Opencart Marketplace Correios Shipping allows the customers to select Correios shipping methods for their product delivery. Also, It calculates shipping rates according to the product weight and distance between the seller and customer addresses. The Correios Shipping manages the Brazilian postal code system. Also, it provides various shipping methods with and without the contract.
The admin can add an additional estimated delivery time and handling fee for the Correios Shipping method.
Please Note: –
- Opencart Marketplace Correios Shipping is an Opencart Marketplace Add-On, please install Opencart Marketplace first.
- Opencart Marketplace Correios Shipping works for Brazillian Postal Codes only.
- The shipping rates will be based on the delivery zip code, product weight, and product length.
- It is necessary to have a contract signed with the Correios to have the account code and password.
- Also, this module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
- Opencart Marketplace Correios Shipping module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Watch the below video tutorial to understand the extension workflow:
- Set the title for the Correios Shipping Method for the front-end.
- Select the tax class to apply with the Correios Shipping Method.
- Configure the error message if the Correios Shipping Method is not available.
- To make the shipping configuration visible at the vendor end the admin needs to give permission.
- Show/hide the estimated delivery time on the front-end.
- The admin can add additional delivery time for estimating delivery.
- Select the allowed shipping methods for the customers.
- Also, select a fixed or percentage-based handling fee.
- Calculate handling percent fee amount including/excluding shipping.
- Sellers can add the tracking number to their orders.
- Sellers can download and print orders & invoices from the front-end.
- Also, the admin can transfer the shipping amount to the sellers.
- Support multiple language translations.
- Also, the module source code is open for customization.
Upload Folders
First, download and extract the zip file. After that, open the correct Opencart Version Folder. According to Opencart Version installed in your system.Hence, upload admin and catalog folders to the Opencart root directory.
Upload XML
Now log in to admin backend and navigate through Extensions>Extension Installer. Also, click the Upload button and browse the XML file, this file is in the ocmod folder. Please select the correct ocmod folder. According to your Opencart version installed in your system.
Click Continue after uploading the XML file.
Refresh Modifications
After uploading the XML file, please navigate through Extensions>Modifications. Also, now click the Refresh button as visible in the below screenshot.
Edit User Groups
Also, after that, go to System>Users>Usergroups. And then edit ‘Administrator’. Click Select All for both Access Permission and Modify Permission and Save it.
Now, navigate to Extensions>Shipping. Find Marketplace Correios Shipping from the list. Click the Install button as visible in the screenshot below.
Language Translation
The module supports multiple languages, please click here to read about Opencart language installation and translation.
Module Configuration
Also, after the module installation, the admin needs to do the module configuration. Navigate to Extensions>Shipping and find Marketplace Correios Shipping from the list. Also, Click the Edit button as visible in the screenshot below:
The following page will appear after clicking the Edit button. Also, from here the admin has the following options available to configure the Correios Shipping Method:
Edit Marketplace Correios Shipping:
- Status – Select the Correios Shipping Method status as Enable or Disable.
- Title – Set the Correios Shipping Method title for the front-end.
- Tax Class – Select the tax class for the Correios Shipping Method.
- Error Message – Enter an error message, when the Correios Shipping Method is not available.
- Account Code – Also, enter your administrative code by the ECT. This code is available in the body of the contract signed with the Correios.
- Account Password – The initial password corresponds to the 8-digit CNPJ of the contract.
- Shipping Methods – Select which Correios Shipping Methods to show in the checkout process.
- Use Stated Value – Also, select Enable, to use Sedex a cobrar shipping method, else select Disable. Note: – If this option is enabled, the shipping rates will be calculated according to the product’s price.
- Add to Delivery Time – The admin can enter the additional time (in days) for calculating the estimated delivery of the Correios Shipping Method.
- Show Delivery Time – Select Enabled for showing estimated delivery time (in days) during the checkout process.
- Calculate Handling Fee – Select how to calculate the handling fee. Select Fixed to apply the same handling fee for all shipments. Also, select Percentage to calculate handling fee on the basis of the product’s price and shipment cost.
- Handling Fee – Enter the handling fee price value or percentage.
- Calculate Handling Fee by – Select how to calculate the percent based handling fee.
- Including Shipping – The handling fee will the percentage of product’s price + shipping cost.
- Excluding Shipping – The handling fee will be the percentage of the product’s price.
- Shipping – The handling fee will be the percentage of the shipping cost.
- Admin Postcode – Also, enter the postal code of the admin’s store.
- Sort Order – Set the sort order of the Correios Shipping Method.
Marketplace Module Configuration
When the admin pays the sellers, it can also include the shipping cost with the payment. Also, to do that please navigate to Extensions>Modules>Order and go to Shipping Method for Seller’s option. Select Marketplace Correios Shipping for including shipping cost for the sellers.
So now, if a buyer orders products from multiple sellers and selects Marketplace Correios Shipping Method. Also, after the order completion, when the admin pays the sellers, the sellers will receive their payments including shipping cost accordingly.
Correios Shipping- Vendor Permission
To make the shipping configuration visible at the vendor end the admin needs to give permission. Henceforth, for this a navigation can be followed- Extensions>Extensions>Modules>Markteplace>Catalog Module Configuration.
Seller Configuration
The vendor can now set the configuration for the shipping method to be visible on their products. Henceforth, for this, the vendor will follow the navigation as- My Account>Marketplace Correios Shipping.
Herein the seller will add the Postcode of the vendor’s address.
Customer Front-End View
Also, after setting up the module, the customer can add marketplace seller products and enter the delivery details. From the below, the customer has entered the Brazilian address.
Now, the customer needs to select any of the available Correios Shipping Method from the options. The customer can view the Estimated Delivery Time (in days) with the shipping rates as applicable. Also, the customer can add any comments to this order.
Error Message
If somehow any of the Correios Shipping Methods are not available, the customers will see an error message. Then the customers will have to select any other shipping method. Also, the admin can customize this error message from the module configuration.
At the Confirm Order step, the customer will see the selected Correios Shipping Method name mentioning Estimated Delivery Time and Shipping Cost. Also, click Confirm Order to place the order.
Customer Order View
After placing the order, the customer can go to My Account>Order History and View the order. Here the customers will see the selected Correios Shipping Method name in the Order Information page. Also, the customer can track the order by clicking the Track Order button.
Product Tracking Details
If the seller has entered the tracking number in the order, it will be visible on the customer front-end. After clicking the Track Order button, a small pop-up window will appear. Also, the customers can view the Seller Tracking No. with the Order Status.
Seller Front-End View
Seller Order View
When the customer places the order, the seller can view and manage their orders. By navigating through (Marketplace Menu) My Account>Order History and click View. The sellers can view the Correios Shipping Method with Estimated Delivery Time. Also, the sellers can print the invoice and add a tracking number for this order.
Here is the sample Invoice Order showing the Correios Shipping Method.
Admin Back-End View
Admin Order View
The admin can view the order details from Sales>Orders. Thus, the selected Correios Shipping method name will be visible. Also, after changing the Order Status to Complete, the admin can pay to sellers including the shipping cost.
Thank you for viewing this blog. If you have any queries or require more information, please contact
Current Product Version -
Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x
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