not-notified or through status i.e pre-ordered or full paid.

Pre-Order Enquiry

Sellers will be able to see the complete list of Customer Pre-orders enquiries.

Screenshot (9)

The seller can easily filter the enquiries, and also can view them by clicking on view button under action column. From there seller can easily change the status of the query also & can delete the enquiry too.

Pre-order Product Purchase by Customer – Opencart Marketplace Pre-order

Pre-Order Type – Full

The customers can see Pre-Order option for the available Pre-order product on the category page.

Screenshot (2)

When the customer will go to the product page they will find a “Login” button, if they already haven’t logged in. Click the Login button to log in. Please note that Login is required for pre-ordering a pre-order product.

Screenshot (3)

After login, go back to the pre-order product and you will see the Pre-Order button.

Screenshot (4)

On the checkout page, click the Confirm Order at the last.

Screenshot (6)

Now, whenever the pre-order product availability date arrives the product will be shipped directly to the customer’s address.

Pre-Order Type – Percentage

As it’s a percentage based pre-order product, you will see the message displayed that “Pre Order price – 50% before completion of the Order” i.e. $49.50. Depending upon the percentage set by the admin in the back-end configuration settings, this message gets displayed.

Screenshot (7)

On the checkout page, click the Confirm Order at the last.

Screenshot (8)

Now, whenever the pre-order product availability date arrives the product will be shipped directly to the customer’s address.

That is all for the Opencart Marketplace Pre-order module, if you still have any doubts please add a support ticket at

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x

Blog Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
  • Version 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
  • Version 2.0.x.x, 2.1.x.x, 2.2.x.x, 2.3.x.x
. . .

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  • Pre-order
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