Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System connects the customers with local stores and also transforming the shopping experience of the customers.
This module allows for delivering seamless services on time.
The seller will add the location where they can ship their products. The customers will enter their location and check the available products and sellers in that location.
Sellers and admin can add their location according to which their products will be visible to the customer.
The seller and admin can also add the shipping rate according to the location range.
1. Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System module is an add-on of Opencart Marketplace module, you need to install Opencart Marketplace first to use this module.
2. This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
3. Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow:
- Allows delivering seamless services on time.
- The customer can enter their location and buy products from the nearest seller’s store.
- Also, the customer can also change their location.
- The customer can check the seller’s availability in their location.
- Customers can check the product’s availability in their location.
- The seller can add multiple locations.
- Also, the seller can add Hyperlocal flat rate shipping.
- The seller can add the shipping price using a CSV file.
- The seller can configure the delivery time slots for their products.
- Delivery time slots let the customers choose their own delivery day when they want to receive the orders.
- Admin can also add multiple locations.
- The admin can add shipping on behalf of sellers using a CSV file.
- Admin can add radius unit and range which will be used to search the seller from the customer’s location.
- The seller and the admin will manage the Delivery/ Pickup for customer orders.
- The admin can allow the customer to process the Single or Multiple seller checkout.
- Customers can check the available sellers on the Homepage.
- Product details previews in the form of the popup so take lesser time to view and no navigation is required.
- This module is also working on multi-store.
- Admin can sort the product by location or in alphabetical order.
- The seller can set the price for locations between pickup and drop location.
- Admin can add the location of their store and can show their product if the location is added by the admin.
Note – Google Map API feature is a paid service.
Installation of Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System is easy. After unzipping the module directory you can find the following folders:
admin, catalog, demo,ocmod, system, and theme patch.
The user just needs to upload admin, catalog, demo, and system folders to the root directory.
If you are using the journal theme then upload the catalog folder from the theme patch.
Once you have uploaded the file then login to admin and go to Extensions> Extension installer and upload the XML file. The XML file can be found on the ocmod folder.
After uploading the XML file go to the Extensions > Modification and click on the refresh field.
Now, after that in the Admin panel go to System -> Users -> Usergroup and edit ‘Administrator’ and select all for both Access and Modify Permission then save it.
After that under Extension > Modules install the Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System Module like this way.
Module Translation
As this Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal System module supports multiple languages so this section will describe how to make the module work in different languages.
Please check this link for language translation
How To Get Google Location API Keys
To configure this module, you will need a geolocation API key.
You can get this API using the following steps :
- Go to:
- Login in and go to API’s and Services > Credentials.
3. Create a project here
4. Select API key from the option and Click on create credentials.
5. Credentials will be created
So this is how geolocation API key can be obtained and used to configure our module.
Domain Verification
The user needs to follow the given steps for verifying the domain.
Initially, on the Google Cloud Platform page, the user must navigate to APIs & Services > Domain verification as shown below.
This navigates the user to the Domain Verification page, where the user needs to click on the Add Domain button.
A popup shall appear as shown in the image, where the user needs to fill in the Domain URL ( in the text box and click the ADD DOMAIN button.
On clicking the ADD DOMAIN button, another popup opens up bearing a name Verify ownership.
The user must click on TAKE ME THERE, to proceed further.
On clicking the same, it redirects the user to the Webmaster Central page as shown in the image below.
The user must click on ADD A PROPERTY button present on this page.
A textbox opens up where the user needs to add the URL of the property that the user wishes to verify and click on Continue.
Google recommends some steps that the user must follow to verify the URL of the property.
Thereafter, the user can tick-mark the I’m not a robot checkbox and further click Verify button.
Once the verification process is completed, the following page shall appear.
Enable Google API Keys
To enable the Google APIs, the user must open up the Google Cloud Platform page and navigate to the Credentials page.
The user will find All Google Maps APIs dropdown, clicking which the user needs to click on the ENABLE API.
In doing so, a list of Google APIs opens up. If users don’t find the required API, they can type the name of the API in the search box and search for it.
To enable the API, the user needs to click on it.
Geocoding & Maps JavaScript APIs
Geocoding API: Enable
Maps JavaScript API: Enable
PLaces API: Enable
Module Configuration
After installation, the admin will configure the module settings by navigating to Extensions > Modules > Marketplace Hyperlocal as shown below –
Here, the admin will-
- API Key: Enter the API key. Get the Google API key from the above-mentioned process.
