Opencart Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification is a Marketplace add-on that allows you to receive text messages on your phone for various notifications of the store. These SMS notifications are sent using MSG91 API. Different kinds of notifications related to seller approval, product approval, orders, transactions, contact to admin, or seller can be configured. The admin, sellers, and the customers will be receiving these text messages on their phones. The admin can use various keywords for SMS notifications.
Opencart MSG91 Notification is a Marketplace add-on, you need to install Opencart Marketplace module from here in order to make this module work.
1. This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
2. Opencart Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Module Features
- The admin can add, edit, or delete templates for various SMS notifications.
- Insert various keywords variables in the message templates.
- SMS notifications for seller request and seller approval.
- The customer receives order status change notifications.
- When a seller adds a new product or edits an existing product, the admin and the seller receive SMS.
- SMS notification sent to sellers for new orders and transactions.
- When a customer contacts a seller, the admin, and the seller receive SMS notifications.
- Also when a seller contacts the admin, the admin receives an SMS notification.
- The admin sends a custom SMS to all the sellers and the customers from the backend.
- Custom SMS to other mobile numbers can also be sent by the admin.
- The admin can view message history and can even resend the same SMS again.
- The module supports multiple languages translation.
Installation Process- Opencart Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification
The installation of this module is very simple. First, extract the downloaded zip file and then select the correct Opencart Version Folder according to Opencart Software Version installed in your system. Then, after opening the correct Opencart Version folder, you need to upload admin and catalog folders to the root directory of Opencart.
Now login to your admin backend and navigate through Extensions->Extension Installer. Click button Upload and browse the XML file, this file is in the ocmod folder. Please select the correct ocmod folder according to your Opencart version installed in the system.
Click Continue after uploading the XML file.
After uploading the XML file, please navigate through Extensions->Modifications->Modification List. Now click the Refresh button as shown in the below screenshot. Once you refresh the modification cache you will get a success notification message on top.
After that, go to System->Users->Usergroups and edit ‘Administrator’ and click Select All for both Access Permission and Modify Permission and Save it.
Now navigate through Extensions->Modules->Module List and find Marketplace MSG91 Notification from the list. Click the Install button as shown in the screenshot below.
Language Translation
Opencart Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification module supports multiple languages, please click here to read about Opencart language installation and translation.
In order to make this module work, you need to get an API key from MSG91. Please click here to obtain your MSG91 API key. Please Sign in if you have an account on MSG91, else create a new account.
Once you have successfully log in, click the API link as shown below:
Copy the Auth key and save it somewhere, it will be used in the Opencart module configuration.
Configuration- Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification
To configure Opencart Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification module please navigate through Extension->Module->Module List and find Marketplace MSG91 Notification from the list. Click the Edit button as shown below.
Now here the admin can do the following changes to Opencart Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification module. You can also use links near Save button for creating a new MSG91 account, view module User Guide, and contact Webkul for support.
Status – Set the module status as either enable or disable.
Auth Token – Enter the MSG91 API Key.
Sender ID – Specify the From parameter for the SMS. Instead of a phone number, this name will be visible by your recipients.
Country to Send SMS – Select any one of the countries from the menu.
Click Save button to save your changes.
Admin Management
The admin needs to go to the Opencart backend for managing the MSG91 SMS Notification. Please navigate through Marketplace->Message. From here the admin can manage SMS templates, send SMS to customers or sellers, and view SMS history. The admin can view all the list of SMS templates with information such as Id, Name, and Message.
Click the Add button to create a new template for an SMS notification.
Also, to send a new SMS notification to customers, sellers or any mobile numbers click Send button.
For editing or updating an existing template, click the Edit button.
Also, to remove any template from the list, select the template and click the Delete button.
If you want to search any specific template from the list, use the Filter option.
Add Template
The admin can create an SMS template after clicking the Add button.
Name – Enter the message name.
Message – Enter the content of the message, you can also use some keywords.
