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User Guide for Odoo Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)

Updated 7 February 2025


Odoo Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) helps customers to return or exchange products. Each return gets a unique return code for easy tracking.

In Odoo’s Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA), admin and customer can generate a return request. Moreover, they can conveniently track the status of return request.

Customers and admins receive emails when the request stage changes. It keeps them informed about the return process.


  1. Odoo Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) helps customers to return products.
  2. This module also allows customers to exchange the product.
  3. Customers can create return or exchange requests directly from website.
  4. Customers can create a single or bulk return request.
  5. Customers will get a pop-up to select reasons and quantity of product.
  6. It generates a unique code for each return for easy tracking through department.
  7. Admin can also raise RMA requests directly from sale order.
  8. Admin can raise return requests per product within sale order.
  9. Admin can also view RMA records through sales order.
  10. Admin can manage return stages via Odoo backend for return management.
  11. Once delivery is validated, return button will be visible.
  12. Customers and admin receive an email when return stage changes.
  13. Customers can communicate regarding their return requests directly from website.
  14. A public user can request returns or exchanges by providing their order details.


  1. Once you purchase Odoo Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) module from Webkul store, you will receive a link to download module’s zip file.
  2. Extract the file on your system after download finishes. Consequently, as a result, you will be able to see a folder named ‘rma’.
  3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
  4. Now, open Odoo App and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode.
  5. Open the Apps menu and click on ‘Update Modules List.’
  6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘rma’
  7. You will be able to see module in the search results. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.


  1. After installing Odoo Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) module, customers can initiate a return request for product they ordered on website. This can be done once their order is delivered or partially shipped by navigating to My Account → Sales Orders → Order.
Sales Orders list

2. They can choose to return products in bulk or a single item as per their preference.

  • Go to Sales Orders >> Order >> Return Products for bulk returns.
Bulk Return Option
  • For a single return, Sales orders >> Order, and now customers can see return button for each product.
Bulk Return Option

3. Fill up details like – return quantity, return type(refund or exchange), reasons, and remarks to return the order. 

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bulk return details form

4. After submitting return request, You can access it under My Account → Return Orders

Return Orders tab

5. customers can view all return requests in Return Orders tab.

Return requests

6. Customer can track the status of their return requests anytime.

Raised return request

Backend View

7. Admin can configure return order settings from backend by navigating to 

      Configuration >> Setting >> RMA.

RMA settings

8. All return requests are accessible in the RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) section.

Rma requests

9. If needed, then admin can manually create a new RMA request. Therefore, they can manage return requests more effectively.

New RMA form

10. Admin can define different return stages in RMA → Configuration → RMA Stages.

RMA Stages

11. You can set up return reasons in RMA → Configuration → RMA Reasons.

RMA reasons

12. Admin can manage RMA requests by updating their stages.

Stage Change

13. They can create return request directly from backend and after creating an RMA request, admin receives a pop-up.

RMA pop-up

14. After creating RMA request, a confirmation message appears to indicate successful creation of the RMA request.

Request Creation

15. If the request is for an exchange of product. An RMA of exchange type will be created in backend.

Exchange product RMA

16. Admin will agree to exchange and there will be a button appear to receive defective product.

Receive product

17. After clicking on this button a pop-up to fill in details like return type, quantity, etc will appear.

Pop-up to fill

18. After receiving the order, an incoming delivery will be created for replacement of product.

Incoming delivery

19. On clicking delivery order button, a pop-up to fill in exchange product details like quantity, product destination, etc will be visible.

exchanging product

20. Now the outgoing delivery for the exchange product will be created.

Outgoing delivery

Need Help?

Hope you find the guide helpful! Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

If you still have any issues/queries regarding the same, please raise a ticket at the UV Desk.

I hope this helps. In case of any further queries, contact us at our support mail.

Thanks for paying attention!!

Current Product Version - 2.1.0

Supported Framework Version - V18, V17, V16, V15, V14, V13, V12, V10, V9, V8

Blog Version - V18, V17, V16, V15, V14, V13, V12, V10, V9, V8
  • Version V18, V17, V16, V15, V14, V13, V12, V10, V9, V8
  • Version Odoo 17, 16, 15
. . .

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