- Hyperlocal Module Status: Enable or disable the module as per the choice.
- Hyperlocal Store: Here you select your hyperlocal store.
- Single Seller Checkout Status: The admin can Enable this for restricting the customers to purchase products of multiple sellers.
- Allow for admin products(if enabled): Customer can see the product of the admin if the location is added by the admin.
- Redirect on seller profile(if enabled): Customer can view the products on the seller profile.
- Heading For Location Model: Enter the heading that will be visible to the customers while entering their location.
- Radius Unit: Enter the radius unit.
- Default location of customer: The admin can set the default location of the store.
- Sort By: Sorting of products will be done in alphabetical order or by radius (near to far).
Further, navigate to Extension > Module > Marketplace and click on edit.
After that allow the ‘Seller Location‘ in the account menu from the Marketplace module so that sellers can see the option in their marketplace menu.
Homepage List Store
The admin will have to navigate to the Extensions > Modules > Homepage List Store for managing the list of sellers visible in the frontend when a customer adds any location.
Further, the admin will Enable the Status of this feature. By this, the layout of the store will show only the seller’s list.
Otherwise, the homepage view will be like a normal store homepage that looks like a default store homepage.
The admin will manage the homepage layout by navigating to the Design > Layouts > Home.
There, the admin will add the details like Column Left, Content Top, Column Right, and Content Bottom.
Now, the admin can configure the Hyperlocal Shipping from Extensions > Shipping.
Also, after clicking on the edit button, the admin can select geo-zone, enable the module, enter the title for the shipping method, and enter the default flat rate shipping.
Hyperlocal System – Seller End
After the module is installed, the seller will log in to their account. Further, the admin will add the seller location by navigating to Seller Location under the right panel.
Four options will be visible to the customer:
- Add Location
- Shipping list
- Time Slots
- Set Price
Add Location:
Sellers can click on ‘Add Location’ to add the locations where they can ship their products. Here sellers can add locations and see the list of locations that are already added.
The seller will require to add the following details:
- Location: The seller will type the location and select the appropriate location from the dropdown.
- Latitude & Longitude: These fields will get filled automatically.
- Seller Delivery/ Pickup option: The seller can choose between options i.e. Delivery and Pickup, this will depend on the location added by the customer.
- Delivery: If the seller selects the Delivery option, then the customers will get their product delivered to the doorsteps.
- Pickup: Whereas, in case of pickup, the customer will have to pick the order from the respective store.
Shipping List
After adding locations, the seller can enter the shipping data which depends on the distance between the seller and the customer and the weight of the product.
The seller can click on the ‘Shipping List’ Option to add shipping.
Here, a seller can enter a flat rate which will be applicable if the customer does not lie under the shipping range defined in the CSV file.
You can create a new CSV to insert or update the shipping method. In the CSV file, the first row defines the column name.
Once you have created and uploaded the CSV file click on the next icon on the top of the page to match the column.
After that click on the save button to save your shipping method.
After clicking on the save button it will show on the Hyperlocal Shipping page.
Note:- If a customer does not come under the shipping rate defined in the CSV file then the flat rate will apply.
If a seller has not mentioned any flat rate then the rate which admin has entered at the time of Hyperlocal Shipping configuration will apply.
Time Slots:
The sellers can configure the delivery time slots also and let the customers choose their own delivery day when they want to receive the orders.
Here, the seller will:
- Select Enable to display the delivery Time Slots at the front-end. Else, select Disable.
- Then, configure the start and end times for the delivery time slots of each day of the week. These time slots will be visible on the product page to the customers.
- Can even set the status of the slots as Open and Close as per the choice.
Set Price
The set price is used to set the additional price to the basic price of the product. To understand this go through the following example
Suppose the basic price of product A is 10 at
now at location 2, the price of the same product is 20
This is because for certain pin codes the hyper local set price is added for far locations. So in the above example, the value of the additional price is 10
The set price can be added in two ways
Add manually:
Here in the below image set price is added manually. Go to seller location> set price and fill the given fields
Type: File type can be XLM, CSV, XLS.
Country: Select the country from the dropdown.
State: Select the state of the country from the dropdown.
Zip From: enter the minimum value range zip code.
Zip To: enter the maximum value range zip code.
Price: enter the price which will be added to the base price
2 Add by file upload:
Click on the plus icon to add the set price.
