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    Odoo Marketplace Seller Price Comparison

    Updated 28 August 2023

    Note: The User Guide describes the workflow of Odoo Marketplace Seller Price Comparison only. To know how the base module: Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace works; kindly refer to the User Guide Of Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace.


    Price comparison does a great job helping consumers find good deals. It also adds transparency in to the product price that in result is a perfect strategy to gain their trust of your customers. Odoo Marketplace Seller price Comparison Module lets you to set a comparison between the price of a product from different sellers on your Marketplace.

    Now get more leads and better conversions for your Marketplace!!

    With this module, you can provide your sellers a better coverage and additional marketing avenue that gradually increases the conevrsion of your website. A product can be set as global so that various sellers can assign their product to the corresponding defined global products. So, whenever a customer will search for a product, they can view all other related products by various sellers and compare the price and the product too.


    1. The Odoo Marketplace Seller Price Comparison Module allows you to create global products.
    2. Sellers can link their products to global products so that customers can compare product prices.
    3. Sellers list selling the same global product will be displayed on the product page.
    4. You can manage the view of products on the shop page as per the global/lowest-highest price or can set manually.
    5. Sellers can specify the price and quantity of the product linked with global products.
    6. You can display different sellers on the product page with their prices.
    7. Customers can compare the same product of different sellers.


    1. Once you have purchased the module from our Webkul store, you will receive a link to download the zip file of the module.
    2. Extract the file on your system after the download finishes. You will be able to see a folder named- ‘marketplace_product_price_comparison’.
    3. Copy and paste this folder inside your Odoo Add-Ons path.
    4. Now, open the Odoo and click on the Settings menu. Here, click on Activate the Developer Mode. You can activate the developer mode by typing ‘debug’ after ‘web?’ in the URL as well.
    5. Now, open the Apps menu and click on the ‘Update Modules List’.
    6. In the search bar, remove all the filters and search ‘marketplace_product_price_comparison’.
    7. You will be able to see the module in the search result. Click on ‘Install’ to install it.


    1. Once the installation is completed, visit the Odoo Seller Dashboard from the backend. Login as admin and follow the path Configuration>>Settings.
    1. Under Product Terms Option, enable the Product Comparison option to display comparison products in several ways hence, to display all linked comparison product on the website you need to set “All comparison products” another setting is of displaying the linked products as a “normal product” or to make them “inactive” on the removal of the global product.
    1. Now, follow the path Products>> Assign Global Products to set sellers product as a global product. Later a seller can link their products to predefined global products. Even you can also assign a comparison product on the behalf of a seller.
    1. A popup will open. Here, you can add or remove a global product to add simply click on the Add button and select a product from the list, and click on the “Make global product” button.
    1. Follow the path Products>>Global Products to check all the created global products and comparison products which are linked to these products.

    Seller View

    1. Now, login as a seller and follow the path Seller Dashboard>>Assign Global Products.
    1. After clicking on Assign global product a popup window will appear from here seller can select the global product to which he will link his comparison product and fill in necessary information such as price and quantity of the product and assign global product.

    Website View

    1. As a result of the backend configuration, the display of products on the website will change. For example, if all the comparison product is displayed the view will be like this.
    1. If the configuration says that only a global product is to be displayed on the website rest all other comparable products will not appear on the website.
    1. If the configuration says that only the highest price comparison product needs to be displayed then as linked comparable product only the product with the highest price will appear on the website.



    If you have any issues/queries regarding the module please raise a ticket at

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    Current Product Version - Odoo V13, V12, V11

    Supported Framework Version - 1.0.0

    . . .

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