Also, the admin can use the various pre-defined keywords for the SMS notification. If the admin uses any of the keywords in the message, the information will acquire automatically from the store. Following is the list of keywords which the admin can add in the message:
- Order {order}
- Message{message}
- Commission {commission}
- Product Name {product_name}
- Customer Name {customer_name}
- Seller Name {seller_name}
- Currency {config_currency}
- Marketplace Store Name {config_name}
- The admin or Store Owner {config_owner}
- Marketplace Address {config_address}
- Store Geocode {config_geocode}
- Store Email {config_email}
Send SMS
The admin can send the SMS to its customers and sellers from the backend. It can also send an SMS to any other mobile number. Please navigate through Marketplace->Message and click the Send SMS button. The following page will open, select to whom you want to send this SMS from Message To menu option.
Also, messages can be sent to either all the sellers, all the customers, specific customers or sellers or to any other mobile numbers.
Also, enter the content of the SMS and click the Send button.
Message History
Also, the admin can view the SMS history by navigating through Marketplace->Message and click the Message History button. The following page will open, here you can view the list of all the messages sent.
Click the Resend SMS button to send an SMS again to the recipients.
To remove any records from the list, click the Delete button.
Use the Filter option to search any record from the list.
Unique Id is assigned to every message history for better management.
Configure SMS Notifications
Also, the admin can configure the automated SMS Notification settings by navigating through Extensions->Modules->MarketPlace->Edit.
After clicking the Edit button, you need to click the Message tab. Under Message tab, the admin can configure which message to be sent for which incident. You can configure automated SMS notifications for the admin, sellers, and the customers. Following are the various incidents, where the SMS notifications will be sent to the admin, seller or customer.
Message Keywords – Also, here you can view all the list of keywords for the message.
Marketplace Instances:
Request for Sellership – Select the message template for the customer. When it makes a request to become a seller on the marketplace.
Message to Admin after Customer Request – Select the message template for the admin. When a customer sends a request for becoming marketplace seller.
Message After Approve Partner – Select the message template for the customer. When the admin approves the seller request.
Product Add – Select the message template for the seller, when it adds any new product to the store.
Message to Admin after Product Add – Select the message template for the admin, when a seller adds a product.
Message after Approve Product – Select the message template for the seller. When the admin approves its new product.
Transaction Add – Select the message template for the sellers. To notify them about any new transactions.
Order Message – Select the message template for the seller, when a customer buys its product. The seller and the admin receives order details.
Customer Contact Seller message – Select the message template for the seller. When a customer contacts the seller. Please note – If Mail To Admin if Customer Contact Seller is set as Enabled, then the admin will also receive this notification message.
Seller Contact Admin message – Select the message for the admin, when a seller contacts the admin.
Edit Product Message to Admin – Select the message template for the admin. When a seller edits any product and disapprove on edit is set as enabled.
Edit Product Message to Seller – Select the message template for the seller. When it edits any product and disapprove on edit is set as enable.
SMS Notifications View
Following are some of the sample text messages which will appear on the phone for the admin, sellers and the customers.
Admin’s Phone Customer’s Phone
Partner Approval (Manually)
When the partnership request have been approved by the admin. The customer has now become a seller in the marketplace. It can start adding products to its store.
Customer’s Phone
Seller Product Add
When a seller adds a new product to its store, SMS notifications are sent to the admin and the seller.
New Order
When a new order is placed by a customer, SMS notification related to that order will be sent to the admin, seller, and the customer.
Admin’s Phone Seller’s Phone
Customer’s Phone
Order Status Change
Customer Contact Seller
When a customer contacts the seller, the SMS notifications will be sent to the seller as well the admin.
Edit Product
When a seller edits a product, SMS notifications will be sent to the admin and the seller.
Admin’s Phone Seller’s Phone
Thank you for viewing Opencart Marketplace MSG91 SMS Notification blog. If you need more information regarding this module, please contact us
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
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