Here select the type of file which will be uploaded, below image is for CSV file:
Here is the uploaded CSV
Upload the CSV file and click on save button. Price will be added as shown below
Hyperlocal system – Front End
When a customer visits the website then the default location will appear which is set by the admin.
If there is no seller at the customer’s location then no product will be visible to the customer and the message will be displayed as in the image below:
If there is a product in the cart and the customer changes the location. Then a pop-up notification will show stating “Change in the location may clear the cart. Are you sure? “.
If the products which are added to the cart do not exist in the new location then the products will get deleted from the cart.
For example- if the customer has saved location New York and added products P1, P2, and P3 in the cart.
Further, if the customer changes the location where the P1 and P3 products are unavailable.
In this case, P1 and P3 products will get cleared from the cart and the product P2 will remain in the cart.
Seller Profile Page
The customer can view any seller to select various products. The products will be visible under the Collections tab. The products will be visible as per the location.
A tag is available in the image showing the process by which the customer will receive the order. It can be either Delivery Or Pickup.
Further, the customer will select any product and it will view in the form of an image popup.
On the popup, the customer can view and select the delivery time slots available and proceed to checkout.
Note: Here the close time slot will not be visible in the front end as given in the below image:
Also, the customer can select the products under the Sell page of the store.
Single Seller Checkout
The admin can restrict the customer w\to checkout with products of a single seller. The actions will be different if the admin enables or disabled this feature from the backend.
Enable Single Seller Checkout
If this feature is enable by the admin , the customer can not buy products of multiple sellers.
They can only add products of the same seller at a time. Still, if a customer tries to add products of the different seller then a popup will appear.
The customer can either Update the cart with new products or checkout wit the previously added products of the cart.
Disable Single Seller Checkout
Whereas, if this feature is disable by admin then the customer will be free to add products of multiple sellers. Also, the seller name is mention as shown in the image below:
Checkout Process
The customer will add the product to the cart that they want to checkout with. After that, the customer will view the cart as shown in the image below:
After clicking on the Continue button the checkout process will start as shown below:
The customer will log in if not done before. Guest customers can also create an account in this process.
After selecting the Billing and Delivery addresses the customer requires to provide the Delivery method.
For providing faster and better delivery process the customer will select Marketplace Hyperlocal Shiping as shown in the image below:
After that, the customer will select the payment method. The available methods will be visible in the list:
Finally, under the Confirm Order tab the customer will check the brief order details as shown in the image below:
By clicking on the Confirm Order, the customer will navigate to the order success page:
Check Order Details
The customer can check the placed order under My Account >. Order History. Thereby. selecting the desired order will navigate the customer to the order details page.
Note: The customers can also view the shipping method and delivery time slots details in their order information.
Even the admin and the seller can view the shipping method and delivery time slots details in the order information.
Hyperlocal System – Admin End
Admin has full control over the module. Admin can add the location of the seller from the admin panel.
For this, from the admin section navigate to Marketplace > Hyperlocal > Seller location.
Here admin can check the seller name and the locations added by them. Admin can also add or delete locations from here.
After clicking on the add button admin can add multiple locations at the same time. Here admin can select admin or any seller’s name from the dropdown and enter the location.
The admin will add the following details:
- Seller: The admin will select the location of the seller.
- Location: The admin will type the location and select the appropriate location from the dropdown.
- Delivery/ Pickup option: The admin can choose between options i.e. Delivery and Pickup, this will depend on the location added by the seller :
- Delivery: If the admin selects the delivery option, the customers will get their product delivery at doorsteps.
- Pickup: Whereas, in case of pickup, the customer will have to pick the order from the respective store.
The admin can also add shipping with the use of the CSV file. For this admin can navigate to Marketplace > Hyperlocal > shipping list.
Here admin can check all the shipping rates added. Also, the admin can add shipping prices on behalf of the seller.
After clicking on the add button admin can find the option to upload CSV file and select separator. Now, the admin can click on the next button to continue.
Further, by clicking on the Next button, the admin needs to match the column according to the index. After that click on save to save your shipping method.
After clicking on the save button, the admin will navigate to the Hyperlocal Shipping list page:
Note:- If a customer does not come under the shipping rate defined in the CSV file then the flat rate will apply.
If a seller has not mentioned any flat rate then the rate which admin has entered at the time of Hyperlocal Shipping configuration will apply.
That’s all for the Opencart Marketplace Hyperlocal module. Still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views at
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 3.x.x.x
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Thanks and Regards