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OpenCart Coupon List at Checkout

Updated 10 October 2023


With the help of the Opencart Coupon List at the checkout module, the admin can create as many coupons as they want for the customer. The coupons are created for the whole cart, for the products, or for the categories by the admin.

The customer can select those coupons at the time of checkout. If the coupons are created for the product or the category, then that coupons are visible for that product at the cart page.

The admin can enable or disable the plugin from the back-end and can set the limit of the coupons to show at the cart page on the front-end.

To get more clear idea on the module, kindly review the video below-

Features- Coupon List at Checkout

  • The admin can set the number of coupons to show at the cart.
  • Select the coupons to display at the shopping cart.
  • Coupons that are only created for the entire cart is selected by the admin.
  • Customers can view all available coupons on the cart page.
  • The customer can apply a single coupon at a time.
  • Coupons are created for the cart, products, and categories.
  • The customer can view the description of the coupon.
  • The history of every coupon is stored under the coupon history.
  • While creating the new coupon, the admin can decide whether to add in configuration or not.
  • The admin can enable or disable the status of the coupons.

Installation- Coupon List at Checkout

The installation of the OpenCart Coupon List at Checkout is very simple. The admin just needs to move or upload the admincatalog folder into the Opencart root.

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upload file

After that, you have to upload the file through Extensions > Extension installer 

Extension Installer

After that, for uploading the file navigate towards the Extensions > Modification and click on the refresh button and then you can see the uploaded file.


Thus after the uploading completes, navigate towards  System > Users > User group and edit Administrator.

User Groups

Now, select all for both Access permission and Modify permission and save it.

User Groups

Thus, the installation of the module completes.

Module Configuration- Coupon List at Checkout

After the successful installation of the module, the admin can easily configure the module from the back-end by navigating through Extensions > Extensions > Modules> Webkul Coupon List


Here, under Edit Coupon List Module the admin set;

  • The status of the module is set as enabled or disabled.
  • The admin can set the limit of the coupons which are shown at the cart page (front-end).
  • The admin can select the coupons from the Select Coupon list to show at the front-end.

Note: The limit is must less than 100 and more than 0 (0<limit<100).

Henceforth, the admin can now create coupons for the cart page.

Coupon Creation

The admin can now navigate towards Marketing > Coupons to create new coupons or edit the existing one.


The admin can click on the Add icon for adding the new coupon. After that, the admin needs to enter the details which are required:

Add Coupon


coupon create

Coupon Name– The coupon name is set by the admin from here.

Code– Here the admin enters the code, which the customer will enter to get the discount.

Type- Form here, the admin can decide whether to give the discount in percentage or in a fixed amount.

Discount– Here the admin enters the discount percentage or the fixed amount.

Total Amount– The total amount that must reach before the coupon is valid.

Customer Login– If this option is set as Yes, then the customer must log in to use the coupon or else not.

Free Shipping– If this option is set as Yes by the admin, then the shipping cost will not apply on the order, and if set as No, then the shipping rate applies.

Products– From here, the admin can choose the specific products on which they want to apply the coupon or select no products to apply the coupon on the entire cart.

Category– The admin can select the category from here to apply the coupon on its entire associated products.

Date Start- The admin decides the start date of the coupon.

Date End- The coupon end date can set from here.

Uses Per Coupon- Here the admin can enter the maximum number of times the coupon can use by any customers. The admin can leave it blank for unlimited use for any customer.

Uses Per Customer- The maximum number of times the coupon can use by a single customer. The admin can leave it blank for unlimited use for a single customer.

Status- The status of the coupon can set as enabled or disabled.

Description (Add-On feature of the module):

coupon description

Add in Configuration- If this option is enabled, then created coupon can add in the configuration which will display on the cart page.

enabled, then created coupon can add in the configuration which will display on the cart page.

Coupon Heading– The coupon heading will display at the cart page in the coupon details.

Coupon Description– Here the admin can describe the details about the coupon, which the customer can see it under the Know More section.


** If the admin has made the coupon for the products or the categories, then even if by enabling it under the Add in Configuration it can’t add into it. It will directly show on that particular product (on which the coupon is applicable) at the cart page under the Use Coupon Code section.

** The Add in Configuration option will only appear at the time of the creation of the new coupons. It will not appear while editing the existing coupon.

Thus, the new coupons created in this way.


The customer can view all the available coupons at the cart page under the Use Coupon Code. For the reference check the below snapshot:

coupon on checkout

Note- The customer can see and apply the coupons only on the cart page.

To know the detail about the coupon, the customer can click on the Know More button as per the below snapshot.

pop up coupon

The customer can click on the Apply Now button to apply the coupons into the cart.

checkout page

Thus, in this way, the customer can apply the available coupons on the cart during the checkout.

Coupon History

The admin can view the history of coupons that are used, under the History section of that coupon.

coupon history

The history contains the Order Id on which the coupon can apply, the name of the customer who used that coupon.

The discount amount and the date on which the coupon can be used.

**If the coupon is used by any guest user, then the customer section doesn’t contain any name.

So, if the admin wants to see the history of the coupons which are used by the customers, then they can see in this way.

Thus, that’s all for the OpenCart Coupon List at Checkout. Still, have any issue feel free to add a ticket. Also, let us know your views to make the module better. ツ

Current Product Version -

Supported Framework Version - 2.x.x.x,3.x.x.x

. . .

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